Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/559

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538 . SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 414, 415. 1916. sixteenth dktrwt- srxrnnmzn merrmoirsn nrsrnrcr. ·*”·"“‘· Aids to navigation and improvement of existing aids in Alaska, 000. · scmumznéimct. $60, smvnmnnnrn LIGHTHOUSE nrsrmcr.

  • °°“i”’“l "°"°°°‘ F th tablishment of aids to navigation and im rovement of

exislfilng h§s in Washington and Oregon, seventeentgi lighthouse district, $35,000. N*"°°°°*‘“‘ ‘“’*"°‘· Nmnrnnurn Lrerrrnousm nrsraror. Hm°“°*“‘“·p,,,,H‘““· Co tru f and uipp' a temporary hthouse de ot at T dam. Hondlsulu cT1§§·itory ofqHawli-hg ppndingthe esildlilrshment ofp a per- · manent depot, $5,000; and authority rs hereby granted to erect such temporary depot on land to be leased. _ _ D°*"{‘· Construction an equipment of a hghthoruse depot for the nme- €,Z',,'{°,;.,,u,,,,,_ teenth lighthouse district, $90,000: Provided, That for the purposes herein lands and proper? now belonging to the United States being used by the Navy or naval purposes shall be utilized for thm d§n¤°*¤¤¤¤u °‘, *",¤*'* P Sec. That hereafter the Secretar·y of Commerce is_authorized, Y whenever he shall deem it advisable, to exchange_ any right of way of the United States in connection with lands pertaimnig to the Lighthouse Service for such other right of way as may be a vantageous to the service, rmder such terms and conditions as he may deem to be E‘¥’“”“· for the best interests of the Government; and in case any expenses, not exceeding the sum of $500, are incurred by the United States in making such exchange, the same shall be payable from the approriation "General expenses, Lighthouse Service/’ for the fiscal year during which such exchange shall be effected. _ m¥,g‘°},,’:§_"'“ """‘ Sec. 3. That hereafter mpost lantern lights and other aids to navition may be establish and maintained, in the discretion of the tggimmissioner of Lighthouses, out of the annual a ropriation for the Lighthouse Service on the Mobile Tombigbee, lgdlanior, and Black Warrior Rivers, Alabama, and Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada. ,§,‘§,f",_,°,{°,,',§,¥°,,{,,,*f,‘}*j Sec. 4. That the appropriation "General expenses, Lighthouse Md- Service " shall be available for the purchase and necessary equipment of one motor cycle and the repair and operation of the same for Km", M use of the Lighthouse Service in the Hawaiian Islands. rmmmz at me- Sr:0. 5. That hereafter light keepers and assistant light keepers of "‘“""°"’“"’· °‘°· the Lighthouse Service shall be entitled to medical relief without charge at hospitals and other stations of the Public Health Service under the rules and regulations governing the care of seamen of the §{,°,§'§;, mmm, merchant marine: Provided, That this beneht shall not apply to anv g::tg£_q¤E¤v¤¤¤*» keeper or assistant keeper who receives an original appointment af tdr ' the passage of this Act, unless the applicant passes a physical examinatron in accordance with rules approved by the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of the Treasury. ¤*;:¢£§£gg{¤¤*f¤ _Sr;c. 6: Furnishing all seagoing vessels in the Lighthouse Service ziighoorgdio eqmpment and auxiliary power for the operation thereof, Approved, August 28, 1916. W O A¤s·?gf ga¤°¤°· cnn. 415.-An Act Relating to bills of lading in interstate and foreign commerce, U’“°“°· N°· 2*9-} Be it enacted by the Senate nd H R e·,,mg»,‘ · Irgnuggr States of America in gwgrhesg a~s·s·ernmlil?;t?{‘hzfti’l>cigHs of liiediiilgtilhgulgfdugg me toreig mmm any common carrier or e trans rtat' f d T ‘ °°""°° ‘ of the United States, or the Distripgt of giimbili), drufrgigra