Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/757

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INDEX. 1919 Foreign Counsel, Page Forest Fires, Pwappropriafzion for paying, employed in spe- appropriation for fighting, etc ... .. 461, 1149 cia cases . 313 for cooperation with States in protecting Foreign Countries, _ _ _ watersheds of navigable streams articles from, which deny admission of from ,..,._. . ... 475, 1166 simi1a.r,_etc., American goods, may deficiencya propriationforHghting,etc... 826 be prolnbited entry. .. 799 Forest, MdTi1&(w1;d0w), bills gt lading; restriction against issuing, pension increased ____ _ ,__,,._,,,,___,__,_ 1560 111 sets, not applicable to shipments Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, to . . ._ . Z .. _ . 539 appropriation for Forester, supervisors, [mr rgqugemgnt for mgrhpg "dup11- muggm, etc ____________ , _____,__ 456, 1144 cate " thereon ,..,,, ·_ _ _: ,,,., : . 539 for clerks, gm _______ _ __,_,,________ 4.56, 1145 clearances refused vessels, of war in for draftsmen, mechanics, etc 456, 1145 which United States 13 neutral, de- fo;·ggngya1gXpg¤g6g_ ______ _ _________ 457, ]_]_45 nying under laws of lxalligerents, tests outside United States forbid- . pqiial facilities to Americans ,, . 799 den _________ _ __________________ 457, 1145 investigation of tariff relations between, limit of cost of buildings .. 457, 1145 gud United States, etc., by Tar1H 796 administration of forests; sale of timommissmn . .. b . ... 457 1145 cost pid ggoduction and dumping in- 796 carglof fish and game- 457; 1145 cue ... ts,lb , t .. 4571146 prohibition in time of war in which United Zglilgting? Ogriiiting, etc., investiga- , Statgg jg not engaged, of tions ______________ _ ____________ 457, 1146 from, the laws of which restrict ad- miie: of field employees ... 457,1146 mission of American goods . 799 contingent expenses; travghng BX. vgggglg Of bglljggrgut countries may be dg- gusgg _________________________ 457, 1146 nied facilities of trade, etc., refused for Eeld and Station expenses, maiuw. to Americans .. 800 fd ‘ tedf ts ... 457 1146 which refuse equal facilities to American sdlégiligggl 1;;%:; gn Ng]?-gska for mu-- 7 traffic may be dgmgd clearance, 31;c_ 800 Bery ______________________________ 1147 Fo’€i9'f§ G0W"¤m4‘m¢8y _ _ _ for additional national forests under Cond9§c1g11gy 3pp1·0p]·13t,1011 fg]- rgprggguupg %rv‘tion Act __________ _ ________ 460, 1149 Efgww ¤f» growing out <>f wr i¤ 802 disposition ofreceiptsunder .. 1149 , U P6- g -···-···--···-·---- ; ·—--- for ex nses dih administration 460, 1149 accrediwd of. not whim to 878 foint¢i> ple ii§5§prnt;¤m-E. 130, 1149 , , , . - ; -··-·---····-·--- 1* so ec e c. wi ns on mv¤¤¤s¤¢2¤¤ by Shwpms Bwd <>f wm- foresingrhoxxiesteadentry .. 460,1149 Plame met !¤w=a· ·>f· ¤*¢·.· me ¤¤- forsurvey,etc.,0fagric111ti1rsxl xmas- 460,1149 Just dlscnm-umnous $$1*mst Amer' foriightingiorestfires, etc ... 461, 1149 MH "°“‘?lS· uc ·····-·--· . ·--····-·- 737 for supplies instruments and equipreport to President; diplomatic action. . 737 ments __i _ _____ _ ____ _________ 461 1149 message todCongressifequa1 facilities not 737 for promoting Bconémy in forest pmd_ { . S?C“’€ ····· : · 1 ········ : ·········· ucts etc . . .. 461, 1149 Yestncuou? On admission from u“‘}1"·" POS' for imprciving range conditions 461, 1150

 6**% °f P€”°¤¤ hdding Pwr 878 pu me planting, etc  461, 1150

. ‘ ‘····‘·‘‘‘ : ······ : ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘·· tr tc., esf f t Fgmgn giigiczézépxziégie Dxplomzmc wd C0¤· or ggggsiigizge, cinserwldlifivelgauixiixdnixge? . , . . . · ment of orests . 461,1150 Fvmw 7g;<;g~— 1>·w¤w¤, 1’<>¤¢ Office D¤z>¤r¢— for appmiimg, iw., timber for mis; ax. . .· . . . ,et ... ,. 461,1150 approyirégtion for superintendent, assistaiptds 1109 fm. m‘E2;§;§Y:§'s€;i1v€§tig8ti0DS ______ 461, ugo ` ·······‘····‘·······‘···‘‘·· · forro s, trai s, >rid_ ,etc ... 461. 1150 Foreign MGU8. Tffwial $¢?‘1"&¤·3. _ eradicating poisoriggzs plants . . 1150 ap mpnation for transportation 420. 1066 mwglinmgpensegregtyjctgd _______ 461, 1150 Eur clerks on steamships .. 420, 1066 fggtriction on prqpgying Mtides for for pier transfers, New York, San Fran- newspapers, etc _________________ 461,1150 <‘iS€<>· BW -···-·- - -·-—--------···-· 420 for acquiring additional lands under for transferring contract mail .. . 420 Conservation Ac; __________________ 462 for assistant superintendent, New York 421, 1066 for expenses in washington under contracts for fast service on American Conservation Act _______________ 462,1150 BMDB with G1‘€¤·t Britain 9·11Th0YiZ€d; MGS special fund for disposal of débris, etc., Pa}', QV! —·-·—·-· - ···—··--—-··-··-· d `ts f tc . . .. 462 for balance due foreign countries . 421. 1066 mintiiitgl ets? germitted in acquired Foreign Jlimons (see Diplomatic and Consu- _ lands I 462,1050 F lar Service). deiciency appropriation for general ex- Q29 Orrign Relations, etc., penses .,. . 24, 32, 826. t appropriation for officers, drafting impor· for im rovement of nationalforests . 32, 826 tant work on ,.,.. 7 7, 1082 for figlgting forest Eros, etc . - 826 F for aglditional force . .. 77,1082 Forests. _ h S oreigvi mfg, appropriation for cooperation wit tates, investigation of, in relation to United etc., as to methods of managing, States. by Tariff Commission 796 and forest lands .. . .. 461. 1150 Foreign Woods, 1 for investigating insects affecting 465, 1154 appropriation for tests, etc., of commercial 1 Ferguson, Jeremilah, importance of .. 461, 1149 1 pension increased ..,.., . . 1507 1O262O°—voL 39—PT 2-50