Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/420

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 260. 1916. 399 Channel from Aransas Pass to Co us Christi Texas: For mainte- °h°’m°1» -'*’°¤¤°¤ nance, $15,000. rp ’ l’·2;"°°°"’“°"""““· Sabme·Neches Canal, Texas: For maintenance of that ortion from serine-ments the mouth of the Neches River to the junction with the Il’ort Arthur °`“’1’T°"‘ Slug Canal, $20,000. ty River, Texas: Continuing improvement and for mainte- T’i““’ Ri'°‘· nance by open-channel work, $50,000; for improvement by the construction of Locks and Dams numbered Three and Five, $250,000: Provuied, That no part of the latter amount shall be expended until §0';'Q‘,§‘{;u,,,,¤byD,,_ the city of Dallas or other local interests shall have contributed 1¤¤.¤¤¤· the sum of $50,000 toward the improvement. _ Cyipggss Bayou and waterway between Jefferson, Texas, and Shreve- .,.,,‘Q'*’,,;°,§’]_l},f"°“·°‘°·· port, msiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Bed River, Arkansas and Texas: Continuing improvement and for Oiif *'·*'°"··‘“"““‘ maintenance and repair of levees destroyed by overflows in nineteen hundred and fifteen and nineteen hundred and sixteen betweeen Fulton, Arkansas, and Washita River, Oklahoma, $50,000. ‘ _ L Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana: Continuing improve- ,.$"°;Zm°m""° ment by the construction of locks and dams heretofore authorized, $474,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work up to Camden, $25,000· in all, $499,000. h _ Arkansas River, Arkansas and Oklahoma: For maintenance of ,,$'5“{L“R""`" improvement, iiachltding bank progzection at P}11;;Bl;1g3 and Little Rock an vicini an the operation o dredgmg' t 4,700. . White Rtiver, Arkansas: For maintenance; and for preventinglcut- wm Rmm Am off at De Vall’s Bluff, in accordance with House Document umbered Twelve hundred and fifty-nine, Sixty-second Congress, third $,,’{'§,:’;§‘f session, $30,500. In addition thereto the sum of $8,000, approriated by the river and harbor Act a lproved March fourth, nineteen liundred and thirteen, is made availali) e unconditionally. Cm ww Mk Cache River, in Arkansas: That the Cache River in the State of Decliirewinorimvihs- Arkansas be, and the same is hereby, declared to be a nonnavigable “°"'°‘“‘· stream within the meaning of the Constitution and laws o the United States. This provision shall become void after one year from °°"d“‘°'”· the date of the a proval of this Act unless within said period the Le `slature of Arlgansas shall pass an act eipressly approving this degllaration. The right of the Congress to ter, amend, or repeal this paragralph is hereblyi expressly reserved. mack md (mmm Black an Current ivers, Arkansas and Missouri: For mainte— mm·¤,m¤.•¤e ue. nance, $18,000. Saint Francis River and tributaries, Arkansas: For maintenance of ,,,j':“_{§{"‘“°“ Rm" improvement of Saint Francis and L’Anguille Rivers and Blackfish Ba ou, $9,500. _ _ Cumberland River, Tennessee and Kentucky: For mamtenance .,.f¤‘},_“:;’,?‘g,",'§_ R"°’· above Nashville, $5,000; continuing improvement below Nashville, $705,000; in all, $710,000. . Tennessee mv", Tennessee River, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentuckiy: For mam- ·i-.m;t,.n». ua xy. tenance and continuing improvement by open-channe work above D"'“""*l°‘” Chattanooga, Tennessee, $300,000, and of this amount not to exceed $5,000 may be ex nded, in the discretion of the Chief of Erigmeers and Secretary of `&;r, for the maintenance of the Clinch and olston Rivers at or near the mouth of said rivers; for maintenance and continuing improvement by open-channel work between Florence and Riverton, Alabama, $120,000; for contmuing improvement by the construction of locks and dams between Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Browns Island, Alabama, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and sixty} Sixtg-second Congress, second session, as modified by the re§rt 0 the card of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors in xvers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered e, Sixty-fourth