Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/712

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1874 INDEX. Cgngressional Employees, _ Page- Conservation 0jjNavigable Waters, etc.¢Contd. Pmaries for December, 1915, to be pa1d areas authonzed m, for game, bud, and December 17, _ _..,..,..,,.,,., . 3 fish preserves .. : ... 476 for Segbember, 1916, to be paid on day of pumphment for unlawfully buntmg, etc., a joumment . .. 853 111: . _ _ ... t . . . 476 for Igecember, 1916, to be paid Decem- 861 pr0spe;:t1r:-jg, ati., gréxdnenials, mtcacqu1ri%2 1100 er 22 _,,,,, , .. an s author1z : arms, c . " C¢mgressional)Library (see Library of C011- Constalgle, éllary lgjdaughter), , 1573 regs _ penswu o guar mn 0 Cbngressgmal Record, Constnnntheoglv, Turkey, appropxkkgion for debates, Housgz 1076 approp£at1011 for steam launch for embasgyjl 1050 0 e reseu wes. . . . ¤· for repurtigg debates, Senate ... 69; 1073 for prison expenses .. 262; 1058 for prmtjngand binding ..., 330 Constants, etc., inter·natwb·ru1l Cammismbn on deficiency appropriation for extra. services, 7jab{es of, _ _ reporting debates, House of Repre- 822 n gppr0pnqt1o11 gr goxrgmbuuon bo. .. 257, 1053 sent:-xtives ... . . ‘ cnsmtutw·n" . , ., for extra services, rep0rtmg` debates appropriation for re airs . . ... 605 Senate. . . -. . -: 822 Comtmction Cgrps, 1*};vy (sge Bnucau of Con- Conia, fivqoinc, sgructwu and Repzur, Navy). peumon increased . ... 1424 Constructwgm _Plun¢s, Nayy, _ Cankie, John, 539 appropriation gugdmpaus 3.;1g11IllpfoVB1D.8H6t(?5 H8 usiou increased ... 1 at speci navy y s. 5 Cggclipg, frank E., Consular 4aagZsta·nts, _ _ I Cpelréxymoxnxgfrmmd 1581 sppnupgaxggr for _ bngzxng home frcg:3 1051 an , ew, _ emams . . , pgygign, ,, ___, ,_ _,,_, - .,.,.,.,_...,.. 1385 for salanes . . ... 261 1057 Conley! Cornelius, alias Cornelius Connelly, Comular [mpccwra, _ ’ _ pango; ______ __ _ _,,.. . ..,,,.,.,,,,.. 1370 appropnat1c11 for salanas .. 261, 10.27 Conley, Ellen (zmkiaw), for cxgvenses . 261,10¤7 pension increased ,... . . .. 1256 COTLSNZGT __wf67`8, _ _ _ (,'4mmau,z,_0l;i0, . _ appropnatmn for mmucnon and transit appropriation for hght ststwn, etc .. 317 pay .·- _ ...·-...-.·.- . -.·-·.- 253. 10·_§8 Cmmeatwut River. Conn., for transportation to apd from posts,. 2%, 10a0 2, mpyiatiou (0;- improvement gf, above for paying heus of, dying abroad . 2aa, 1050 PP Hartf rd 391 for bringirw home from abroad re 0 . . . . ·--- · · ·---·· · - · · ·---- · y ' below Hartford ...- - ·-.--- t ... 392 mains oi, ... 255, 10§[ bridge authorized across, at Sprmgtield, 536 {or salargesh .. : . . . 261, 10ob Mass ____ _ ____ _ _______,,,,____,,,,,_ or pos a uwzmces 111 e werent Cbmvell.·m·iIle, Pa., _ countries, etp.: ... i.. . 261, 1057 condemned cannon grgnmd to . 843 i <leficwncy_approprmt.10¤ for vxcc consuls. 802, 829 Ftmnelly, Edmund T., alms John Mrtr/cs, 1 for galanesz . _ . . .2 ... _ . 26, 829 pension increased . . . . 1219 to venfy mcdxcal examination of ahen emx- Conner, Allen, C I grams at port; ofldepgrtxire. ..: . 884 ugigu increased ________________________ 1319 gngu gr Sgrrfgg (gpg *4; `gg ip qmgtlc an C'o!;a£;aer. George T,, l‘pngmlu.r Serynce), pension increased ... . 1313 C appnéoynatnon for Dnroctor of the . . . . 77, 1382 C , I onsu a es, C0r:¤lgi¤¤;;?;i?§¤§M -··----·--·--~---------- 1258 ¤vp;¤pr$g>1;%r€¥;§_1g¤ --·-·--·---- ovmess an ., 0 co g _ _ .. _ .. , electric street milway frgnchise bo, South deticnency appmprumon forclerkhuc . 31, 35% Hilo, Hawaii, modxiied . ... 438 Consula, _ _ _ _ Connolly, Julia M. (widow), appropnatxon for salanes ... 261, l0a6 p€\’lSi0H. . . Z . . 1371 Cgy;gu[,g General, C0'fm¢>*j» Dqnwl, 9 appropriation for salaries .. 261, 1056 ¤$??¥$’¢f’?‘r·?F?~‘iF°”""’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M4 C°§""¥`i°’§?a{ZZQ‘§“?§¥’ et., mu., p·¢¤¤i<>¤ incrwvd -···------····--·.·. 1563 pp °ph,dumS P ’ " ug 1:,4 C°”"’”" Martha (”`id°“`)* for prevent{rié;-Es51:e;z;<;l- - pension inr·r¢=>a¤:#ed . . 1247 name ’ 440 €`·>"·’<·"€· Hem '*”*’°*")» gum ·1fHicte;ci;·Mr1B:;{l;§<3£1{é<;1:£1@¢=;r2>;.1-s- ¥"`“"°“ ··························---·-··· 1325 `excmded admission . . .3 srs C°""”'l‘ J"€°h* restrictions on admission oi cgflresipension incmased ‘‘‘”`‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 12*2 dent aliens affected with ... . 891 Cbnroc, Marshall LL, , . _ 4 `, I "' ` pension incrmwd ________________________ 1531 Conlagwug Qmeaseb, - m_ma .I dia f ]_ Consvrrnfion of AlH'iQllbl¢ WYHCY.9, ctc., 3·PPmPnat1°¤ for paildug . H gilior .1ve appmpriatinn for gnaintenauce of uationnl Stock de-‘m°Y m € c**n¤E—'i__, 9 3 f<>r¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤€<! *0* ---·--—-—»·-· 46*% 1149 mf ‘ ‘ ‘ °3 ° QA ° *—` i’i °`'°‘ g °'‘` 4r“8’u§¤ io: acquiring addiuonal lands, 1917 and {O" PY€*· €‘¤¤¤S ¤P{€ °*· i? 9 SWG - — · °Q» ~_;_ 19l8··•:_>·____________._-_'··_·A· f()[‘ emergency {15E? 8lT€St1flg, €t(`f,_, 49,, for employmvut of agems. em., from ; P*‘Y‘“$“{ *9"_£“‘§“"l” d*’*“'°Y°d? {fg, U6- cnmwrvation (und .- 1 ... _ 462, 1150 _ P"·’·*é€* 0* ‘ “€~ ··-----··-·----· ·-· ‘ for Q00p•s!‘uti·>H with States IH Hghhng, I (j'gn!r1qzg>1{;[{:.¢rqsrs_ D. (`_, · etc, forest; Eros . 475, UGG I zapproprmtxon for preventmq spread of. . 702, 1029