Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1418

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CXCV1 INDEX. Seamen, Anm~ica·n—C0nt·inued. _ P¤z¤- Second fxieuzenants, Army—C0ntinued. _ Pagedeliciency appropriation for rehef and pro- appointments hereafter of; germanent, if tectiou of . 31, 33,_802, 827, 829 fitness d e the r m1ne , termmated may eaioteri suits for wages, etc., without 313 1f éiolzqi . .: ... _. Z . . .. ¤ , gm, or costs ,,.. . . rome ons unng provision pen . .. · Seamen from Foreign: Pprtg, _ _ _ filling vacancies made by national defense penalty for bringing 111 madmisslble ahens Act. . _ 182 with intent to land 895 temporary apgoinunents as, allowed rerepresenting alien bona fide member of serve 0 cers, for traimng, etc., in crew - 895 time of peace ... . .~ 194 inadmissible alien, not permitted to land- 895 duty with Army; pay, etc. 194 temporary landing for treatment, etc 895 Second pgghthmuc pgggrgd, penalty for violations ... 895 depot for, authorized __________________,, 537 discharge of inadmissible alien, in port un- SWA Sm/iu www", Tmaswy Depm,tme,M’ klwful ···--·· : ···················‘ 896 appropriation for chief, assistant, clerks, permitted for reslniment ... . . :- 896 etc _ _ ___________ 83 1088 “*%¤“tL;;¤;;k *0 ° ¤·>*¤*¤°d» °*°-· m 896 details s0£ Eminisrremug, em., ’ _ ¤¤¤:>1¤>¤¤·=¤¤ of ¤i¤·»=¤¤d» etc-, ¤¤·>¤ <>¤ use offig;ndel);;);il>(l1e:nd_arrest·of-niolators 2" passegggr cxzcessels, unlawful; deter- 896 ’0f Farm Loan Act __________________ 385 ·’ ~ ’' `'`'` ` ` Secretaries, Di lomatic Service, nal;(?1gcf°r0?§g'g;1m6é‘%éééélé'£6 896 appropriatifgii for sagries I .. 2 52, 1048 7 'l 7 ° niSh9d0uarrival__...··~___-_U-N COUDSBOIO Bm SSSYOI €g8.t10l1(‘1’€8t- report oti11eg¤.11y lauded . ... ssa °d ··--~ _ ·······-·····-·-···-····-·· 252 list required on departure .. . ... 897 S*’€"““"!/ °f4!/""*'“h””; , , S cganagtyjior noncomgumce __________ _ _ _ _ 897 approp;1t(1?tionfor,A$1sta.nt, So11c1t0r,cler1;si6 1134 ear igtsorSeaooast cmu, ,·; --------····-·----·-·---·· · apgmmgriatxiou for urchgse, etc. 345, 910 f°Y PUPUBE ¥¤¤u$-I ¥?P°1’t ··-·- - -·-- ; · · 331 or awxii md Fhglippine Islands ______ 343 cooperation with National Park Service Swim, Wag]:. , · over monuments adjacent to natmnal V appropriation for may office at . . . . . 90, 1094 _ f°!'98t·$ ··------·--·------- ; -·--—··- 530 .g,c,md A_,,;_,mm pcdmmm g,,w,.ag_ designated as member of Council of Na-

  • PP’°P"’*'·‘°° ‘°*’ °‘*P°"¤*°“d°““· °‘°"‘“· 106 ...1 1?.§3$”Bm.i"*°”°f;,;w;~ge;4.;;1 1a.1;1;;.‘ “°

etc ... _ ‘ for, superintendents, etc . . 1109 _ mm--;—-; ·····--···-·-· _ ···-··--·-- 932 for division of railway adjustments. - 106,1109 d¤¤¤¤, ciwufymg, etc-, fvrfelwd or<->g<>¤ for division ot foreign mmls .. 106,1109 wd Q¤1¤f<>¤¤¤ R¤1r<>¤d 1¤¤d g¤¤¢¤- 219 for division of Railway Mail Service. 106,1109 °°¤¤*¤1€U°¤ °f mm! P°¤t roads ·--·-·-·· 3§° for postal service, o$ce of ,. 418, 1064 under ¢<>¢F¤¤ {11*11***9 Act --···-··-··~·-· 4*6 for sm route transportation in Make- 418,1064 ¤¤d¤ra¤m ¤¤~¤d¤¤1¤ Act ------···----- 482 for steamboat, etc., routes; aero- unda W*¤'6h°“¤° AQ* ··--~--—·—···· 2 ·--· 486 lanm _____ _ _________________ _ _ _ 418, 1064 to allow removal of timber from national allgwance eo: aemp1a¤es,ew .. 1064 f¤¤¤¤¢¤ z¤ <>¤¤¢11¤¤z¤ fvr 1¤¤<i¤ ¤dd¢<i fog mgmsd transportation ___________ _ 419 ]064 to Glacier National Park Mont . 1122 arrangement for freight train, etc., con- , to <>¤¤l>li¤h ¤¤:1¤d¤'d¤ { ¤8¤'i<=¤l¤¤‘•| P¥¤<l· 80 veymce .. . 1064 um. un er wm me Mt -·-···— -- 4 · {0,- freight on postal cards, Gm _______ 4;;;, 1064 to tnmfer abandoned reservation, etc., for _ for mnt office car service ... . 419 h°m¤ fw l°P€” •··--•- · ·-··-·-··-·- 8’2 for ilway Mail Senice .. . . 419, 1064 Secremry of Qommerce, _ for electric and cable car service . 420, 1066 apgroprxation for, Assistant, clerks, etc. _1l0, 1111 expenditure for wagon service. 420, 1066 demgnayed as member of Council of 1\a- for foreign mails. . 6 420, 1066 Ftg3n$D§fen3ef . . . 649 contracts for fast service with reat on e oar or oca ion uca- Britain, authorized ... . . 1066 HOB . ...·-·.-----.---·--·---- 932 for travel and miscellaneous expenses. 421, 1066 may grant r§bt._of way through iish_ hatch- Seccmd Class Mail Matter, ery, rwm, Tenn., for public highrestriction on sending, by fre` ht, repealed . 424 way . : . : . - 928 unfair discrimination forbidtlgen. . 424 may sell skins of fur seals taken on Pnbilof submission of complaints; hearings. 424 Islands; proceeds. . ... : ... 236 no change pending determination. - 424 to make regulations for standard lxme bar- _ appeal to court of appeals of District of mls  : .. a31 Columbia from adverse decision 424 to serve on board to make regulations for __ procedure; jurisdiction of court exclu- enforcing cluld labor Act. . 6» 0 save . . . 425 Secretary of Labor, precedence and expedition of, in apghropnggiou for, Aissistant. clerks, etc. k 116, 1117 court .,... 425 au oriz to em 0 Y mspec' tom. etc., or Scczmd-Hand Goods, D. C., Stolen, enforcing labor Act ... _. - . 675 revocation of dealer‘s license buying, with- use hospitals, Ellis Island, tempomnly, out reasonable inquiry, etc . . . . 1046 for New York patients . 359 Second Lkutenanta, Army, designated as member of Council of Noappointments hereafter of, other than Mili· tional Defense . . .. 649 taryAcademy graduates, provisional on Federal Board for Vocational Educafor two years. . 181 tion ... . ... 932