Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/109

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess.I. Cns. 152,1ss,159,172,17e. 1916. 1299 ten, and lots fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, section fifteen, township thirteen north, range eight west, Indian meridian, Oklahoma., con— taining eighty-seven and seventy-eight one hundredths acres of land, more or less, without payment of the balance of purchase price due under the sale heretofore held, pursuant to Act o Congress ap- vous 533 proved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled ‘ An Act ’°` ' to open to settlement and entry under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States, certain lands in the State of Oklahoma, and for other purposes. " Approved, June 15, 1916. CHAP. 158.--An Act To validate the homestead entry of George S. Clark. ilirgoriibiiig Be it enacted by the Senate and House eéflrielgrmsentatines of the United mm°°’ N°` S5'] States of America in Congress assemble , at the homestead entry ,§°g’,,‘§';§,,§°,}§,'*éu,,y of Geor e S. Clark, numbered naught twenty-nine thousand nine v¤¤<i¤¢¤<¤- hundredg and sixty-one, made October twenty-second, nineteen hun- » dred and fo111'l3B6D, for the southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, and southwest %uarter southeast quarter of section thirt§-four, township seven nort , rar? thirteen east, of the Black Hills ·BI'id.l8l1, in the State of South D ota, be, and the same is hereby, vahdated. Approved, June 15, 1916. CHAP. 159.-An Act For the relief of the M. A. Sweeney Shipyards and Foimdry f]§'”]§°iQ,§£] Company. [Pnvata, No. N.] Be it enactedby theSenateandHo14seo Re tativeseythe Unded States ey America in Congress assemblei 'I£at the Secretarg of the M-Agdwiqgjgr Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the M. A. weeney gym,. Y Shipyards and Foundry Company, out of any money in the Treasury “""""° *°· not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,635, and which sum of money is hereby apprplplriated for this purpose, the same being the amount of money wit eld by the Government from said firm for building and constructing a steamboat named "John Ewens." Approved, June 19, 1916. CHAP. 172.-An Act For the relief of Mrs. George A. Miller. J“*?§_2fd?1“· Be tt enacted by the Senate and House;g`R’1e£n·esentatives of the United ¥P**"·°°· Na **7-1 States of America in Congress assemb , at the Secretary of the Mr¤.G¤>rs¤A.Hi11¤r. Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out P“’m"”°°°' of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $108.50 to George A. Miller on account of money expended bfy her husband in defendinia suit brought agamst him Iirowing out o his effort to enforce the w against selling liquor to dians. Approved, June 22, 1916. KAP. 173.-An Act For the relief of Vilhelm Torkildsan. mF;?3@61$16‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0; lgzgoresentatives of the United *P""`°°°’ N°‘ 38* States of America in Congress ass _ , at the Secretary of the ,Y£}};';g,'fgd§*g•'§_;*; Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out wsrwgpsuip ‘·H•mrik of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise Im"' appropriated, to Vilhelm Torkildsen the sum of $13,561.88, as com- 102620°—·vor. 39-—r·r 2-8