Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/433

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1626 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT—NETHERLANDS. MAY 9, 1914. M¤Y°·“”*· Arbitration eement between the United States and The Netherlands, extendingllhz duration of the Convention ry Maly 2, 1908. Signed at Washington, May 9, 1 14; ratiyication advise by the Senate, May 20, 1914; ratiied by the President, May 28, 191.4; rat#%ed by The Netherlands, July 10, 1915; ratyieations exchanged at ashington, August 20, 1915; proclaimed, August 21, 1915. ‘ BY rm: Pansmnzivr or mm Uxrrnn S·1·A·rns or Anmnroa. A PROCLAMATION. Nggéysgf "*°h*¤¤ Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America and r¤»amm¤.` the Netherlands extending the duration of the Arbitration Convention signed on May 2, 1908, between the two countries, was concluded V°*· 3** P- ”“· and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the ninth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, the original of which Agreement, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: °°""°°"”g P°w`“ The Government of the United De Regeering der Vereenégde States of America and Her Maj- Staten van Amerika en are esty the Queen of the Nether- Majesteit de Koningin der Nederlands, being desirous of extend- landen, bezield met den wensch ing the period of five years during het tydvak van vyf jaren, geduwhich the Convention of Arbitra- rende hetwelk het op 2 Mei 1908 tion, concluded between them on tusschen hen gesloten Arbitrage May 2. 1908, remained in force, Verdrag van kracht bleef en welk which period has expired on tydvak op 25 Maart 1914 is afge- March 1914, have authorized loopen, te verlengen, hebben de the undersigned. to wit: The onderveteekenden, namel k Zyne Honorable Vllilliam Jennings Excel&ntie William Jyennings y Bryan Secretary of State of the Bryan, Secretaris van Staat der United States, and IV. L. F. C. Vereenigde Staten, en W. L. F. C. Ridder van Rappard, Envoy Ex- Ridder van Rappard, Buitengetraordinary and Minister Pleni- woon Gezant en Gevolmachtigd potentiary of her Majesty the Minister van Hare Majesteit de Queen of the Netherlands at Koningin der Nederlanden te Washington, to conclude the fol- \Vashington, gemachtigd het vollowing greement: gend verdrag te sluiten: Anrxcnn I. Approved, I. <?¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤ ef, 1908 The Convention of Arbitration Het Arbitrage Verdra van 2 °"°°"°"‘°""°’”·”· of May 2, mos, between are GOV- Mei 1908 mssehen de Rggeering ernment of the United States of der Vereenigde Staten van Ame- America and Her Majesty the rika en Hare Majesteit de Konin- Queen of the Netherlands. the der Nederlanden, welks duur,p-2149- duration of which by Article III by Artikel III van dat verdrag thereof was fixed at a period of was bepaald op een tydvak van {tive years from the date of the vyf jaren vanaf den dag van de exchange of ratiiications, which uitwisseling der akten van beperiod terminated on March 25, krachtiging. welk tydvak is afge- 1914, is hereby extended and con- loopen op :25 Maart 1914, wordt