Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1425

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INDEX. ccjij Siem! Semis, Armv—0<>¤ti¤¤ed. P•¢·- Srbux National new s me mr Mont rin. •PPm‘lL¤°:l·1*;: gglélowrsigll 622 Sg113)>r0priation for maintenance, etc., oi. 459, 1148 acceptance o tracts r aviation Eeld a , riati v ° ' as mouutmiou, instead ta ""‘t,¤,°§ef°&;.“n§2‘¤‘§“¤'2¥,?hul.¤'?‘?“4?54 1142 paymenacot accounts with other oili- 622 Sirup, Table, ’ ¢¤'|,6 ,,. ...,.. . ,, _, ____,, Q_, 3 rg ° vgt]`gg` ° contract rsquirementsx.: . 622 pp Petc . ... 1152 investigation of suitability ol military Sirups of Cane Juice, reservations for aviation purposes. . . 622 provision for free entry oi, after May 1 lor lands for aviation, etc., ii no reserva- 1916, repealed ... . . . I 56 tion suitable ,.. 622 Siskiyou Natimnal Forrest, Oreg. and Cal.,

 of donated lands for mo- appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1148

b ization, etc., stations, authorized . 623 Sisuton and Wahpezon BamiaG3_fSa3ouz Indians for Washington-Alaska cable and tele- all claimsof, against Unit States refmed graph-_ ·...-.·.-... 623 to Court of Claims . 47 for operating ’rire»control installations, _ mone¥s found due to be placed to credit seacoast defenses under .. 346, 910 o Indians ,,,,,,._,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,, 47 for operating fire·control installations, allowance for attorneys’ fees. ... 48 rnsrrlar pomessions. .. 349, 912 Sisselmr Indahn Agency, S. Dub., for arrslzups, etc. , insular possessions. 912 appropriation for waterright, etc., tobui.ld— deficiency appropriation for . 29, 339 ings .,. 970 for expenses; amount for aerial ma- SissetonS·iom:In¢iakz1•Rese:1>ation,S. Dub., chrnes, motor vehicles, etc . 45 appropriation for school blllldulgs on . 988 _ for radio installations on Mexican border 339 ·no allotment for sectarian schools on Suki: Agency, Oreg., completion of .. 988 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Sites for Fwtqlimmm, etc., ` gt, ,,,,,, , ,_,,,,..,.,,,,,.,. 149, 986 appropriation for ... : ... 346, 910 Siler: Indian Reservatam, Oreg., Sitgreaves Nqnoml Forest, Ariz., appraisal and mile of lands in . 149 apgropnation for maintenance, etc., of. 460, 1148 par capfta distribution of proceeds to en— Suas w Forest, Oreg., ro ed tribal members . .. 150 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 460, 1148 . Silver Springs, Fla., Sm: aw Ryver, oreg:, preliminary examination, etc., to be made appropnatron for unprovementof .. 405 _ for waterway to Ocala, Fla., from. . 408 preliminary examination, etc., ot, to be Srlverwood, Ind., th od S_ N ..·.-.--· 410 [EIO l 1’l.Z 80*% lx a 1 · ir Waglegli . .? ... 50 approgriation for fulfilling treaties with. 144, 981 Bimpoon, C. M., and odwrs, Stxteen our Law, 1§azhoadE%oyees, may bgdge Bayou Bartholomew, Morrell, 354 S_p;l;:g.YSf;:e¥1RT]¤}$_10¤1? 93 111 Gd -······· 61 ____________ 11 ., · ., Sghggg, Ajit}; O I - . · O - - · · U . l · l - appropriation for grading, atc, , Montague not excluded admision, under contract _ Street to Alaska Avenue ... 687 _ _ labor hwg ______________ , ___,,,,,,,, 878 Skilled Laborers, ad _ _ { H 877 ' Smbing Fund, D, C,, _ deterrnmatron of mission o a en ... 877 Sppropriation for clerk m Treasurer’s hearmgsjletc., on applications .. Office . . . 678, Skowhcycvg, ti e.,f um bun _ 269 .. a ro na on or c .. _ 8·iou?llj'¥gZ12$:m··-····-·-··•--to, 705,12 55 _ approlyriation for pu he build- 19 terms of court at . . .· · ··-·- » ······· · · · · : ·····‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘° Sivuz Indians, D·iy'erenllQ’y·ibe•, ti with 151 987 Slave Dy, _Int2·nqtwnal Bureau for Re-

     .. 151; 987 appropriation for annual contribution. . 256, 1052

sor mbsmm, etc . . . 151, 987 SWIM-. . , ti R ew Sm for su rt of schools., , , ., 151, 988 appropriation or prevsn o , p ., onfm 970 Mr ¤di)1‘:Ot1¤¤¤1¤¢k¤¤1f¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ··-------- 151 f 1¤<1¤¤¤¤tm;--f---i}i-- ·. ·----·---·-- · 279 for building, equie;g>iinB§, etgaéchool 988 Smwpr o ep euuc . build' s on rese ons. . ,_ no allowugice fi; sectarian schools on 988 S patent confirmed to. 990 Y0? l$aJr?kItti>‘i1tx8)i1on(i§.-· . · • l • • . · i I · U l -151 988 appropriation fo;•g£rlr;t1erinational exchanges. · ¥"?' `°` °"` ’ or merican oogy deacleeltfz. for Iirggcrlrgttlipenal Catalogue of Scnenuiic 279 fvr Y¤¤1<¢¤¤ Si¤¤¤ -----------·------··- . ·-·-··---- · ·-·----····-~· claims of Sisseton and Walipetou Bands of, ;0l’ 3;!>1Se¤i¤1l0lil':-·-L I =¤f¢¤¤<1 *0 €¤¤¤ ¤* mm --··--··- *7 ,°; Num, Zwlogwu 1,,,, ____________ 28,, paymeqt to Indians of Rosebud Rm fgr printing and binding ior 330 u°n’ gunned by order of ’ deli appropriation for National Mu- . mm mba] *¤¤d¤ ·—·--·--····--··-· 509 °‘°;‘:1>;n PP P __________________ 3,, 826, 829 Swusc Ingham, Medawabanton and Wahpvkvoili appcinm iiegent of Hem.}, Wh;te_ _ _ 866 claims for restored annuities reierrad to 95 U ' CourtofClaims,--.·--'--······-'-·. H8ndegg(;¤_______________,,__, SWE India"' °fD°vih Lam M Dah, 44 981 time limit for furnishing copy for annual §E£’°"”"i°" ‘°'”“*’*’°"* °‘”" °‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ I an em mt .ppuans to .. at ciency appropriation for support, etc . . ,