Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/354

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sixrr-FOURTH conensss. sms. 1. cH. 209. 1916. 333 exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor—propelled and In horse-drawn prassenger-carrying vehic es; claims for dama es to ves- $¤i?5,f;i iiiiE°°g°S` sels passing t ough the locks of the Panama Canal, as authorized by the anama Cana Act; claims for losses of or damages to roperty arising from the conduct of authorized business operations; for damages caused to owners of private lands or rivate pro erty of any kind y reason of the ants contained in iihe treaty liietween the V°L 33·P·m‘· United States and the ge public of Panama, proclaimed February twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, or by reason of the operations of the United States, its agents or employees, or by reason of the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, and protection of the said canal or of the work of sanitation and protection therein provided for, whether such claims are compromised by agreement between the claimants and the Governor of the Panama (Janal or allowed by a joint land commission; acquisition of land and land under water, as $‘§,{"§§f‘f,_*‘gf,{f*“d· authorized in the Panama Canal Act; ex enses incurred in assem- a,f{•f¤¤¤¤*¤,*,¤¤§•£•;*i* bling, asserting, storing, repairing, and material, machinery, ’ ' and equipment heretofore or hereafter purchased or acquired for the construction of the Panama Canal which are unserviceab e or no longer needed, to be reimbursed from the roeeeds of such sales; expenses incident to conducting hearings andp examining estimates for apprepriations on the Isthmus; expenses incident to any ¢ ecame of calamity by zdood fire, 4>estilence,·or like acter not _ foreseen or otherwise provided for liwein; per diem allowance in lieu $§{_°§§“,,’f’,,l{g'},’j’°°“°°· of subsistence when prescribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal, to persons engaged in field work or traveling on official business, pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civil appropriation Act approved August iirst, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for such other expenses not in the United States as the Governor of the Panama Canal may deem necessary to best promote the construction, maintenance, and o eration, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal, all tolbe ex nded under the direction of the Governor of the Panama Canal andpiiccoimted for as follows: For continuing the construction and equipment of the Panama mfg°{*{§$°°,§*g*g8*;1‘};,’*P· Canal, including $1,000 additional compensation to the Auditor for ’ " ` the War Department for extra services in auditing accounts for the Panama Canal; equipping of colliers Ulysses and Achilles with self- ,m$,°ll‘X”°m;£,',Y”*" discharging equipment at not exceeding $125,000 each and not exceeding $50,000 for covering certain unprotected surfaces of said _ colliers with bitumastic enamel; toward construction by contract or ,,,,§’°,,g',§$'“°"“" "'° in navy yards complete in every detail, including se -dischargin5 equipment and all other necessary apparatus, of two coliiers at a tot cost not exceeding $1,300,000 eac under a contract or contracts hereby authorized therefor; also toward construction of one dock at D°°k"‘°‘“°°°‘l‘ Cristobal (numbered six) at a total cost not exceeding $1,500,000 imder a contract or contracts hereby authorized therefor, $9,750,000- _ No part of this sum or of any unexpended balance of apprppriations q“““""° for construction and equipment of the Panama Canal sh be expended for construction or establishment of new qparantine stations. d For maintenance and o eration of the Panama anal, salary of the ,,,§,‘§§£°°“°° °° governor, $10,000; purchase, inspection, delivery, handling, and em storing of material, su plies, and equipment for issue to all epart— ’ ments of the Panama Gianal, the Panama Railroad, other branches of _ I mm the United States Government, and for authorized sales, $5,750,000, m.{§,g{°i°”° together with all moneys arising from the conduct of business operations authorized by the Panama Canal Act. gc For sanitation, quarantine, hospitals, and medical aid and support S°‘°°‘°°”’ ‘ of the insane and of lepers, and aid and support of indigent dpeisons legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their sportstion when practicable, $700,000.