Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/766

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1928 Immx. Gila River, AT’I:Z.—COHtiDUGd. P¤¢¤· Gipe, Hollingsworth, Pageappropriation for diverting waters of, for In- pension increased 1535 dian lands 974 Gzpson, Jams, for dam, etc., for diverting, above pensionincreascd 1215 Florence to irrigate lands in Rcserva.- Guard, Kam., tion and Pina} County 130, 975 dciiciency appropriation for public build- Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., ing 17 appropriation for irrigation stem . 129, 974 Girdler, Willwm, for diversion dam, etc., s¥or ixrigating pension increased 1404 lands on 130, 974 Girlie Training School, D. C., Nazabml, for additional irrigation project for; appropriation for salaries and expenses. 707, 1035 dam above Florence .. 130, 975 Givens, John, distribution to, and public and private pension increased .. . . 1523 lands infPinn1 County ... 131, Gwens, William J., ps cnt 0 construction charges, etc- - 3 nsion . . .. 1582 Gilbert, gid, GEM National Park, Mont., {tension increased . . . 1445 appropriation for commissioner in . 119, 1120 Gr bert, Gertrude Kelley, or administration, etc., of .. 307 lxomostead agplicauon allowed 1303 for paying Great Northern Railway Com- Gdbert, Henry ., pany for road in Blacldect Reservapeusion increased . ... 1523 tion ... 308 G2 bert, Jolm M., qccoptancc of lands, ctc . 308 Ggeumon mcrea.sed_ 1445 deficmncy appropriation for commissioner- 43 bert, Man; E. (widow), prior homestead onu·yman_ within, perpensnon . z ... _ . .. 1463 mined no perioot. entries 342 Gm bert,_Su.¤w M. (wulaw), private lands within, to be obtained bl Gignmou . . .. 1452 exchange for public timber in pur , {cmg: L., or national forest ... 1122 Eamon mcroasod 1283 determination oi value, etc. . .. 1122 G¢ s, William T., added to park on conveyance ... 1122 Gtyension . . . . 1576 removal o timber for; regulations, ctc. . . 1122 ' ford, Charles, Ghzmkr Park Hotel Comggmy, pension . - .. 1583 sale of lands to, near elton, Mont . . . 994 Gi laspie, Burton, Ghdden, Andrew P., pension increased . . . . 1246 lggyment to .. 1321 Gi laapie, John B., G er, Katherine (widow), pension increased 1541 pension . . .. 1324 Gillasprb, Martha E. (widow), Glaser, Mary Jane (widow), pension increased 1340 pension increased 1405 Gillespie, Hamilton S., Glasgow, Ky., pension increased 1419 appropriation for public building .. 265 G1 lesprk, Han-ict C. (waklow), de ciency app1·0priut.iou for public buildpension .. 1324 ing. .. . 17 G1 lespie, Ill., Glasgow, Mo., condemned cannon granted to ... 838 condemned cannon granted to . ... 835 Gillett, Franklin H., Glasgow, Robert M. pension increased. .. . 1208 pension increased 1526 G: lzhm, John B., Glu;/'elter, Jonathan M., pension . . 1374 lponsion increased . . . . 1330 G1 liland, William, G muon, Clarence E., pension increased . ... 1223 [pension . - .. 1384 G1. lin, Patnbk, G arson, Suda (widow), pension increased .. ’ .. 1332 pension increased . . .. 1481 Gzllogly, Mary A. (daughter), Glenn, Andrew, peuswu .. 1462 union increased ... . 1533 Gzllson, Oliver P., Gain, Henry A., pension increased 1319 pension increased 15ll Ge Zum, John W, Glenn, Thomas H., pension increased ,... 1514 ension increased 1562 Gdlum, Wgllzam H., — Glgnwood, Iowa, _ _ penswn mcreaaed . ... 1285 deficiency appropriation for public bulld- Gilmxm, Ill., ,,.,...,., - . 17 condemned cannon granted to , 841 Glmwoodlfaglo., Grimm, Jmnw S. <w¤H<>w3, condemned cannon granted to .. sas, 841 G5¢¤¤¤¤ ··-------·-----·--—--·——--- - ------ 1363 Gamma.: Springs, Colo., _ _ . _ '";§;)fih;1’;i"$» 1 N 1484 appropriation for public bmlding .. 26a G1§;l:;énJ?:gr§ag€d 1255 GQg€’r<§>T;;§lion for public buildingt . Z,- - 265 Gilmore. John S , '‘‘’‘ ‘ '``'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ degciency appropriation for public build- _ pension incrwd .,_, 1452 mg ‘‘‘‘‘' '°’` '‘`'‘‘‘'`' 1* G1 pm, Wdmm@,JSedack3Un’ Glouwswt Jgassqf r fi h cultural stati nlgiouinc ________________________ g ro union o s on, GI}: t 1416 pp Pbrooding basin . . ... 324 bottling in bond for export free of tax, al- Glover, Samuel H., luwed Within eight years after entry. 788 pension . . . . 1369