Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/415

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 1607 digest of contested-election cases in the House of Representatives d§jg°;”rinQf,;1°*°·» °" from nineteen hundred and one to nineteen hundred and seventeen, together with laws relating to contested elections in the House of Representatives and campaign contributions and expenditures, of wilhich oréefthoiipand copigs slhlall be for the use of the Senate and four thousand or theuse 0 the ouse. Passed, February 15, 1917. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. February 1% 1917- _ no .m.,N .1.] Resolved by the House eg Riegresentatives _(the Senate concurmng), [V 01; I (3 5 That in the enrollment of the b (S. 703) entitled ‘fAn Act to provide u,,,,@;i’§§;__ ° "°°’ for the promotion of vocational education; to(prov1de for cooperation mgu°{*;,f°*°¤ *¤ °¤*°”·

 {lhs Stgtes indthei promotion of sugh fe ucation m agricigtuge

an the tra es an in ustries· to provide or coo eration wit the States in the preparation of teachers of vocationallsubjects; and to _ alppigcpriatebmoneyl sind relgulalte its e£rpend&tureé"d;he Selc1£etary_§f Am P m te nate ean eis ereyautorize an `ecte ostrie *‘ out the word l‘name" and to in lieu thereof the words "des- Fate or create" m the third line of the second paragraph of section ve, ais the same appears m the conference report on Sflld bill and amen ment. Passed, February 17, 1917. ‘ EXPENSES BURIAL OF ADMIRAL DEWEY. _ hmm ’*· W1"- _ _ _ {S.Con. Res.,N0.32,| To pay the exsfnses mcurred by the committees attending and arranging for e funeral of the ate Admiral George Dewey. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representative; concurri ) ` That the expenses incurred by the committee a pointed by the \7%d pw? °f Admin! President and the committee appointed by the Speaker of the House ,"§,fP°°*§° *° *g°,g’_?§; pf Rgyglefenpgives inDarranging1forémd agtendinlg tge funpral péatgle ottmiicwsoiligemlisw. ate ira eorve ewey in the otuu a 0 the apito at - ingtpn, I)istrict of, Cplumlga, on Jpnuary twentieth, rilineteen hundrm ani seventeen, e pai in equa roportions rom thecontin ent funds of the Senate and House of Representatives, upon voucliers to be approved by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingfnt Expenses of the Senate and the Committee on Accounts of the ouse o Representatives. Passed, February 21, 1917. nmrenxrion Aer. F¤*·¤¤=v it M7- [H. Con. Res., No. 73.) Resolved by the House of Representat*i·ves (the Senate concurring), mmim _ Tbat ten thousand copies of the Immigration law (Public Numbered m_§§gA¤¤?g;3‘•yi&% Three hundred and one, Sixty-fourth Congress—H. R. 10384) be pr printed for the use of the Senate and House of Representatives, to be distributed as follows: One thousand five hundre copies for the use of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization; one thousand copies for the use of the Senate Committee on Immigration; four thousand five hundred copies to be distributed through the folging room off the House; an three thousand copies through the o ing room 0 the Senate. · Pesed. February 26, 1917.