Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/760

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1922 INDEX. FortUicatrbns—Continued. _ P¤B¤· Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Pwappropriation for range finders, etc., 1.nsula§49 913 approplriatjon fcir, clggef tggiegk .. possessions ... . .. , or visgon 0 rur m_ ... Chief of Coast Artilleg to have rank, for d?v1sion of eqmpment and sup- ’ etc., of major gener ... 349 p ies .. 107 1110 for aids and appliances necessary for im- for topographer . . . 1 1110 mediate manufacture of arms, am- for posgll servipe office of 421, 1067 munition, etc . . 349 or pos sup ies .. 421, 1067 for Board of Ordnance and Fortiiication 350, 913 for expenses sgnipping supplies ... 422, 1067 civilian member. . 350, 913 for post route maps; sales 422, 1067 inquiry as to right of invention- 350, 913 for miscellaneous, first and second class all material to be of American manu- offices. ... _ 422 facture; exception . . , 350, 913 for canceling machines; rental and puraddxtxonal services of draftsmen, etc., chase .. _ 422, 1068 1E officg of Chief of Ordnance, au· ger laborgaijng devices, etc . 422, orize ,...,.,..,, - ,...,,.,_,_ 350 or c1t e very eqmpment ... allowance for additional , etc. . 350, 913 for bags, locks, equipments, etc- 422, 1068

 of powder  . . 350,913 eqmpment-st d¤p¤·rtm<>¤¢¤,· Alvska,

t on purchases irorn private manu- etc .. _ ... 422, 1068 facturers, etc.; waived in case of for labor, eqmpment shops, D. C . 422, 1068 emergency ,_,..,___,____,,,_ 3501914 for star route transportatmn, except in operatéqéu of arsenals to be main- 1 . _ .. gg, tam ,,..,,, . ,,_,,,,,,_, 35], 914 or rural e IYGTY service . no dpay to officer using time-measuring ‘ 1’801g8.n1zat1011 of B€l’V'1C€ ... , 423 ence on work of employees, ____ 35], 914 {OI 8Xp€1'1II1€Dl`.8l 9Xt€11B1OI1 Of parcel post 1* cash rewazis, etc., restricted ,,., 351, 914 1 :51* farrgepgoducfs. .. . .. 1%; OI KDBIDS . . 335 O? V9!’Y BGTVICG -----· - -·-· deficiency appropriations for ammunition, fo1' ¤’8Va568·¤d 1!1iS0€1l311€0¤S ¤€1'Vi0B- - 424. 1068 mountain, field, etc., artillery prac- POW 11 1 b tice ... . ... 811 a·¤$18mP8Qu9·Y*°¥Y _ 18 $0988 ”°d°¤ for altering, etc., mobile a;·¢,i_[]o;-y _______ 311 fecelphs, Bw ····--------- 163 punishnient for willfully trespassing upon, F 01*886; V1?t°"» 1 1111u11_ug1 6tc_ _____________________ 1194 Fpeighsnon increased ... . 1370 Special P!`€P$1`•?EdI1€S¤ fillld Created for ex- ¢;g1m10·;01111’;F· F-, 1527 penses o . . ..,__,,.,,,.,._ 1000 C _ ----------—---—-------- Fortifying Pure Sweet WYMS (see also Internal F°uL$» _Na"'·‘»`y C· ('!”d°’w)» 1210 R Y pension ,. prov*iSi01isIi’<§i‘1}??[ ... . :84 Focwlm H¤¤dF€y.V·, FO,·me9_ Aphfgyd EH Fpagrmeplt to heirs of ... 1246 pension increased"., ... . ,.., 1428 Ow K"; ‘}"""”““ (””d°”’)» Femme, Hannah 1. (www), p<=¤¤¤>¤ mcremd ---·------·-- - ·--·------ 1249 pension increased ... . ..,,__,,,,,.____ 1420 F°x,y]1l;:;’·1J;’;*’;¢:·1» SS fh b d 1394 F 1,.,;,;,1 pa n_,ooousan ... p(;:;‘·i§;i°£0m°r°°‘°°d ············-·-······--· *233 F ‘i§J°“€‘ir§’ “Z‘}§"*1I%Z;<m 923 oss, ertic, _ 0 ··-·—·~—····-··-·—·- payment to, for death of husband 1473 Fw i;';;*€» mm gr ted to 837 Foss, Levi G., °°¤ mn C . an ·-··-········ pension increased , ,,. 1490 F°x» M“"!/,G- ('”‘d°'”’)» Fww, Edward, pension increased . . .. 1253 pension increased . . . . 1463 F°’”» O?"”u‘» Form. John A., acm John ,4. Bump, Frpcsispg -~---·-----·· - --·--·-·---~---—·--— 1372 l IU 9856d ---·-·. . 14 . 1 # . . F£$?·:?¤_?,hn _[__ 28 brndge authorized across, by Fox Lake Vilpension increased., ,,, , , ._.,.__,, 1215 Gl°·E'°· 11111 -·-·~--~·-·-· - ·--—-----·-- Foster, Joseph N., et €¤€Va¤ , ---·--····-··-·-·- — --—·-- *59: Fp?¤85g11 ____ 1 _________ _ _________ 1268 Fgcnggweg au1;T1;pr1zed across, Aurora, Ill . 5 osu 7 ,.wu1o·w, .,_ -, _ pgnéign _________ _ __________ _ ___________ 1219 appropriation for rmprovement of, Depere Foster, mmm, w Pmsss ------·--------------—--- 401 pensjon increased ____________ _ ___________ 1339 conveyance of Portage Levee to State- 401 Foumggi-,198* H0qng1 D_ QU Fraker, Susanah M. (undow , appropriation for care of children in- , _ 709, 1037 P€¤$1°¤ Increased ···-···------- · ·--··--·· 1236 F<-·*·r· g°w;$1iV" www . G1 . Frplggssidirbigcnremed .. . . 1504 my "§s%%2n°$Lk TTY. T T ‘?T 342 FT¤g,’;;·;1Alm<d¤"#'**’>» ,.,6., Fourteenth Street NW, D. _C'., F,Empt0n"_fj8,,",»1", `````````` ````````'``` ¤pvr<>p¤‘i¤¤<>¤ for renews. with asphalt, p€¤S10¤'1¤¤¤nsed-Z . - 1487 Eiennsylvanm. Avenue to F Street- . - 685 France $u$P€¤$10¤ of Y9P£lVmg» frvm PBHHSYIVBDRI appropriation for ambassador to . 252 1048 Avenue to F Street 1014 Prwlaqlation against violatjpg nguuauty ’ Fourteenth Street S W, D. Q., m war between Bulgaria and ... 1757 appropriation for repairing, with asphalt, Francis, Burnum W., B to D Streets. . . . 1013 pension increased 1306