Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/729

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INDEX. 1891 Dill, J., Pam- Diplomatic and Consular Sa·v{oe—Contd. P¤s¢· pensron increased .. . . 1461 appropriation for International Institute Drltz, Elbrydge, of Agriculture .. 257, 1053 pension 111(}!'93S8d 1537 for International Sanitary Bureau . - . 257, 1053 Dzmethylamlm, for United States court for China 258, 1053 glnty on . . 793 for International Sanitary Bureau. - . 257, 1053 Dmwutt, Overton L., for Intemational Office of Public pension increased . . . . 1425 Health . 258, 1053 Dzmmzd,_W W for International Seismological Amociairauchise to ior manufacture, etc. of gas, tion 258, 1054 Honolulu, island of Oahu, hawaii, for Brit:ish—American Pecuniary Claims _ extended, etc ... . .. 231 Arbitration . 258, 1054 Dmosaur Natzbwwl Monument, Utah, for Peace palace at The Hague .. 258, 1054 proclamation setting aside . 1752 for International Radiotelegraphic Con- D·m.s·rnore, Boadicea T. (widow), vention . . . . ... 258, 1054 pension increased . ... 1485 for Canadian Fisheries Commission. . 258, 1054 Dmwiddrh, James M., for Canadian Boundary Waters Commispension increased . ... 1427 sion 259, 1054 Dmxynaphthalene, for Fifth International Conference of duty on . ... 793 American States . . .. 259, 1055 Dzgahenylolmfn, for annual payment to Panama . 259, 1055 uty on 794 for International Geodetic Associa- Diplomatic and Consular Service, tion .. . 259, 1055 apfpropriation fordi lomatic service. . . 252, 1047 for Nineteenth Conference, Intexpar1ia— or salaries, amgassadors and minis- mentary Union . 260, 1058 ters. . . 252, 1048 for International Congress against Alcofor agent, etc., Tangier 1048 holism .. 260, 1056 for ent, etc.. Cairo 252, 1048 for ac uisitzion of consular premises, etc., for Zgargés d’aB’aires ad interim .. 252, 1048 Sl:lmngha.i ... . . 260 for secretaries in the diplomatic serv- for International Law Commission- .. 260, 1056 ice . 252, 1048 for acquisition of legation premises, Hue counselor of embassy or Iegation crea- bana, Cuba . . . 260 ted ... 252 for Consular Service . 261, 1056 for Japanese, Turkish, and Chinese secre- for consuls general, consuls, and vice taries and assistant secretaries. . . 253, 1048 consuls . 261, 158 for instruction and transit Yay . . 253, 1048 restriction of citizenship for vice for clerks at embassies and egations. . 253, 1048 consuls . . .. 261 for interpreters to embassies and legs- consular officers to be citizens . 1.. 261 tions ... 253, 1049 for consular inspectors; expenses. . .. 261, 1057 for student interpreters at embesiee and for consular assistants ... . . . . 261, 1057 legations .. . ... 253, 1049 for post allowances to consular and dipfor quarters for student interpreters. . 254, 1049 lomatic officers in belligerent, counfor contingent expenses, minions 254, 1049 tries, etc . . 261, 1057 dispatch agents. . 254, 1050 for clerks at consulates . . ... 261, 1057 rintingin theDepartment0f State. 254, 1050 for iuxggreters, etc., at consulates. . . 261, 1057 Foes by exchange, etc . 254, 1050 for m als, consular courts. . . 261 for transportation of diplomatic and con- for consular dprisons, etc . 262, 1057 sular officem 254, 1050 for relief an protection of American seafor steam launch Constantinople 254, 1050 men. .. 262, 1058 for ground rent, Tokgo, Japan ... 254, 1050 for foreign hospital, Capo Town .. 262, 1058 for (`ape Spartel Lig t, Tnngier .. 254, 1050 for contingent. expenses, consulates. . 262, 1058 for hrmging home criminals . 255, 1050 loss by exchange, etc . 262, 1058 for life saving testimonials ... 255, 1050 for legation premises, San Jose, Costa for unforeseen emergencies; expenses. Rxca .. 1058 Neutrality Act .. 255, 1050 for seamen‘s mission, Rio do Janeiro 1058 balance reappropriated 255, 1050 deficierivy appropriation for Pan Ameripayment for personal services, District can Scxentitic Congress . 3, 802 of (`olumlua ... . ... 255 for exposition at Panama ... 15 for heirs of officem dying abroad . 255, 1050 for payment to Panama .. . 15 for bringing home remains of officers. 255, 1051 for expenses marking Canadian boundfor Bureau of Weights and Measurea. 255, 1051 ary .. 16, 829 for Bureau of Customs Tariffs 255, 1051 for permanent court of arbitration ... 16 for Mexican Boundary Commission . . 256, 1051 for unforeseen emergencies ... . 16 for-boundaryline. Alaska and Canada. 256, 1051 for csbervatory at Ukiah, Cal ... 16 for marking Canadian boundary . 256, 1051 for Intemational Geodelric . 18 for Bureau for Repreming African Slave for vrce consula . .. 31, 33, S26, 829 Trade . . 256, 1052 for clerks at consulates . . .. 31, 33 for International Prison Commision. 256, 1052 for interpreters and guards in Turkish for Pan American Union . . . 257, 1052 domxnions . ... 31 for second Pan American Financial Con- for relief and protection of American gress . . ... 1052 seamen ... 31, 33, 802. 826, 829 for ggrmanent court of arbitration . . . 257, 1052 for payment to Nicaragua . . .. 802 for ternational Commimiou on Tables for Canadian Boundary Waters Commis- 0f Constants ..,.. . . . 257, 1053 sion .,._,., 802 for Intqrpazriiamentary Union, promotion I for representing, etc., foreivn Governof mternational arbitration . 257, 1053 ments during European - 802