Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1438

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ccxvi INDEX. Tramps, Ocean, _ PNN- Tramports, Army, Page. not deemed common carriers by water m appmpriatiou for expenses of ,,,,______ _ _ _ _ 634 ggreign gmmerce. .. . . 728 yyaug All0wanx’ ,1,.,,,3, Trwwcr circa , tod`11 (1 1· incédgd in sight 1;¤¤r mndsrd wrkday 22 mwzggesegmlzgi. 1) 217 . or tram emp 9Y°°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2* ‘ 7 Traverse Lake, Minn. mu1S', D k. Tram! P'€y¤p‘Pl°m“t“’“"dC°”“‘l“'Smm”· preliminary examination, egc.; of, to be ¤vv~v;¤,{;¤gy*¤r ----~--—- - —-----~·-·—- 253»1<>48 made ,.,,_,,,..,,,_,_,_,__ 410 Tram a · . c0nsPt;ru<;tion oi cue, authorized .. 617 Tmwum" ?ft{hg lgnmd ‘$t“t”» d appropriation for construction and ma- appmggg ggaefsrregzmtautr °P“tY» cashél 1086 Transpcr$a%n¢1·;a£l-1}eev;eti1{r1{;,-111¢iz:i}z:e· EMA,} 617 for i•g1>·;i¤¢¤¤1i<=>¤¢ redemption `of ¤=» ’ apgmpriatiou for; advertising agencies. 614, 1190 f 1 °: cummcyi ·•••·· ········ : · 8r1086 Tde ciency apgopriaticn for . . ... 816 °r°§;S€é;t°·» busmess °f wml Savmss 82 ransportatizm rmy, . ···•········ : ···· . · · ·. ········ appmpmdoé for, and su,(?liBB______ ____ __ 633 for Distnctizof Columbia, sinking fxmd members of National uard, in service, °‘°°°‘m ······················· 678¤ 1006 discharged for physical disabilities. . 633 T"*’“-W"! D€2Qa"””¢‘¤t» _ baggage of enlisted men discharged for 9·PP¥`°P¤8¤°¤ for S€¢1’€1¤¤’Y» A¤¤1¤t¤¤t¤» disability ________________________ 633 clerks, etc 78

 National Guard members for Si=>c1;zta1·;;, Assistant to, Assistants, 1083

· d tg,,mj]; ___________ _ c er s, e c sub';isten`;Ie&§·;€:i1iem allqgvuncg _______ §§ for chief clerk, assistant supezintendent, "“"1?§¥"" d mt M mt md- for ,°J§£i;,:";; ···· is ······ v Z? %3§§ · _____ _ ______________________ 633 a en orers, e c. fual to exce md roads __________ _ 634 for General gu ly Cominittee - . . 79: 1083 PW P . Pg dnft aujmgs, wagons, dmyagc, atm _ _ 634 for divisions in ecretary’s 0Hice, clerks,9 v<¤els transport service, etc 634 etc ---- ; -··-··-···--·······—-·—- 7 1083 r¤r_Nm¤im1 Guapd sup¥>liee 647 bwkkeeping wd wmnw --·----·-- 79:1083 deficiency appropriation or ,,,,, 29, €\1¤|¤{m¤ -··--·····-·-- · ·~·--·-----· - 79, 1084 33,45, sas, 825, szs apmmmenw -·--·-·--·----- - ------ 79, 1084 travel pay, dg; oiélltlxtional Guard ag-lll. $5  ;>;1d¤-Q ···~··-·~·····—------ Z3, charge m `tary service, o ¢ MY ····-·-···-···----·-- , fmmj ______ _ ______________________ gm oans and currency . 79, 1084 Transportation Companks, ew. printing and stationery . ... 79, 1084 soliciting immigration of aliens by, unlaw- mm] and 6196 ···-·····——· · ··---~·· 79» 1084 {111; punishment for .. . . 879 for disbursiug clerk, deputy, clerks, advertisements of eailings, etc., permit- etc . 79,1084

  880 ;0r§‘edera1 Fumm Bureau ..   1084

presumption 0 ow ge 0 `enage. - . 880 or upervisiug `tect, executive - landing, etc., of inadmissible aliens by, cer, etc ... . .. 79,1084 _ _ unlawful; punishment for . 880 for Comptroller of the Treasury, aminbnnging m diseased, etc., aliens by, un- ant clerks, etc . . . 80, 1085 _ lavyfpl; punishment for . 880 for Auditor for Treasury Department, dlB\bl1111Q specified; ine ii embarkation clocks, etc . . 80, 1085 _ pe1jm1tted. . ., . 880 for Auditor for Wan Department, clerks, brmguqg m persons mcsxuable to eam a liv- etc . 80, 1085 nig, etc., unlawfu . 880 for Auditor for Navy Department, fine 1f embarlgatiou permitted .,..,.. 880 clerks, etc. . 80, 1085 bnnging in ilhterabes or ineligiblee, un- for Auditor for Interior Department, lawful .. , ,,,,,,,,, 831 clerks, etc. . 80, 1085 fine if embarkation permitted, etc . . 881 for Auditor for State, etc., Departments, fo prevent aliens laudmf at other than des- clerks, etc .. 80, 1085 ggmhcd timeean places,- .,... 881 for Auditor for Post Qfiice Department, pumshment for uiihfractions; additional gzistant and chief clerk, clerkzgl 1085 pecunmry . . .. 881 . Trcmporga¢ion,Dip$r:w¢1/F»3’aypd Cmuulqrsgru- for salaries, Postal Savings System acé1,1086 wc, counts . . Bppmprizizion for ,. 254, 1050 for Treasurer existant, deputy, cashier, ’

 Linea, tellers, cierks, etc ... 81, 1086

payment qi head tax by, on aliens from for force for Postal Savings System 82, 1086 contiguous countries . . . 875 for Register, assistant, clerks, etc . 82, 1086 TTampcré<zn¢;n, Mm! (see Mail Tnmspom,. for Compt{ol};zr of the Cmrency, depuéz 1087 0¤ · ties, c er s, etc . . . Travwportqt·1kgn, Navy, for Commimioner of Internal Revenue, ’ apprqpnatwn for. . 560, 1170 delputies, clerks, etc . 82, 1087 defimency appropnauon for , ,._, 25 29, employees on income and emergency 82 _ _ , 16, 8 , 828 taxes . T‘{muspog·tat1p·n, Seagomg, for Cont Guard Office, chiefs of division, mvestxgatgon, etc., 0 development of, for clerks, etc .. 83, 1087 national defense, etc .. . 650 for Bureau of Engraving and

 Systems, Pgmting, amistaut, clerks, etc  83, 1088

exc usxve contre! ot, bydthe Wim gu. for Chief Secret Service Division, clerksés 1088 IB war or ’ 'tnry etc . , ¤¤¤¤¤·¤i¢ ····------ ... ms s¤¤¤s»¤¤m¤uh¤um,c1¤s1¤,¤4¢,1oss