Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/435

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1628 PARCEL POST CONVENTION—ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Mm. 12, 1915. ¥•*°“’»"”5· Parcel Post Oonvention between the United States andthe Argentine Repubbk:. Signed at Washington, March 12 1915. A proved by the President, March 15, 1.915, and by the President q/P Argentina Republic, September 15, 1915. PARCEL POST CONVENTION I nrrwmm THE UNITED STATES CF AMERICA AND THE ARCENTINE REPUBLIC. P¤¤=•¤v¤·¢**¤¤¤¤¤ For the urpose of making Con e1ob'eto de establ Agqsinllmubm better arrangements be- Esres a.rrpFTos postales eihctggnlez tween United States of Amer- tados nides de América la iea and A?entme Republic Republics. Argentina, los the undersigne , Honorabe A1- critos, el Honorbale Albert S. bert S. Burleson, Postmaster Burleson, Postmaster General de 2;;**** °‘ 3"‘i>U':’“‘AE°“*f.? §‘ ‘°“e‘3”*£“°§6"?i“°§“&.%“é§;?· a 0 or m . c r m 0 . , - N8g’Il:cAI;l§18SS8d($! of the Xrgen- bajador de la Republics Illrgentine Relpublic to the United tina. ante el gobiemo de los Es- States, y virtue of authority tados Unidos de América, en vested in them, have agreed upon v1rtud_de la,_a.utorizaci611 de que the following articles or the es- estan invest1dos, han convemdo tabhshment of a Parcel Post Sys- en los sigmentes articulos para tem of exchange between both establecer el mtercambio de Enoountries. comiendas Postales entre ambos paises. · ARTICLE I. ARTICULO I “°*¤>•°'°°°"¤**°¤· Thqylprovisions of this Conven- Las estipulaciones do esta Contion r te only to parcels of mail vencxén se refieren iinicamente 6 matter to be exchanged by the las encomiendas que se remitan system herein provided for, and de conformidad con el plan que 0 u0t_ afect the arrangements GD Bllas S0 establece y en nada now existing under the Universal efectaran los arreglos que ahora Postal Convention, which will existen bajo la Convencion de la c0¤ti11ue in force as heretofore; Umon Postal Ul1lVGI$81,lOS cuales and all the agreements herein- G011t1m1&1‘=‘m vxgeutes como Io after contained apply exclusively estan ahora; y_ todas las estipu-

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. xc u- sivarhente ai las pbalijas que se cambien conforme a estos articulos. ARTICLE II. ARTICULO II ,,,Q§L’§§ °d¤““°° *0 l. There shall be admitted to 1.-Se admitirau en las balijas the malls exchanged under this ue se cambien conforme a esta Cpnvention,_art1cIes of merchan- Convencién, mercancias y obd1se and ma1.l matter (Qxcept let- jetos trasmisibles por el correo ters, postcards, and written mat- de cualquier género que sean, ter) of all kinds that are admitted (exceptuando cartas, tarjetas