Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/703

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INDEX. 1860 Cincinnati, Ohio, ?¤8¤- Oitrus Fruits, Pavsppropriation for assistant treesurerfs a ro tion for improving methods oi _ Office ... 87, 1092 pp Piiltgizing by-products of . 463, 1152 Omeinmtz Southern Railway, determining maturity in fruits and . trustees, allowed free transportation on vegetables . 1152 . eompméy business . 922 for insects 466, 1154 "Cincmrugti,_’ . S. S., City Delivery `oision, Pont Office De arlgrppropriauon for repairs. 605 ment {pee Post Office Service givi- (Z'·u-cutt .0urt of Appeals, sion, ost Office Deputment). appropriation for circuit judges 118, 11.19 Oily Delivery, Postal Serwbe, or clerks . . 118, 1119 appropriation for letter carriers; promofor messenger, etc., eighth circuit 118, 1119 tions ... 417, 1063 for law books for . . .. 119, 1120 no distinction in pay for collection appeals and write of error from courts in or delivery service 417 Porto Rico to first circuit ... 966 restoration of reduced salaries 417 West Indian ceded islands to third cir- for substitute, auxiliary, and temporary cuit ... 1133 carriers 417, 1063 judgments and decrees of, iinsl in bank- for new oices; carriers. 417, 1063 ruptcy proceedings 727 pay of substitutes for vacation, etc.. causes relating to inquiries to railroad service rated ... 417 · employees . 727 substitutes for employees 0E duty under railroad eighteen-hour Act 727 withoutllpay 417 under railway safety-axgpliances acts. . 727 for vehicle owances ... 417, 1063 certiorari from Supreme ourt for review, ten-year leases for garages allowed 417 etc., allowed ... 727 for mail messenger service .. . . . . 418, 1063 term at Asheville, N. C ... 385 . for pneumatic tube, etc., service 418, 1064 Circuit Judges, for car fare and bicycles .. 418, 1064 appropriation for .. 118, 1119 for street car collections .. 418, 1064 Circus Propnktors, for Detroit River service . 418, 1064 special tax imposed on ... 791 for special delivery . . 418, 1064 rezuired for each State, etc . 791 for equipment for. . . . .- 421, 1068 Oirtwel , Albert, dies for letter boxes . 421 pension increased 1230 deficiency appropriation for supplies . 24 Citizen Band of Pottawatmnic Indians, Okla., for carriers . . ... o 827 appropriation for payment to certain en- for horse hire 827,830 Ci _ $ed m2_mbers(oL .. 6 . 983 O. fgzfsgbnguge, etc., carriers . - .. 827, Sw tum 'ning am we Trmmng' amps, 'ty , . ., Citizen). Ps 3p£roprintioniordisp<¤1of;1rigl1t¤il. 800,1019 C’itiz¢·n.¤’ Bridge Cmnpany! · e ciency appropriation for d.i¤pon1.. 21 may bridge Mimimippr River at Burling— Oimb Leagues, etc., ton, Iowa .. 1 exempt from income tu .. 766 C¥¢izem’ Builditg and Loom Auociathm, Civil Engineers, Ngrrgé 00{rips of (see also Bn- Newark, hio, reau of Y an Docks, Na ), refund of excise corporation ts: .. 1493 officers to rank from date of originxi ap- Citizen.s’ Homestead Assomkztion, New Orleans, pointment . 1184 La., Civil Service Cmnmission, refund of excise corporation tax .. 1491 appropriation for Commissioners, secre- Cilfzms of the United Mates, tarv, clerks, etc .. 76. 1081 intending to reside permanently nbrosd, for field force ... _ . . 76, 1081 to be reported by master oi vemel details from exemtxve departments es ing ..,.. . . 883 forbidden ... 76,1081 li·nvin;;ri·iy Cnrnulinni or Mexican border. transfer of employees ... 78, 1081 to be reported by immigration for expert examiners . . ... 77, 1081 officisils 883 for traveling. etc., expenses .. 77, 1081 C·:'tizt»n.·¢h ip. for tieldrxaminers for local boards, etc. . 77 dei·la.r·.irions of intention erroneouslg made for contingent expenses .. 102, 1107 in Montana, validated; con `tions. 507 for rent.. ... 103, 1107 natives of Porto Rico, etc., included in for printing and binding for 330 United States . 953 deficiency appropriation for traveling exrenunciation requirements .. 953 penses ... . ..., 15 no part of Army appropriations to pay for iield examiners, etc . 15 person. not 2. citizen, appointed on Division of Efficiency made un independ— · officer in time of peace . 649 ent establishment . 15 readmission to, of Marguerite Motlrilde Sli- _ transfer of employees. duties, etn ... 15 dell d’Erlanger ... 1588 l¤V€€`lJ§¤·t.l0H of business methods of. by rights accorded Joseph Beech . 1495 I ureau of Efficiency. directed .. 1080 Citrus Ccmlcer, dl , Clafin, Mahala Lee (widow), 1 33 tx ro riation for investzigatin , era `cat- nsion .. , .. . 4 pp ping. etc ,___________,_,. .,.. ,.. 452. 1141 i Clgiébome, Md., cooperation with States; local. etc.. Z appropriation for improvement of, harbor- 394 contribution required .,.. 452. 11-11 Claims, paving for destroyed trees, etc., for- Q appropriation for arhitsrstzing outstanding bidden . .,,,,_,_,_...,..., 1141 British and American pecuniary. 258. 1054 deHciency appropriation for investigating. j for expenses, defendin suits in 311 etc ... *24 for defense in Indian gepredation .. 311