Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/129

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108 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 117. 1916. $840; mechanic, $1000; map copyists-—four at $1,000 each (two submitted as skilled draftsmen at $1,200 each); four messengers eight assistant messengers (one submitted at $660, two transterre to First Asststant’s office); mneteen laborers (one in lieu of assistant messenger, six transferred to Fust Assistant s office, and four omitte ;m all, $309,750. _ (§‘§fl&'$?;,°Zt€?”“` Cosrmsaivr r:x1>aNsns,PosrOrr1cn Dnrmzrumxrx For stationery and blank books, index and guide cards, folders, and binding devices, including lpurchase of free penalty envelopes, $20,000. _ “°°“**¤ P’““'~ For fue and repaus to heating, ltghting, and power plant, including repairs to elevators, purchase an exchange o tools, and electrical M ml su hes, and removal o ashes, $38,500. °‘”°m”" ligr telegraphing, $4,500. For painting, $2,000. _ _ For purchase, exchange, hire, and maintenance of horses and horsedrawn passenger-canying vehicles, and repair of vehicles, including motor trucks and harness, $2,500.

  • “S°°"““°°‘“`· fFor miscellaneo(§1sd]i3t;ms, including I:lurcl|1hi1se,Iexbc;3h;`ange, and repair

o t writers, a m `_ es, an o er a -saving devices; stree{P?:ar tickets not exceeding $200; plumbing; floor coverings; postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad which_1s not exemapt under article eleven of the Rome convention of the Umversal Post dlglngon, ${0,0100, of which sun; not exceelépg $3,985 may be expen e or teep one service, an not excee $1 500 ma be expended for law books, books of reference, rai1§vay’ `des, sbity directories, books necessary to conduct the business of the dielpartment ; _ and to department buildings. §`,‘,},,""*,'§‘}§,‘};,_ For umiture and filing cabinets, $7,000. rmi. For rent of stables, $500. omem Postal Guida. For publication of copies of the Ofheial Ifostal Guide, $21,000. 8,,,,,,,,, ,0, d,,p,,.,_ Hereafter contracts et for the publication of the Official Postal m;_¤(;;.»¢ch 19 Guide shall provide for the suplply of such co ies as may be required ’*°' ‘ for public use b{_ the sever executive dlnpartments and other Government estab ents at a price not exceeding the cost of such mm www a guides to the_Post Office Department. ,,,0,;,,,,,,,,,, ,,0, ,,, ,§ _ Appropriations made for the service of the Post Officc Department ¤¤g:0,{¤; ¤;fggf¤¤¤¢· in_conformity with the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and ' thing-six, shall not be ex nded for any of the purposes herein provid for on account of tg; Post Office Department at Washington, District of Columbia. .,3*mw* °‘ me DEPARTMENT or Jusrron. s,.‘EE$Yt§“°<im¤°3Qi?°'§i1 Qrjrrcn or run Arrosssr Gnvnnarz Attorney General, $12,000; s"“‘“ _ Solicitor General, $10,000; assistant to the Attorney General, $9,000; ,,,§,§’{‘,f§€§“°‘ °°*’“"" six Assistant Attorneys General, at $7,500 each; Solicitor for the Department of the Interior, $5,000; Solicitor for the Post Office Demomm mm partment, $5,000; Solicitor of Internal Revenue, $5,000; Solicitor for seem. ’ the Department of State, $5,000· four attorneys, at $5,000 each, one of whom shall have charge of all condemnation proceedin in the District of Colup1bia ant; supeirvise the examination of tigllas and matters arising rom suc con emnation roceedin in which e United States shall be a party or have ari) interestgsand no spediiil attomey or counsel, or services of rsons other than of those provided for herein, shall be em loyedxlor such purposes; attorneysone $3,750, five at $3,500 each, one $3,250, fourteen at $3,000 each, two at $2,500 each; assistant attorneys—one $3,500, two at $3 000 _ each, two at $2,750 each, five at $2,500 each, one $2,400 twd at mf*“*’ °"·"k» °*°’“· $2,000 each; assistant examiner of titles, $2,000; chief cle;-1; and ex officio superintendent of buildings, $3,000; superintendent of build-