Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/418

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TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS. Treaty between the United States and Peru for the advancement of en- 1¤1y14, 1914. era Signed at Lima, July 14, 1914; ratyication advised by _"" the enate, August 20, 1914; ratified by the President, December 1, 1914,· ratiyied by Peru, January 26, 1915; ratifications exchange] at Lima, March 4, 1915; proclaimed, March 6, 1915. BY rms Pnnsmaur or rum Umrnn Srarms or Ammros. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the §§§;¤’;*,§,§°“°°·P°’“ Republic of Peru looking to the advancement of the cause of general ` peace was concluded an signed b their respective Plenipotentiaries at Lima, on the fourteenth da 0; July, one thousand nme hundred and fourteen, the original of which Treat , being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as fohows: _ The United States of America La Republica del Peru ylos E8 °°"°'°""° P°'°”‘ and the Republic of Peru, with tados Unidos de América, con el the earnest desire to strengthen anhelo de estrechar sus vincnlos their bonds of friendship and to de amistad y de contribuir al decontribute to the development of sarrollo del espiritu de az unithe spirit of universal peace, have versal, han resuelto la celldbracién resolved upon the cele ration of a de un Tratado que contenga las treaty containing the rules for the reglas para la pratica de estos practice of these high proposals, elevados prolpdsitos; y, al efecto, and to that end have nominated han nombra o como sus plenipoas their leni otentiaries: tenciarios: The lgresidhnt of the United El Presidente del Peru, alseiior m°'"*’°'°“"°"°°‘ States, Benton McMillin, Envoy doctor don J. Fernando Gazzaui, ° Extraordinary and Minister Plen- Ministro de Relaciones Exterioipotentiary of the United States res; y in Peru; and The President of Peru, Doctor El Presidente de los Estados J. Fernando Gazzani, Minister of Unidos, el senor Benton McMil- Foreign Relations; lin, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos en el Peru; Who, after having examined Quienes, después de examinar their full powers, which were sus respectivos plenos poderes, found in due form, have agreed que encontraron en debida forma, upon the following articles: han_ convenido en los articulos siguientesz ARTICLE I ARTICULO I The High Contracting Parties Las Altas Partes Contratantes m§{§§“§°§ {@3,2; agree that all disputes between acuerdan que todas las desave- };•g:;¤ugg§:)fg¤;g>§;{ them, of every nature whatsoever, nencias, de cualquiera naturaleza pm. to the settlement of which previ— que ellas sean, y que en el hecho 1611