Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/486

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. L C11. 313. 1916. 465 For the investi ation and demonstration within the United_States P°°°°”·,,m,,,m to determine thegbest method of obtaining potash on a commercial ¤al=¢°iii» as. mu scale, mcluding the establishment and equipment of such lant ·or P°"’*" lm plants as may be necessary therefor, $175,000: Provided, 'lphat the *&‘Q'§;°i,mduc, product obtained from such experimentation ma be sold at the market ` price of such product, and the amount obtained? from the sale thereof shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts· _ For the investigation of soils, in cooperation with other branches g£§,"],°°§}`“,l`,$1,$”l,Z'Qt,l1 of the Department olfrlglgricxdtme, other departments of the Govern- PM °°°· ment, State agricult experiment stations, and other State institutions, and for indicating upon maps and plats, by coloring or other- · wise, the results of such inves ations, $168,200; _ For the examination and classih cation of agricultmal lands in ,,,’}§{.;F“`,,}°‘l,§`,,l{‘“°’*“ forest reserves, in cooperation with the Forest Service, $18,100; _ _ For general administrative expenses connected with the above- ,.$,.,,_°mm“"°°"" °" mentioned lines of investigation, $4,000; i ~ In all, for Igeneral exgnses, $433,735. — » Total for ureau of ile, $503,735. . -» nunnau or niwromonocr. s — » °gj¤'°° °‘ E“°°”*°" Saunms Burman or Eirrouowor: One entomologist., who shall ,,g’,,j’d§,‘,§f",$f,_°‘ "°‘ be chief of bureau, $4,500; one_chief clerk and executive {assistant, $2,250; one administrative assistant, $2,250;,one financial clerk, $1,800; three clerks, class four; three clerks, classthree; mne clerks, class two; nine clerks, class one; ten `clerks, at $1,000 each; four clerks, at $900 each; live clerks, at $840 each; two entomological draftsmen, at $1,400 each; one entomological draftsman, $1,080; our foremen, at $1,080 each; one entomological preparator, $1,000; four entomological preparators, at $840 each; eight entomological preparators, at $720 eac ; seven entomological preparators, at $600 each; two messengers or laborers, at $900 each; two messenghers or laborers, at $840 each; three messengers or laborers, at $720 eac ; one messenger boy, $480; five messenger boys, at $360 each; one mechanic, $1,080; one mechanic, $900; one mechanic, $840; one laborer, $600; one laborer, $540; one laborer, $480; one laborer, $420; three charwomen, at $480 each; one charwoman, $240; in all, $99,180. mum, GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or ENTOMOLOGYI For the promotion r¤m¤¤p°iii¥¤`S°$i'm· of economic entomologly · for investigating the history and the habits "°“·°‘°· of insects injurious an beneficial to agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, and the study of insects affecting the health of man and domestic animals, and ascertaining the best means of destroying those found to be injurious; for collating, digesting, reporting, an illustrating the results of such investigations; for salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, rent outside of the District of Columbia, freight, express charges, ofhcial traveling expenses, office fixtures, supplies, apparatus, telegraph and telephone service, gas, and electric current, in connection with the following investigations: _ _ _For invesf ations of insects affecting deciduous fruits, orchards, *"'“‘*“‘“'““"°‘ vineyards, and nuts, $60,780; _ For_ investigations of insects affectingi cereal and forage crops, ,,,°,,‘§f" “‘ '°"‘° ilpcluding a special investigation of the essian fly and the chmch u , $114,660; _ _ il or invest' tions of insects affecting southern Held cross, mclud· “°“"“°’“°°“"‘°"‘· mg insects a§;cting cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, an so forth, and the cigarette beetle and Argentine ant, $64,400; mmm For investigations of insects affecting forests, $50,770; _ _ mk LN! mm, For investigations of insects affecting truck crops, mcluding imects mama, as, ’ affecf the potato, sugar beet, cabbage onion, tomato, beans, peas, and scnforth, and insects affecting stored products, $42,760; 91890°-vox. 39-rr 1--30