Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/442

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SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 261. 1916. 42]; foreign mail from incoming steamships at Honolulu from quarantine f6g°‘*“"°* mn “°·“·" to the piers; also for transferring the mail from steamships perform- ` ingrservice under contract for transporting United States mail. or assistant superintendent, Division of Foreign Mails, with head- miisiiiiiiifut Sup°r` quarters in New York, New York, $2,500. For balances due foreign countries, $681,700. ,,,,§,§{§{‘,,‘;°s "“° '°'°*¤¤ For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office A 'F¤¤v<>1.`¤t¤- of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. OFFICE or THE rnmn Assrsram POSTMASTER GENERAL. P,£§§,,g}§,§",f,§,f‘* For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery Stampl stamps, books of stamps, and for coiling of stamps, $806,000. Sm I ` 3 For of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and vrvllrapgdpeiglwc °P°° . 1,516,000. _ _ For pay of agent and assistants to examine and distribute stamped D·S“·b¤t*¤¤- envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, $15,500. Pom, mds For manufacture of postal cards, $360,000. ‘ ` For ship, steamboat, and way letters, $150. Shim ]°t°°”' For payment of limited indemnity for the or loss of pieces ,,,§,’g°€$g,t{‘§',, of domestic registered matter, insured, and co ect-on—de1ivery mail, $200,000. For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of registered articles in the international mails, in accordance with convention stipulations, $10,000. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office T¤*'°’·°°°· of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the service of the Postal $$:;}*1 S"i¤¤¤_ Savings System, office of the director, $500. ` Orricn or THE Founrn Assrsraivr Posrmasrmz GENERAL: For P0§;’H§a;{e*; G·;·fjj§,°”° stationery for the Postal Service, including blanks, books, printed and Stationery, ew. ° engraved matter, binding and carbon paper, and other miscellaneous items for the money-order and registry systems; also the preparation, publication, and free distribution by postmasters to the public of pamphlet containing general postal information, $260,000. _ For official and registry envelopes, including pay of one envelope m?§Y§Q”§l_°“d "g’“°" inspector at $1,800 per annum, and one assistant at $900 per annum, $72,7 00. POSTAL savmos SYSTEM. For the urchase of supplies for the Postal Savings System, includ- Saiiiniisfiiigfchlwm ing blank liifooks, forms, pamphlets, rubber stam(ps, canceling devices certificates and cards and stamps for use in evi encing deposits, and B d free penalty envelopes; and for the reimbursement o the Secretary viiii a§?i>)?!ziiii' of the Treasury for ex enses incident to the preparation, issue, and registration of the bond)s authorized by the Act 0 Jime twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, $75,000. my dgumy sqm? For equi ment for City Delivery Service, including letter boxes, mem. letter-box fasteners, packa e boxes, posts, furniture, and the erecting and painting of same, §lso trucks, baskets, satchels, straps, time Cards, and time-card frames, and the repairing of such equipment, P,,,,,,,,_ $225,000: Provided, That not exceeding $6,000 of the amount ereby Lmsfbox di*·==*· gppropriated may be expended for the purchase of dies for letter oxes. _. For postmarking, rating, money-order stamcps, and electrotype $¤iii$ts_mn`mg’ °t°" plates, and repairs to same, meta , rubber, an combination type, dates and figures, type holders, ink and pads for canceling and stam in oses $30 000. S Fei') l§tf;)d1l:l-ilialances, iscales, test weights, and repairs to same, “"°" "“’°*“°”“· 50,000. ·