Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1408

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CIXXXVI INDEX. Reclamation of Arid Lands, Statc—C0ntd. P¤8°· Red Lake [ndian Forest, Minn., _ P88¤· construction charges, etc.; list to land created 111 Red Lake Indmn Reservation.. 137 Offices, ,,.. - . . 507 area designated . . . 137 liens for, ou public lands; enforcement. . 507 lands for churches, schools, atv., reprxrity otpcharges under reclamation 507 an t servecg _. . e1;_ ,,,,,,,.. o mentso agnc u wi subrogation of tax title purchaser on sales of tiinbor from. ... _. . . 137 paiwmem; thereof ,. . . . . 507 adrninistratxon by Secretary of the Intexjior. 137 public ands not subjectto tax, etc., liens dxsposition of timber products, sawmxlls, until plans submitted to Secretary muscries,etc .. . ... 137 of the Interior 507 leases for camping, em., allowed . 138 release if work not constructed, etc . 508 easements, etc., retained .. . ... 138 in organized districts, on approval of not reccigts to be credited to Red Lake Secretary, subject to taxes, etc . 508 In .. 138 plans for, to be recorded in land districts. . 508 use of interest .. . . . 138 unentered lands not to be sold for taxes. . . 508 Indian townsibo reserved . 138 tax a continuing lien; payment before sale of timber outside of Forest; use of proapproval of entry ... . . 508 ceeds . 138 unpatented lands, not subject to reclama- Red Lake, Minn., tion Act, may be sold for taxes . 508 preliminary examination, ctc., of, to be Eg-iant to purchaser; conditions - - . . 508 made .. . .. 409 `tations not applicable to sales to irri- Red Lake River, gation districts 508 bridge authorized across, Highlanding, on default of fees, etc., any qualiiied en- Minn . . 512 tryman may purchase . 508 Kratka. Township, Minn ... 925 pgfment, etc., required . . 509 preliminary exammation, etc., of, to be onto lands vacated, open to any app1i· made . 409 gmt .. f . . 509 Rod River, f f b I mo of ayment 0 'cns etc., u' . 509 appro riation or improvement o e ow defivery oi) irrigitgon éisistrict gnotiggs as to f PFultou, fi . 398 unpaton an .. 509 , or improvement , an repair 0 eveos _hearing:f appeals, ctc . . 509 between Fulton, Ark., and Washita. ' dlsposail dsmoneys received from public 509 b Hgekiwégr, .. .. .. an .. n au onz across, oyce, .. Reclamatwbn Scrmbe, Index, Tex 1198 appropriation for all expenditures, from Term.], Okla ... . ... 251 reclamation fund; objects specified. 303 examination, etc., of, and for maintenance, etc., of designated irri- 304 tributaries, for Hood protection, to be 408 gation pr0'ects . ... made for pegon dary projects .. 305 Red River Bn? Dim-abt, !lm1t8fi0D on expenditures 305 may bridge od River, Index, Tex . . 1198 xntzrcbangmblo appropriations al- Rd Rim cfg., Nmh, ¤¤w¤d: r¤¤¤·i¤¢i¤¤ ----- - ---·------- 306 bridge authorized wm Beumom N. use of moneys refunded .. 306 Dak ________________ ’ ___________ ’ ____ 5 14 irrigation projects on Indian reservations, Qaledouja, N_ pak ____ _ _______________ 511 M<>¤*~¤¤¤, ¤¤ M ¤¤¤¤u¤¤d by ---·---- 141 Hendrum, Mimi. m Elm Rim, N. mk. an sale of Boise and Arrcwrock Railroad, con- poyk County Mfmlq md Grand Fark, t ¤”¤°*j,@t€°* Bm, Td¤h°· v¤>i¢¢¢· ·- 506 County, N. Im 924 €!'m8, con I IODS, etc . 506 Red-add S Dal, Recorder ofDeeds, D. C'., 8 rg, pihionior public buildin 268 appropriation for book typewriters. ... 1012 P ·p p- · g`· `°`` -` `L mgm; ww for ·=<·w¤g, em »¤¤=·¤>— 1012 "°E°‘°?§ ‘E“$"?‘Z‘T‘?f¥"`FT‘?'}f‘iT R‘f'?¥‘F. Wifi. 18 · '` ·' 'T ’'' ‘ ‘`’'`' Redwood Creek, Cal.,

   _   S60 R approgriation for improvement of  . . . . 404

Recruiting Mm-im Cm- a, “ `“· ""» . . appropriation for; scgrertising agencies. 614,1190 may p§rf‘?°t };°;,“°i°“d °°u'Y m Ghcmr 342 de cnency appropriation for .. 29, 816 ?u°H“ ax · · ·_ ·········· _· · ·_ ···· Remuim, Navy, Rqform,at%ru.é and Oorrectwnal Imtmuwm, appro riation for expenses of ... 560, 1170 _· _·» _ dngcharges allowed after one year’s sea ¤PP¤`0P¤¤}t10¤ for Wash-m8t0¤ A¤Y1um uid service; conditions .. . 560 Tall --·-··-·- ~ ~·----·~-·--~···· ¢06» 104 mpeued ..., , ___,,,,,,,,.,. 1171 gor §0qne fir Aggrl - gig, {gg; guts to pggunggtem fqy yocunzng or auona Tmming oo or ys , p ;e _________ _ _____ ________ 5,60 for National School for Girls 707, 1035 pwchqse, etq., of motor vehicles au- Rqfarrnatory, D. C., _ thonzed; Iunxt: 1170 appropriauion for temporary quarters, etc.. 711 d€6<21€11€y &ppr0p¤3¤0¤ for ... - . 29 Ear construction of permanent buildings, Red Blu,f,_ Cql., _ improvements, etc. ... . 711, 1039 zpgrp nation for public building .. . . 268 for maimuemmee .,,.,, . ..,,,,,.. 711, 1039 Rf Z1; Indian. Reservation, Wis., ‘ for fuel ,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,., 712, 1039 appropriation for completing mad ou; re- for en1arg` central power plant for, Red paymint. .: {I. . I .. ) . 158 f and Ylcgihouseééi . ... .. 712 see mencaniatxo Prose. orcom e' con weran mo` Red Hook éfhqnnel, Qmvanus Bay, N. K, uratror tpufnts, etc. E)? .. 1039 appropnatmn for ampmvement of . . . . 392 deficiency appropriation for maintenance. 808