Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/52

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1242 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 62, 72. 1916. C**¤**°SW·B°$h°¤“· The name of Charles W. Bushnell, late of the Fourth Independent Battery, Wisconsin Light Artillery, and pay a pension at the _ rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ·“°"““d" W°‘g“°" The name of Adeliade W er, widow of Lewis J. Wagner, late of Com any H, Twenty-ninthBRlegiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she w recei . §§‘},?l§’{‘,g,H,th,w,y_ is Tliie name <`if[§aryette Hathaway, widow of Gilbert B. Hathaway, _ late of Company E, One hundred and Efth Regiment Ohio Volunteer _ Infantry, and pay her a nsion at the rate of $12 per month. ¥$‘$‘,,?f‘%§$”°d“ The name of John Bush, late of Company A, Seventeenth Re? ent West V1rgm1` `a Volunteer Infant and pay him a pension at IB} e rate of $21% per mlcingi in lieudof thptge is igivérecelvingf C N¤¤°1M·G¤*Y· e name o ancy . ray wi ow o ner . ray, ate 0 omany F, One hundred and eleventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer

 and pay her a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu

of at s e is now receiv' . William-H. Brown. · The name of W1lhaniu§·I. Brown late of Company A Twenty- seventh Iltegimexlt Missouri Vollunteér Inlarpzryiland pay a pen- _ sion at the rate o $36 per mont in `eu 0 t at e is now receiving. , smh J`mu°r' The name of Sarah J. Miller, widow of James F. Miller, late of Company C, Ninth Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay _ her a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that she is now fQé,°'¥;gf,· U, me on receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death of Elizabeth Miller, =i¤¤¤h¤fchi1<L helpless and dependent child of said James F. Miller, the additional Pmm to (Md 0,, pension herein granted shall cease and determine: And cyvided dmb ¤1 ¤w¤1¤¤- fcpihcg ]'l:`1l;;tbin Ith§5:1venthe£1tll;e dpathdof Sagah J. Miller, Eli); name osai aet `ers epace onte nsion , b` t to the provisions and limitations of the (pensionllzws, atmihe i·lsitg6gf· Slglper month from and after the dateof eath of said Sarah J. Miller. ’°l“‘T°”°" e name of John Toner, late of Captain Jones' company, Ninety- seventh Regiment I;ennsylvania Xgoluriteer Infantry, and pay him a Columbus W. Dm pension at the rate o $27 {par mont in 1eu of that he is now reeeivin . eu. The name of Columbus . Donnell, late f C E, F urt 51 H Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavah·v, andOpa;Il1d)1;nai7pensi(on ailtilliihe Mm E Num ratleh of $24 peri xgplrllthén lllelz of thalt he its gow receiving. ' enameo e . oan wi owo amesNoan late of Company I, Fifth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infant 2 and pay her a pensmn at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. ’ H°“’““’ *`·*“°°"· The name of Hannah F. Blood widow of Adorno Bl d I t f Company F One_ hundred and fifth Rggiment, and Cldlfnpazya E, Thirty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volimteer Infantry, and pay her a pen- Jwb Hm morph at the rat?3 $2g Ear mcinth up geu of thaé s e is now reeeivinvg. ' _ e_name o aco are ate o ompany , First R t t Vugmia Volunteer Cavalry; and pay him a pension at thiuxiziftld of S?0 George W mm periiinonth m lleiérpg thatllie is now receiving) ' enameo rge .Ja b,lt f E, 'hhR ’- ment Kentucky Volunteer Inlxnlryzjl iinod payuhiiinya pdhlgoxi at (tile rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, April 5, 1916. v·;"’{§{‘$g§i_ cmu. 72.-An Act rar me miie: of Mary E. Nicolson. lPm°°°’ N°‘ S'] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re entaf th U ited

5;pmg£tN;¤g1s¤pbr States of Amerika in Congress assenzbledj Tlzfsllzgthe Slelbsrgtary oft the

dgqgh ,,;s.,,,_ ‘ Treasury be, and he is hereb , authorized and directed to pay to Mary E. Nicolson, of Idaho Idaho, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $900, to compen-