Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/956

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936 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 114, 115. 1917. StQg·§h*;_r§¤dg*¤” W received by the custodian for vocational education for any State shall ` be paid out on the requisition of the State board as reimbursement for expenditures already incurred to such schools as are approved by said State board and are entitled to receive such moneys under the provisions of this Act. mel}1*;dg;**°u;F°df‘ °”°*· Sec. 15. That whenever any dportion of the fund annually allotted to any State has not been expen for the lpuigpose provided for in this Act, a sum equal to such portion shall e educted by the Federal board from the next succeeding annual allotment from such fund to such State. ng{;lé¤g%m¤"°'r Sec. 16. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education may ' withhold the allotment of moneys to any State whenever it shall be determined that such moneys are not being expended for the purposes and under the conditions of this Act. ‘ ‘“"""“ *° °"“g"°“ If any allotment is withheld from any State, the State board of such State may appeal to the Congress of the United States, and if the Congess sha not direct such sum to be paid it shall be covered into the reas . ‘·°“°$»°*°·· “"’°’°· S¤o1lrlY7. That if any portion of the moneys received b the custoplaced . K . dian for vocational education of any] State under this ct, for any Elven purpose named in this Act, sha , b any action or contingency, e diminished or lost, it shall be replaeedv by such State, and until so U I ml replaced no subsequent appropriation for such education shall be paid · · °.§,${m,°i,fi;}`¢‘:’4§$Z to such State. N 0 portion of an moneys a propriated under this Act mm for the benefit of the States shallrbe appliedi directly or indirectly, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or bu.ild— ings or equipmen _ or or the purchase or rental of lands, or for the support of any relligious or privately owned or conducted school or co ege.

 ”°°°°° °l Sec. 18. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education shall

make an annual report to Congress on or before December first, on the administration of this Act an shall include in such re ort the reports made by the State boards on the administration of this Act by each State and the expenditure of the money allotted to each State. Approved, February 23, 1917. · F°bT;”589%]l°17‘ CEA?. 115.TAn Act To punish persons who make false representationsto settlers ~iPT and others pertaimng to the public lands of the United States. Public mm- Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢jRepresentat·£ves of the United nam ein mgm. States of zlmertca an Ccgggress qssegrcbled, That any person who, for a §$gf°'g{§f:‘g ghgomm reward paid or promis to him m that behalf, s all undertake to nr. locate for an intending purchaser, settler, or entryman any public lands of the United States sub`ect to disposition under the publicland laws, and who shall willlully and falsely represent to such intending purchaser, settler, or entryjman that any tract of land shown to him is public land of the 'nited States subject to sale, settlement, or entry, or that it is of a particular surveyed description, with intent to deceive the person to whom such representation is made, or who, in reckless disregard of the truth, shall falsely re resent to any such egerson that any tract of land shown to him is pulblic land of the Unit_ States subject to sale, settlement, or entry, or that Puunmmum it is of a particular surveyed description, thereby deceiving the person to w om such representation is made, shall be deemed guilty

§0a)m¤s¢li’erneanor and slzagl be punished by a fine of not exceeding

or y im risonmen or a erm not exceed1n` g both such fine liind imprisonment. one year, or by Approved, February 23, 1917.