Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/742

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1904 INDEX. Employees of Railroads, _ P¤£9· Engineer War Department-·Continued. N9- judgments, etc., of circuit courts of appeals appropriation for salaries, etc. , public bu1ldfnal in causes relating to injuries tc- 727 _ mgs and grounds, D. G 93, 1097 certiorari allowed from Supreme Court for deiicrency appropriation for clerks, etc., review, etc .. _ . . 1 ...·..-·-... 727 _ 1917 .--·-- 809 penalty for violating Act limiting hours of Engmeer dchool, D. C., firmy, _ service of, modified 61 appropnatron for eqmpment and mainte- Emporia, Kam., nance._ . : .. condemned cannon granted to, for Grand for power hthographm press _. . . . Army posi; _____,_,________ _ _______ 835 for constructurg trade school bulldmg. . , 641 En Earl, Merritt D., Engmeering Ewpmment Station, Naval Acadpension increased . : .. 1287 aft!/,_ _ 607 H86 Encampments and Ma·neuvers,National_G1iqrd, appropnation for experiments, etc . , gppmpnpqcu fm- of prucgpaung fp! Bqulpmenb of bulldmgs, GEC. . 607,].186 w1t1¤_1§egulnrs,_m 226, 645 Eny77wm·r5y,_N<wy% _ _ use for Joint Mxhtra encampments, etc. 226 approprmtion or machmery, repairs, 1185 fortrammgcamps .. 645 etc .. _ ..,-..} . _ -- 606, transportation of troops for. - . 645 deficiency _ approprratxon or machmery, dei reduced rates byhcsrrffm . gg _ raping!} eggs} 6} .. 23,42, 815

QTp&mq?ew: Army, index of régdrts of, 1866-1917, ordered

partlupatnon of National Guard m; allot- . pun ; contents. - .  :. 411 mont for expense ..,__..,,,_,,,___ 206 may pernut erection of fountgm pay, etc., to correspond with Army .. 206 ~ to Alfred NoblernWashmgton, D. C. 65 command to remain m Army o$cer 207 _England (see Great Bntam). · V _ details fro? Afrnlhyég iDSl]'I1(!g1;)D, etc- -i 207 Englargd, Joseph, 1863 yment or 6 may made 2. pension ---- · ..-.- _ -..-..-·-----------... _ Engzlm ul*u°t°r’·°i°"`ié6j;ioL' 13"é ```````` M i‘i1rcressedg‘¤·6l(w·d0w) ’ me mer ommmwmr , . . . _ ·_ -···------······——---—~ appropriation for salaries .. ’ 6 79, 1007 E¤9l1·¤l§, E- (www), Enoineer corr, Amo, _ r¤g·,¤;¤1;,*;;g,;,·;,,¤¤;,d ·-·---·· - -------··-·--·- . ***6 appropriation for pay of enhsted man; lon- Env _ .· . ‘· . 1413 genw ..---·-..------·----- 624 P"““‘*"‘ ‘“°,,,,’°“”°"P ‘‘·· ;;,;,g,;,;‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ for pay of oilcersf lciqngevitgrl . . . g2g E~vr·¤~ge ° 7 nv ’ www compoantiono un er ation ense _ c . 7 . . v . . organizationla; regiments; battalions; “Pl"°1}"“,?°“*°,fc],?“°°*°’£_;’““‘°0°· etc` 33* companies; band;increase allowed,. 173 or ° 0lZ Sz we meth 9 '‘'‘`‘' ’ - , restriction on services .. 83, 1088 mounted battalions, mounted com- f al . f m 10 ses rssmctiou on ponies; increase allowed ,,, 174 0* 0, 0**00 0 0 P Y » 275 d€¤=¤*¤¤*¤6¤e¤¤2; Cepgergrtof the *,g¤¤- 174 forwlggggases ‘‘‘‘ ;i"‘::;;;i:::::::;::: rrr, “““‘g §?.§“rfi$*E§o?;rF'§y ’i:§o$‘i>oro§L‘; for ¤;e;;¤;;;¤¤; vw for mm ~*¢¤¤·= ,,5 °* ————·--··· = -—·-······-—·-—-··· 183 r oo}lfrro£r°o-orir` `Q I Z` `ZZZI 275 EMM 1?¢ze¤r¢·M¤¢. Amy. fo1l1?:$1§to§ly0$:•f (noo, rolls, ora plates 277 “PF'0pn”·u0“ fc"` 0xp0““00 of d`€,P°t0· ····· 041 deficiency appropriation for salaries ... 28 or maintenance of school, ashmgton, fa repairs sw ___________ ’ ______________ 803 D- _G. . .--.·..-... 641 dom- or plates of portraits or deceased {0* 0$l‘PPm°0l·,°f “°°P0F 11*000* °Yd0°· · · 641 Knators and Representatives to fo" cwmlm 000*00000* -—··-··· · ·~·---—--· 641 heirs etc. authorized .. 275 for engineer operations in the field .. 641 incrssss of Qotk kutbcrized _ _____________ 20 f¤r ¤<>¤¤¤s•¤¤¤i¤¤, Philippine ,1¤l=¤<l¤- , - 641 orrroorrr for materials increased by transper d1em subsistence oumde of Dis for from salaries md wages _________ 21 l·¤9l· of C¤l11mb1¤ -·--··~-·--·--····· 642 number of sheets for customs stamps, for ¤¤¤q¤¤l perks- - ·----..·..--.·. 288 ohookr, etc., 1916, increased. . . 226

  • 01* P¤bl¤¤¤=¤>n of ¤¤n1>¤ --·-··---- - -··-· 292 work rumoured for 1917 .. . . 275

for expenses of fortifications under 345, 909 Enu gum, for expenses of fortifications, insular pos- mths of court at _______ _ _______________ _ 927 $$*000 --····-- ; -·-··---···-···· 348, 913 Enlarged Homesteads, for nver 0}*0 1mP"°"0¤{°m-0 ··-· 292, 391 additional entries to complete, allowed fcr 0xP0“m’00t0 m. h00·vY where former entry less than a quarfrexghts on M1m¤rpp:mR1ver be· wr Section _____________________ _ _ _ _ 925 Egecn month of the 0 and Saint dooorr nord entries allowed persons who u]-B~····- --·-·· -·..-... 403 ha f,grgd_______,____,,,,, ,,.. 946 b°tw°8“ Dv*>¤¤¤€, I0“» md Mi'm0‘ entries oirgsrllcontiguous lands; actual cul- _ spells, Mrnn, ·; --- 409 tivatiou me rooidonoor uired. . .. 344 d°6¢1€¤€Y °·PPl’°Pm·*·1°¤ *01* d¤P0¤ ----· · - 338 allowance ii additional lanedl within 20 for equipment of troops .. 338, 811 mugs _______ _ ________________,,,_ 345 {015 ClVlll2L11 8.S8lS£&!1lS - . . . . .. - . . . 338 soldjmy additional homestgadg not afgnr cé/peréxtiglns 1; {the fie1d,_etc¥¥..j 338,811 footed ,,,,,.. . 345 or an y oo eservatzon, . ., ro- ‘ permitted design ted lands, C l tection of shore ... . R . . 811 enmesmdo _______ ______ if _ _________ 3 if 850 Engi O , W Department, of noncontiguous lands in Idaho,

 foirclerks etc  92, 1096 entry allowed to complete  entry . 724

draftsmen, etc., to he paid from rivers restricted to d?§nated ds._ . 724 and harbors, etc . 92, 1096 residence and tnvation required .. 725