Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/156

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. 135 and fort —four north, ran e fort -two west of the fifth rinci al P H meridian? in Minnesota: That the purchase pricli of ilhe invmmioepumme property conveyed, which shall be not less than its appraised value "‘°°°" sha be divide equall among those members of the embina Band of Indians living on tile date of passage of this Act who were bom prior to July twentyrfixst, nineteen hundred, but were not included on the allotment sc edule a proved on that date; a(p raisement of the property and payment ol) the proceeds to the said Indians to be under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior N t M may prescribe: Provided further, That this shall not be construed £\ mh °° ' to affect any rights involved in pending liti ation. Nm wg Rm That the Secretary of the Interior be, ani"? he is hereby, authorized mm. ° m` and directed to issue to the Northern Minnesota Conference of the mtL‘§$s, Methodist Episco al Church a patent in fee for forty acres of land on the Nett Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota, described as follows: South half of northeast quarter of lot one; north half of southeast quarter of lot one; south half of north half of northeast guarter of lot one; north half of south half of southeast quarter o lot one; south half of northeast uarter of northwest quarter; and south half of south half of nortlli half of northeast uarter of northwest quarter, all in section nineteen, township six(ly·ve north, range twenty-one west of the fourth principal meridian containing forty acres more or less; such patent to be in lieu of that authorized and d1- ¤£',,_“°° °‘ ‘°"""' rected in the Act of August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen V¤¤-¤8,1>.¤¤1. (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Lag, page ilve hundred and ninety-one). . That the Secretary of the terior, under such rules and regula- v,;,*,§’,n"§,“°°‘ *° $0% tions as he may prescribe, is hereby authorized to advance to any 1»r¤¤•¤l<llg§l»:i¤¤. individual Chip}pewa Indian in the State of Minnesota entitled to participate in the permanent fund of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota one—fou.rth of the amount which would now be coming to said Indian under a ro rata distribution of said permanent fund: Pro- §§",,,"';';,,,,,,,,,,_ mkled, That the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, may use for or advance to any Chippewa Indian in the State of Minnesota entitled to share in said fun who is incompetent, blind, crippled, decrepit, or hel less from old a e, disease, or accident, one- ourth of the amount wlhich would nowlm coming to said Indian under a pro rata distribution of said permanent fund: Prmnk1edJurlhe1·, That any money received hereunder by °,%§‘,.,},}°,‘,,°j’,,§'}’,§f,l‘“” any member of said tribe or used or his ·or her benefit shall be deducted from the share of said member in the plermanent fund of the_sa1d Chippewa Indians in Minnesota to which e or she would be N0, ,,,,,1,,, ,0 Pm, entitled: Promkied further, That the funds hereunder to be paid to ¤•\>¤· . Indians shall not be subject to any lien or claim of attorneys or other third parties. an 0, I I _The superintendent of logging upon the Chippewa Reservations in Paynnilghé Mmnesota is hereby authorized to expend not to exceed $25,000, or °‘$f,',_"§f',,'f"w, so much thereof as may be necessary, from the amount derived from the sale of the pine timber of the Chippewas of Minnesota, in the payment of scalers,,check scalers as provided biy the Act of January ourteenth, eighteen hundred and eig ty-nine ( wenty-fifth Statutes at Large, page six hundred and foggy-two), and such clerks as he may employ. Any Act not in co ormity with this provision is hereby repealed. A detailed statement of all the expenses hereinafter incurred and paid from the tribal funds of the Chippewas of Minnesota shall be reported to Congress annually. Gm"`, n That the sum of $6,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, Payment esupém [if l»l16l31'1`l)&lfu11(ls of the Chippewa Indians of the State of Minnesota, °'°""m’°‘l mn"' is hereby apygoppiated to pay the expenses of the general council of said tribe to e eld at Bemidji, Minnesota, beginning on the second Tuesday of July, nineteen hundred and sixteen, pursuant to the con-