Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/409

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cououimmrr RESOLUTIONS or oouemzss. 1601 GRAND ARMY ENCAMPMENT, 1916. 11113* 9, 1916- Resolved by the House of Re esentatives (the Senate e<meurr· That [H'C°°` Ra" Nm 26] there shall be qlrinted as a Hbuse document one thousand fivd hun- m(·i¤rii?is“iélmy°°°°mp` dred copies of the gournal of the iiftieth national encampment of the °‘· °'°°‘°° Grand Army of the Republic, for the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, not to exceed $1,700 in cost, with illustrations, one thousand copies of which shall be for the use of the House and five hundred for the use of the Senate. Passed, May 9, 1916. U BANKnUr·rcY LAWS. my °» 1916- _ _ {H. Con. Res., No. 27.] ’ Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Bankruptcy Lgw5_ there be printed twenty thousand copies of the revised edition of °d§{§1(j;§,°;’,{d1"1¤°d United States bankruptcy laws, as prepared by the Committee on ' Revision of the Laws o the House of Representatives, the said twenty thousand copies to be distributed as follows: Three thousand copies to the Senate folding room, three thousand clcipies for the Senate document room, seven thousand cppies for the ouse folding room, and seven thousand copies for the ouse document room. Passed, May 9, 1916. Aqunnuor names, 11. c. ..+**.2%.. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That [Hi Cm M., N0. M the President be rguested to return to the House of Representatives 1>fd°°d°°t B"d°°’ the enrolled bill ( . R. 759) entitled "An Act to provide for the re- q,,§‘,,“',§'f‘ °' bw ’°' moval of what is now known as the Aqueduct Bridglalazross the Potomac River, and for the building of a new bridge in p thereof." Passed, May 12, 1916. AQUEDUCT BRIDGE, D. C. Kay 13.1991- Resolved by the House of Regresentatives (the Senate ezoncurring), That ml Cm MM N0. lm the Speaker of the House of epresentatives and the President of the Dj*(S}“°‘*“"‘ B’*"¥°· Senate be, and they are hereby, re%uested to cancel their respective tpauéeumm exam, signatures to the enrolled bill (H. . 759) entitled "An Act to pro- ° "°r °r°°` vide for the removal of what is now known as the Aqpeduct Bridge, across the Potomac River, and for the building of a ridge in place thereof ·" That; upon the cancellation of said signatures, the Clerk be directed to re-enrol said bill with an amendment as follows: On page four, A,,,,,,,_m_ line ten, strike out the word " five" and insert m lieu thereo the word " four." Passed, May 13, 1916. OMNIBUS PENSION BILL, S. 4856. 1|¤YT!.1916· Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concun·l¢}g), That [s;mC:hI?'N°· the Secretary of the Senate be authorized in the enrollment o the bill nm, s. 48;.6. _ I (S. 4856) "granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain sol- mE§{'§{“°” "‘ °"°u' diers and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and degendent 4*1*- P- 1291- relatives of such soldiers and saiIors,” to change the word " entry" to f‘ Hem·y" where it occurs in line 21, page 7, and to change the word "him" to "her" where it occurs in line 1, page 18. Passed, May 27, 1916.