Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/25

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4 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Cris. 7-10. 1915-1916. Dumber 18,19!5- CHAP. 7.-An Act Autlwri the Pennsylvania Railroad Gomplany to con- [8· °°°·l sctguct, operate ams across the Allegheny River at Oil 'ty, Venango n>¤1>uc,N¤.a.1 unty, emisyvama. mgm Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United

€¤i1- States arg Amer?/ca in Congress assembled, That the Pennsylyania

m¤,.€”3ii°”’ Fil Railro Company, a railroad corporation o amzed and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvama, e, and it is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thepeto acrom the Allggilhegily Riéer, at a pogfnt suitable tg t e interests o navigation in 't ounty 0 enango an geygwig State of Pennsylvania, in adcordance the provisions of the Act ° ’p' entitled "An Act to r§u.late the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approv March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and ,,,,,,dm.,_ six. t Sec. 2. That gage right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserv . Approved, December 18, 1915. Decunber 18 191.5. . . .. .’. G'HAP.8.—J' tBesolt10Eten`thtimf h f '

 $$31% §  on ‘€t..'i·—¤..'§.¤ r£°§£%Z t.t$s3§'€'t2i>i.&2iP§r"c3¤uf.i‘§i.{‘?2.{’.i

_ Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Re entatives 0 the United b,Q”’°'*°* °‘ °°'“¤*· States of America in Congress assemblgd, 'lgiifib the Jointfflommittce Timo ummm mr of the two Houses of Co ess appointed ursuant to the act of Conreport UY Joint Com- ng" 7. P0 P _ m;,.,w?t,,h·;.-,3,,,; M,. gross, approved March third, nineteen hundred and fifteen, is hereby ve M M- §"$.'i.tE“2L°}~‘i§. °€.i’§*l.‘{.‘I.’§t°.f.`Q',`“ut.i““"i: “t‘t°‘°°"ihi“€'°d md °"°°°“’ y e said c . Approved, December 18, 1915. ’°i‘§‘?'H,&8}§"‘· Rgiférolixu Act igiuaslrirgg as mnsmicutu of usage sms its new [purine, No. 4-I • ° · Be it enactedby theSenateandH0wrse0 Re esentatives the ,yul*s?l::*;x'§¤*gkb_ United States 0 Amerika in Congress assembéd 'Siiat the Courif of _ r v ! maybr1dgo,a{Tulss. Tulsa, in the_ tate of Oklahoma, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Arkansas River Construction' gtklalporut suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Tulsa, ,,,,,_ 3,,, ,,, M a ioma, m accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to rpgbufilatdlthe cdnsgructron of br1dlges(prver navigable waters,»» approve are wen y- , nineteen un ed d . ’“"°“‘*“’°°'~ 0 rT°;1;tv;hie right to alter, amend, or repea*lJi.hi;uAct is hereby Approved, January 12, 1916. Ianuarv 14, 1916. """

 Mmssztzucetssg ¤¤—¤*:s·ss.:* sm *~ ~=·—-·>= · me we

etrys H1 8 O llinois. _' _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives th U `ted .§$·{’,f?;12%;;Q;d°d M States of America in Congress assembled, That the time fg; tlie gdmmlrrrdgnd (gk IS{8n%gg_ mencement of the bridge authorized by the Act entitled "An Act mg,{u_c.,i.,,,, F.,,.,,_ to construct a bridge across Rock River at or near Colona Fe in °~3"»PP·”*·“5· the State of Illinois/f by the counties of Henry and Rock islbiiid in the State of Illinois, approved August nineteenth, nineteen him; dred and eleven, is hereby extended to one year from the date of the passagie of this Act, and the time for completion of the bridg - tende three years from the date of approval of this Act. 9 ex ‘“"°‘“““°“‘· 8 Iiaxgtvghie right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Approved, January 14, 1916.