Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/142

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1332 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I._ Ch. 238. 1916. P¤¤¤.*¤¤ *¤°*•°°°°· The name of William F. Harrold, late of Com any A, Thirteenth mmm F' Hmom Regiment West Virginia. Volunteer Infantry, andp pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.

  • gf°;=· Rm, The name of Mary A. Ryan, widow of John Ryan, late of Company

` ° K, One hundred and eighggdirst Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, _ and pay her a {pension at e rate of $12&;ar month. §*;§§§$ }”,,%Pf‘*· The name o Elbridge Jacobs, late of mpangr G, First Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Heavy Artillery, an pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. L°“*S° H· °’°“‘“"°· The name of Louise H. Crombie, widow of Abner B. Crombie, late of Company C, Eleventh Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer

 pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu

t e is now receiving. A”“i° C- D““°°‘”— The name of Annie C. Dunqm, widow of Sebastian Duncan, late of Company E, Thirteenth Rqimmt_New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that she isnowrecei . s » A §,,“,'§§{’i,,,,,,,,_ The nandnt? Martha Brewerpwidow of {Ebenezer Brewer, late of Company E, Fourteenth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and Company C, Fo1u·th Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, _ and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. §’,§°.,E,‘_*§§’,,°,§°°"· The name of Mary.E. Jahngwidow ,of¥Charles F. Jahn, late of Compang D, Fifteenth Regiment York Volunteer Heavy Artillt£•r£ Saip _—pay her_a_pension at =the rate of $24 per month in lieu of _ e1s.n0wrecerV111g. · , = viral -.?=··; ·

e:sii‘rlIi‘•Clevenger. TIN ¤¤·m¤ of J¤m1¤18 Gl¢§Vmg6l‘,r-YY'ld0W» of F;;C1evenger,

late of Company A,. Forty-e1%th Regiment-Iowa ilolunteer Infantry, and former wgidqw of Henry- ehardson,_latqef.Goa1pg,ny M, Twelfth Rigig;e;i]t2I»;lmo1s Gavah·y,·and- lpay he,r..a.,pension,at the _ rae ermon . _ ·· y, §§,’f,{{,,°’§s,,,‘§f{,'?“°d· The name of Rhoda Villers, widow of Alva,Villers, late of Company K, Fourteenth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, g•§d_pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that e is now rece1vmg. S¤=¤¤¤* B¤**¤*'°¤¤- The name of Samuel Bridgeforth, late o£.Com any ,D,. One hundred and eleventh Regiment United States Colored I.g.fa.nt:ry,.and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of:-that he is now receiving. o p . ¥’·¤$§¤¤5- The name of Cecilia McCullou hel less and de nd hild f c , en o °°“"""°‘“°“"‘* name utouutugt, late of oomlghahtsir me- A, oil; nmiifea mia ninety-second Reiunent Pennsy vama Volunteer Infantry, and pay mm M y Am lieliiqa pension gt gb e rig? of $12 per month. St, _ ° · e name o ra ay Armstrong hel less andde dent child M of Cassms ,M· AI'm8*»¤`°¥ag, IMG Gi évmllitny, C, Ninltliu Regiment gegpgylipnéaélxglunma avalry, and pay her a pension at the rate P*’¥-‘S*°¤S www- The name of Elizabeth Humelba h 'd f Willi - Elizabeth Humel- ug 1 W1 Ow Q 8·Il1 F. Humel beuzh- bfwgh, l¤·l>€{ of Comphlly F, TWO hundred and seventh Regiment Pr Us Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate Ingmgg-to cm on of $24 per month m lieu of that she is nowreceiving; Promkied, That denthol emu. in the event of the death of Sadie Humelbaugh, helpless and de- Pemm TD chad on pendent child of said William F. Humelbaugh, the additional ension dmth oi mother. ere}-H cease aIld`dBt9I'mID€Z glldherl ghalj in the event of the death of Elizabeth Humelbaugh, the name of said Sadie Humelbaugli shall be placed on the ension roll, subject to the provisions and hmitations o the ension lgwg th { P , at the rate of $12 per goipih rom and after the date of death of said Elizabeth Hume}- P°‘"°" Gm" elname of Patrick Gillin lat *]*},,*1-d egjm New York Volunteer Cavalry 'and0p(i§yCli)igPaIn;;irexi)sion at till; ratealdf $40 per month in lieuof that he is now receiving.