Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/716

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1878 INDEX. Codon Futures Act, United States-—Contd. Fw- Council for National Dgenre, Pm. additional contracts not subject to tax;pro- established for coor `natzion of industries viding for delivery of cotton con- and resources for national security tracted for . ... 480 and welfare ... 649 requiring actual transfers of specified cot- composed of Secretaries of specified Deton. .. 480 partments .. 649 general acgeptance ... . 480 commission to be appointed by no tax on es of spot cotton . . 480 e President on nomination of . 649 section not applica le to other exchange, special qualifications designated 649 etc., contracts . ... 480 allowances for expenses; no compensapayment of tax; aihxingstamps by seller- 480 tion ... 649 contracts not enforceable unless law com- investigations, etc., tobeconducted under. 649 plied with . . ... 480 frontier railroad transportation for specml collection and enforcement of tax,. ... 480 military defense 650 acconmts, etc., to be kept; verified returns location of highways and railroads for required. -· ... . ... 480 military, etc., purposes . 650 clearing-house records, etc. 480 utilization of waterways . 650 agents to be appointed; pay, duties, etc. 480 military and naval defense resources 650 internal revenue laws applicable . -- . 480 domestic production of necessities if forpunishment for violations; imprisonment eign commerce interrupted . 650 _0§ natural persons . . 480 develofpment of seagoing trapnsgrtation . . 650 additional pemilty; recovery ... 481 data o production, etc., of `tary supone-half to inforrner ... . .. 481 plies . .. 650 prosecutions . . . . 1 .. 481 information to producers as to military, testimony compulsory in actions under. . . 481 etc., supplies needed by the Governcrimmal immunity to witnesses .. . - - 481 ment . 650 State laws not impaired - ... . 481 concentration, etc., of resources of the appropriation of unexpended balance for Nation . 650 revenue expenses: ._ ... 481 regulations, etc., to be adopted ... 650 appropriation fordeterm1n1ngs}>0tmarkets, work under direction 0 advisory comestablishing standards, etc ... . . 481 minion .. . . W publication of results of investigations, etc- 481 assistance by subordinate bodies ... . 650 receipts from costs, etc., to be covered into employment of experts, special committhe Treasury . . . 481 tees, etc ... 650 sections establishing standards and making appropriation for expenses of, travel, etc. . 650 appropriations effective immediately 481 su mission of reports, etc .. 650 others, first day of the month succeeding account of expendlt-ures ... 650 date of passage .,. . 481 by approve, of President without items . 850 prior contracts not affected ... . 482 Counselor for the Departnumt o_/'Statc, former Act repealed . 482 appropriation for ... 77. 1082 status of rights, etc., under .. 482 Counselor of Embassy or Legation, invalidity of any clause, etc., not to aiect office created; designation of secretary as. . 252 remainder of Act . . 482 Counterjéiting, etc., _ Cotton Production, Comumption, etc., appropriation for expenses in suppressing. appropriation for securing information for etc., restriction ... : 277 census reports on 110, 1112 protecting (person of the President. ; . . 277 Cottomced, details un er Secret Service Division appropriation for interbmeeding experi- forbidden .. _ . . . 277 mont; __,,__,__________ , ,,, . 1142 deficiency appropriation for suppressing, monthly statistics of, and products to be etc ... 824 collected and published .. . 436 Countryman, Walkin, subjects specified: limit of ex uses 437 pension increased 1487 infomation only for 437 Court of Appeals. D. C., punishment or unauthorized divulg- appropriation for salaries, etc., half from _ ing of .,., , ,,,. 437 District revenues . .. 119, 1119 mill owners, manufacturers, etc., tofumish for reports of decisions .. 703, 1031 detailed information relative to, and for care, etc., of building 705, 1033 products .. 437 jurisdiction in appeals from decision of punishment for refusal . 437 Postmaster General of unfair dis- Cottonwood Rirer, Kam., criminations in second class mail investiigticn of ilood periods of 410 cases ... 424 Cottrell, rand: M., Court of Claims, pension increased ..,.,.. . .,,, 1517 appropriation for judges, clerks, etc . 119, 1120 Cottrell, William J., for nndimm, ou; ., . .. 119. 1120 pension increased 1257 for contingent expenses .. 119, 1120 C'ouch,_James H., for reporting decisions 120, 1120 pension increased 1440 for pay of custodian . 120, 1120 (ym,z_.,m_ Alphgus pq for repairs of building .. 298 pensign increased ______________________ _ _ 1412 for priming and landing for. -_ ..,... 231 Coulter Samuel L dencienpy appropriation for printing and _ ,,.,,,3,,. k.C,_.,md°’ ,,_,.,.,,,,,,,_,,,,__,__ mg *>¤2<*¤¤$ M --—·--·~ ; -----·-——---·-—— _ ?· I h d JOM for paying mdgments of 2t . 823 CW t ?' · . v for repairs to buildinp. . . S17 P€¤§*°¤ Increased •~--·--•··•~···•-··- · • - • 1273 for paying Mille Lac udiang jud ent of 823 Council Blufs, Iowa, for paying judgments. in Indian ggimeda terms of court at .. 13,55 tion claims ... . 823