Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/681

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660 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. neeui-umu mes. "An·r. 57. FALSE BETURNS—0M'ISSION ro nnunmn m¤rmms.—— Every officer commanding a regiment, an independent troop, battery, or company, or a n, shall, in the beginning of every mont , transmit thro h the proper channels, to the Department o War an exact return hg the same, s ecifying the names of the officers then absent from their goats, the reasons for and the time of their P¤¤'¤‘*¤¤¤° '°' °*`”· absence. Every officer whose duty it is to render to the War Depart- Samui Na' it ment or other superior authority a return of the state of the troops under his command, or of the arms, ammunitions, clothmi funds, or ‘ other propert thereunto belo , who knowingly ma es a false return thereofsshall be dismissed gm the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; And any officer who, through neglect or d ° , omits to render such return shall be punished as a court- y direct. "1n. nmsmrr10N—Ansmmn wrrnour LEAVE. ' ¤•¤r¤¤¤· “A1rr. 58. Dmsmzrron.-—Any person subiject to military law who deserts or attempts to desert the service o the United States shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other pimishment as a court-martial may direct, and, if the offense be committed at ary other time, any punishment, excepting death, that a court-marti ma direc' t. A¤v¤¤s ¤r Mir: "Au·r. 59. Anvirsms on Ammo ANOTHER ro nasnn·1·.—An person °°°°"°°‘ subject to military law who advises or persuades or 1m0ws¤i1’§ assists another to desert the service of the United States shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death, or such other punishment as a eourt·martial may direct, and, if the offense be committed at any otherd§cn1e, any pumshment, excepting death, that a court-martial ma ct. Xs·¤*1¤z1,v mer- ‘?i&1z·r. 60. Eivrmzramme A nnsmz·mu.—Any officer who, after havhmm r` incr discovered that a soldier in his command is a deserter from the mditary or naval service or from the Marine Corps, retains such deserter in his command without informing superior authority or the commander of the organization to which the deserter belongs, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ,J}:¤¤· ***¤¤¤ ¤ "A1z·r. 61. Ansrmcm wrrnour LmAvn.——Any person sulijeet to mili- ` tary law who fails to r<;pan· at the fixed time to the proper y appointed place of duty or goes rom the same without proper leave, or absents imself from his command, guard, quarters, station, or camp without proper leave, shall be punis ed as a court-martial may direct. "c. DISRESPECT—INSUBORDINA1‘ION—·MUTINY. dggszzvevv ¢<> Pres- "Am·. 62. Dxsmzsrncr TOWARD mm P1u¤:smrzN’r, Vrcm Pnmsmmrr, ’ ‘ Coscnsss, Sizcnnraar or WAR, eovnimoas, Lse1sr.ArUnms.—Any ollicer who uses contemptuous or disreskpectful words against the President Vice President, the Congress of the United States, the Secretary · of Wiar, or the governor or legislature of any State, Territory, or other possession of the United States in which he is quartered shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a courtmartial may direct. _ Agy other person subject to military law who so offends sh be punish as a court-martial may direct. oagfgyurd superior NABT. 63. _DISRESPECT TOWARD SUPERIOR 0I·’FIcEH.—A.ny perS011 ' subject military law who behaves himself with disrespect toward _ his superior officer shall be punished as a court·martial may direct.

 °*°·· $“· "Anr. 64. ASSAU'LT§NG on YY`1'l.LFCLLY msomzrnvc summon orncmz.-—Any-éierson subject to military law who, on any pretense whatsoever, st es his superior officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or

offers alply violence against him, being in the execution of his office, or willf y disobeys any lawful command of his superior officer shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.