Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/699

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INDEX. 1861 Chandler, Melissa JZ (mklmu), Charleston, S. Ck——C011l71!1'l1€d. bh ks Pwnmou . . 1 57 ti yard, , Clgzrdler, Sarah M. (wMou·), appw ?1p2:vve¥ plantggtc - fzivgr. . . 1178 genmon .. . 1532 _ for_navalmagazine,ammunrtionstorage.- 1179 C nmjls, l’hyllu(w1dow), 1438 rmmrgrgnt glialilpln, by South 61 nsron increased . .., aro ava ...,. Clg;el_.$ll, N. C., » terms of court at. .. .. . 721 deficiency appropriation for public build- mmcigce ofvglegr. . 721 mg . . - - 17 lon, . a., _ Chaplain, _ condemned cannon granted to . .. . . 833 appropriation for House of Represents.- Charlevoiz, lfch., f ..,., . . gg, C,a1pp)ropri§:rc¢;'n for improvement of harbor. . 400 or na .. . . , r tte, 1 ., Chaplain, Elizabeth S. (widow), appropriation for public building. . 264 mEer;sion.l ...,.._.,,_,,... . ..,... 1290 de ciency appropriation for public build- _p ains, my _ 17 appointment etc., of, under National De- Charlotte, N ._ C., fense ict ..., . ..,.,,... 176 .C]pappropri1aft1o1r/r for public building, rent. . . 264 or 'ous war rvic .. 176 1* alle, . ., Chaprprnfrn, Conwliugfc V1 se 3 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 392 chpension .(. . .0}- . ... 1284 pre xamination, etc., of harbor, to pman, enme . wiow, e-... ... 407 Ipension increased .. . . 1550 Charlton and Nassau Counties, Ga. and Fla., C pman, _Joseph, mag budge Samt Mary River, Calico Hill. 165 Cgension increased . . .. 1489 olars Ferry. . . 436 pman, William A., Charts, Coast Sum , pension increased .. . . 1433 obsolete, may qlre distributed free to Chappell, Charles L., schools, etc. . ... 320 Ohplensign .. . 1451 Chase, Andrew, 403 , iam . n increased. . .. 1 0%.,*5..,. slams.: __,.. . so o.‘2.°;L‘f"§l...». K, gés d’A]7`mrea¤din¢erim, i.ncre•sed.--. ..,. 1482 plpplropriation for . lg , Henry M, e 'ciency appreprktion 'es. union increased . ... 1269 Charitable, etc., Qrganizationr, . , Uma, WC, exempt from meoune tax 766 nrcreaseda. . 1222 Chantresa1r¢lC0rre4:2smr•, D. C'., , Lomn¢B. (widow), ; . appropriation ior_Boa~rd of . r 706, 1033 .. .. . . ... 1428 for reformatones and correctional in- , 0¤•y.C’., · . ‘ · gtitut.iom_ ______,,, , .,.. 7(B, 1034 increased, - .. . ... . . - . 1534 for medical charities 7Ul, 1036 , Stanford H., io]- qhi1d.oari¤% institutions .__..._... ;%, ,,... . .. 1458 or temporary es. . .. . . . . . ounty a., for municipal logging house .. 709: 1038 bridge authorized across Back River befor aig to e blind , . .. - 713, Cha tweelkllaspeéa C. and 6 for in igent insane .. 7 ttahoochee iver, . ., for relief of the poor . . appropégitior:) for Gignprovement oi, below 395 for tran rting pa rs. . ... um us, . . for worlggguse . .. 710; 1038 bridge autbonzed amos, Coweta and Car- 6 for refprmatory. . .. . . 711,1039 C roll C;_unties, Ga . . . 6 'la riton, awa, hauanooga mn., C'{p£;op`1riati?n for public building. ... . . 264 bridge zulhorized across Teuneuee River , °ly, owa, 8 . ... 47 a r riationf r blic buil .. 264 Cmlmnazya Term., Cumberland Preabyterian dggcligncy appgoriiilation fordpiiglic build- 17 {C E di 1497 ing . . .. ymeno ur·to»` unto " Charles L. Hutchinson, “Steamer, Cglto, Charles N., gp name of, changed to “Fayette Brown" 946 mgnsron increased. .. - . . .. 1483 Charles Town, W. Va., _ _ unqey, Jem Rod , Clappmpriatliop for public building .. . . . . 264 Cglentzrlpn rncreasedtc . .. - . ... 1364 . rtzm,.r., u q·ua.r,e ., ( Iibrpdemngd cannolnagiranteg to. .. 834, 840 C};1;Z,m}}‘¥;)8f;‘omtcspecialtax ... 791 ' reson- u. non omptm, , e . . Cllesyse of leg? to ... . . ... 1447 issue of for, by disbursing offi- 3 ar esltm, ., CGIB; D -..- - ... . . 7 Mapgropriagoré for public building .. . . . . 264 postal warrantgs, etc. ;t;bpnd. .1 38 ar stem, . ',. small amoun to em oyees wi · appropriation for im rovement of water- out bond . if . .. .. ... 38 way between hl)cClel1anville and- . . 395 Checks, Outstanding, for imprilovement of harbor and channel 395 acceptaipsée of Audiéiorsf reports of, in lieu of 336 mt esea.--,-... .. ursingo rs’returns .. for nayby yard, public works .. . . 567 Cheek, CW T., ce for grrig Cooper River. . ,.. . 567 I igension increased. . .. 1360 for equipping navy yard to build ships _ C el:. Ceorge H., for increase of rhe Navy. 618 pension increased . , .. 1538