1604 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. A¤8¤¤* N, 1916- NAVAL SERVICE APPROPRIATION BILL. . in , N . [H cm 0 sq Resolved by the House of Regwesentatives (the Senate concurring), ,,E2§,°,l°§K°° “”'°' That in the enrollment of the ill (H. R. 15947) entitled "An Act m°g{*6•,$j‘*¤¤ *¤ •¤“°“· making apprplpriations for the naval service for the fiscaldyear ending .4m.p.m. June thirtie , nineteen hindred and seventeen, an for other purp0ses," the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to omit the word "not" in line seventeen of paragraph twenty, of the matter inserted by the conference under Senate amendment numbered eighty-nine. Passed, August 16, 1916{ August zz, me. DISTRICT OF OOLUMZBIA APPROPRIATION BH.L. moo? R“"N°` H`] Resolved by House of Representatives (the Senate cmwundvliég) ADi¤¢ri¤¢ ¤¢ Cgybia That in enrolling the District of Columbia Appropriation ill
m°”}¤ emu. (H. R. 15774) the Clerk is on pagle 431 line 18, of the original
Am m)_m_m_ bill to enroll the salary of the ]amtor of the O d Central High Sc ool building and annex m the sum of $1,000, and correct the total of the amended paragraph and the total on page 46, in line 14 of the bill by inserting the sums of $2,680 and $174,470, respectively. Passed, August 23, 1916. August 29, im. JOINT MEETING. ""°°“‘“°“"N°‘“" Rmzeee by the new of Representatives one seem ameemzmp, wyoirlgomeetins ¤f the That the two Houses of Congiress assemble in the Hall of the House ee»i°im¤iii$i1¤°»lsr°ii¤Ll’ of Representatives on Tues ay, the twenty-ninth day of August, "h° *"·’s"*°“‘· nineteen hundred and sixteen, at two o’clock and thirty minutes in the afternoon, for the purgose of receiving such communications as the President of the Unite States shall be pleased to make to them. Passed, August 29, 1916. S·P°¤¤b¤"·*°*°· 1 FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT. _ [S. Con. Res., N . 26. 0 Resolved by the Senate (the Home of Rgpresentatives cone·un~ing) _,,§§"°‘°’ W"' ‘·°°¤ That there be printed one hundred and ft thousand additional ug£<:g¤¤¤l;&_¤3vie¤ cr. copies of Senate Document Numbered Five Hundred, Sixty-fourth pr Congress, entitled "The Federal farm loan Act," of which fifty thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate and one hundred thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed, September 7, 1916. S°P**'”*’°’ "· ****6- ADJOURNMENT. [H. Con. Res., No. 60.] mwmmcmom Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) g,;,,,_ That the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House oi Representatives be authorized to close the present session of the Congress by adjourniug their respective Houses on the eighth da of September, nineteen hundred and sixteen, at ten o’clock antemeridian. Passed, September 8, 1916.