Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/280

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 39-42. 1917. 147]. and depositingb with A. B. Dyer, lieutenant of ordnance, United States A.rmy, y order of Sterling Price, colonel commanding the Army in New Mexico at that time, of one hundred and forty kegs of gunpowder, and to ascertain and determine the reasonable market value of such powder at that time and place, not to exceed the value of $1,950, and whether the same or any art thereof was ever returned or delivered back to said Giddings, and the final disposition of such powder; and if the same, or any part thereof, was never returned to or delivered back to said Giddings, and in the o inion of such Secretary the circumstances of the case render the glnited States liable for the value of such powder, then to certify to the Secretary of the Treasiuy the amount of the reasonable market value at that time and lace of the powder so never returned or delivered back to said Giddgngs; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized P¤ym•uit_ to legal and directed to cause to be paid to the legal re resentatives of said r°°'°s°“t°°°"°S°f‘ Nawleon B. Giddings the said amount so certiiibd bty the Secretary of ar to be the reasonable market value of such pow er as aforesai . Approved, February 8, 1917. CHAP. 40.-An Act For the relief of Sarah E. Elliott. F•[li’¤§Y3%§§7· Be it enacted by the Senate and Houslixeif Representatives of the United lPriv»t¤. N¤· 166-1 States of America in Congress assemb , That there be, and hereby %;',;*,‘;§,,§},“‘}*°§,·,°, is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasiuy not otherwise ¤¢h¤¤b¤¤<1- ' appropriated, the sum of $1,073, to be paid to Sarah E. Elliott, to compensate her for the death of her husband, James K. P. Elliott, acci entall killed on April tenth, nineteen hundred and one, while in the discliarge of his dutgsin the service of the Government of the United States in the Mare land Navy Yard. Approved, February 8, 1917. CHAP. 41.-An Act For the relief of Charles L. Moore. Nlbinséyggg?1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ig Rrlegrresentativea of the United [mvm, No. mv.] States of America in Congress assemb , at the Secretary of the <1§_;¤¢l•¤ I;,:*•>¤r¤· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pa , out mm ' of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to (Zlrarles L. Moore, of Pesotum, Illinois, the sum of $26, the amount being due him for extra pay and disallowed October ninth, nineteen hundred and one. Approved, February 8, 1917. CHAP. 42.-An Act For the relief of John Brodie. F•nl¥l1af¥l%g§7- Be tt enacted by the Senate and House ¢y”R'1ggeaentat*ivea of the United 1Pnm·,N¤.ms.1 States of America in Cimgress assembled, t the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to John Brodie, of San Francisco, California, the sum of $1 000, on account of personal injuries received by him through the explosion of a box of percussion ca while loading the United tates Armty transort Sherman, in San Fiiancisco Harbor, on the twenty-secon day of September, eighteen hundred and mnety-nine: Provided, That no {,"rg•?“*}mm mm? sum of mone due or to become due to the said John Brodie under m•mt,etc. this Act shally be liable to attachment, levy, or seizure by or under ' any legal or equitable process whatever, but shall inure to the benefit of the said John Brodie. Approved, February 8, 1917.