Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/287

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266 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 209. 1916. ¥•¤*=¤¤¤*m•·1"•- Jacksonville, Florida, post office and courthouse: For lookouts, 1 500. · , J•¤•¤*¤*¤» N-D•'= s .lamestown North Dakota, post office: For continuation, $30,000. ww. Ms Jasper, Alahama, ost office: For continuation, $40,000. _ 7¤•Y °**¥· N- I- City, New Jpersey, post officez Formail-conveying machmery, Ksuspev. 1¢¤¤¢— Kaligpell, Montana, post office: · For continuation, $35,000. K¤¤¤·¤*m•·I¤d· Ken allville, Indiana, post office: For contmuation, $500. x•¤k¤k.1¤w•· Keokuk, Iowa, courthouse, post office, and so forth: For lookouts, $1 500. _¥_ir1=•*¤¤•» ¤¤·» For rent of temsorxytguuttgmsgogogovernment ci an movmg` expenses inei en ere . xuoxvmt/1‘¤¤¤a Knoxville, ,Tennessee, post office and courthouse:’For lookouts, $3 500. u¤¤nis.N·H. Iiaconia, New Hampshire, post office: For continuation, $30,000. mma, Fla Lakeland, Florida, post officez For contmuation, $500. umuur, Ky. Lancaster, Kentucky, Halt office: For continuation, $5,000. 1m¤em,s.c. Lancaster, South Caro ° a, post officez For contmuation, $5,000. Ls ct-ues, N. um Las Cruces, New Mexico, post office and courthouse: For contmu— ation $5 000. ` I""“°°‘“‘· P‘ Lewistown, Pennsylvania, post office: For site and commencement, $2,500. I‘*"“°"" mb" Lilplcpln, Nebraska, post office and courthouse: For mail-conveying mac ery $5 000. R¤¤*· For rent,0f;emppr%ry quarters for Government officials and moving e uses inci enta thereto $2 000. L**“° F""'·’“"'* Xaittle Falls, Minnesota, ];0S$,0mC6Z For continuation, $26,000. I’°°"H°"“· *`* Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, post office: For continuation, $500. L°”"· °"“’· Logan, Ohio, goat office: For completion, $20,000. L°“·*"‘°"“-°"· $416%% Angeles, ahforma, post office and courthouse: For lcokouts, Ly¤¤¤.N-Y- slhyons, New York, post office: For site, $15,000. Limit of cost, . 5 000. gyyg 1,* gécgombhmféissgppi, ppst office: E`o1&{:ontiPnuation, $19,000, · ' c ees oc , ennsy vama os 0 ce: t' t' 500,

 Madison, South Dakota, postlolihcez For con($1i)ei]ti1<i2a$2(¢il?0(i0.

M mkm ,0; MBd1BODV1]1B Kentucky, goat office: For site, $5,000. Mzzm mj Maquoketa, Iowa, post office: For continuation, $24,000, umm; S 6 Marion, Kentucky, post office: For continuation, $5,000, Ma.rlin’Tex,· Ma¤?n’ South Caro ina'! Omoo: For C0]1tIIl'll8,ti0]], mtquém Mich. Marlin, Texas, [get office: For completion, $5,000, ' $1}g3gqu¢“-6, M10 gan, <>0¤1'th011Se and post office: For lookouts, “"'“"· "`”“‘· Martin Tennessee post office· For continuation $10 00 ,,,,,,,,,, J , ¤ · · , , 0.

_m'P;T°"“ Maryville, Tennessee, post office: For continuation, $25,000,

Media Pennsylvama, post oiicez For continuation, $25,000, §°‘“¤’Et"°°¤- Memphis, Tennessee, subpost office: For continuation, $500, °'“f· j Mena, Arkansas, post office: For continuation, $15,000. “f"'"·w“ M9mll,W1sconsm, post office: For completion, $25,000, ¥{d‘”°‘°"¤· ‘—`°¤¤· Middletown, Connecticut, ost office: For continuation $55 000

‘j,ij°::k°;';“;;;‘*“ ]§1iiid1$f¤1;>W¤, ‘$hi<>, P§>st oiiiicez For completion, $40,000i ’ `

· - wa ee, isconsm, post office, courthouse and customhouse· For lookouts, $10,000. ° _ For mail—conveyin¤ machinery $5 000. O

   Mom', §I1;1£)i$,1Li>dHgSIf?;1I?g-Pi)`?}r0m68Z, For completion, $30,000.

remote, _ a · _ rent of t;€¤T[P0l‘&3 uarters for Govern- Mubm M0 nent 0iBC18.lS_8.I1d moving expenses incident thereto, $2,000, Rm 3; %Igg§lg¥»tg{1%0¤¤, P0S;;fHce Fg Gempletion of extension, $5,000. ’ ‘ _ _IHp01'8.ry qu e · expenses incidental thereto, $,0010, Ovcmment Officials md moving