Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/850

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 464. 1916. 829 cnams Anmwmn mr mm Avnrron 1*011 ·rr1m.1N·rnm0n nnranmnnr. For Geological Surve , $1.09. ¤¤a¤¤= •11¤v¤¤ by For restoration of laxiyds in forest reserves, $74.60. iiiilri-i¤“d¤iirhud°rD° _For public use of inventions and defending suits, Patent Office mneteen hundred and sixteen, $8.86. ’ For fees of examining surgeons, pensions, $30. For Indian schools, sup ort, $169.56. For industrial work andpcare oi timber $48.78. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and sigcteen, ${49,294.72. or urc ase an trans ortation of Indian su lies nineteen hundred agd fifteen, $370.29.P pp , For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $12.85. For general eigpenses, Indian Service, $6.23. For support o Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, $159.65. For In 1an school, Wahpeton, North Dakota, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $3.10. mlggr administration of affairs of Eve Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, $2§o11é sale of unallotted lands, Five Tribes, (reimbursable), For supgfort of Indians of Klamath Agency, Oregon, nineteen hundred and teen, $34.31. For support of Indians of Warm Spring Agency, Oregon, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $111.28. For supiport of Sioux of different tribes, subsistence and civilization, Sout Dakota $4,46. For irrigation, Yiakima Reservation, Washington (reimbursable), $132. . For maintenance and operation, irrigation system, Yakima Reservation, Washirigton (reimbursable), nineteen hundred and sixteen, $473.29. For support of Chippewas of Lake Superior, Wisconsin, nineteen hundred and fifteen, 3131.48. cmms Annownn mr run Auniron Fon THE s·rA·m AND OTHER nn- PARTMENTS. For salaries, chargés d’affaires ad interim, nineteen hundred and A§§}{':,’,,,,"§°,;',‘f,‘?,,2{ sixteen, $10,669.26. . ”‘<?&"§£°‘;“a» For salaries of vice consuls (Act of February fifth, nineteen hundred ' ‘ and fifteen), nineteen hundred and sixteen, $54.173 For salaries, Consular Service, _ For relief and protection of American seamen, mneteen hundred and sixteen, $7,036.83. _ _ For relief and protection of American seamen, mneteen hundred and fiftevn, $1,744.61. _ For relief and protection of American seamen, $12. For boundary line, Alaska and Canada, and United States and Canada, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $8,193.43. _ For boundary line, Alaska and Canada, and United States and Canada, $1,749.99. . _ For preservation of collections, National Museum, $4.70. For general expenses, Weather Bureau, 33 cents. For general expenses, Bureau of Blant Industry, $138.12. For general expenses, Forest Service, 30 cents. For general expenses, Bureau of Soils, $1.68. For general expenses, Bureau of Standards, $137.34. For testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, $17.71. For supplies of lighthouses, $61.84.