Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/778

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1940 INDEX. Hensley, Alexander, P¤8¤· Higby, Jessie L. (widow), P¤g¤- pension increased ... . 1436 pension .. . . .u. . .. 1401 Henthorn, Ernest R,, Higdon, Isaiah, may perfect homestead entry in Glacier pension increased . . 4. . 1438 National Park .. 342 Higgins, Addakz M. éwhlerw), Henlon, Merit F. S., pension increase . . .. 1554 payment to, for dispossessed homestead, Hzggins, Maurice D., Sherman County, Oreg. . .. 1354 payment to. ..., . 1472 Hepler, Andrew W., Hzggim, Olodyine (widow), pension increased 1339 Hpension increased . ... 1436 Hereford Jnlet, N. J., zgh Commission, International (see Interprehmmary examination, etc., of, to be national High Commission). _ made ... . 407 Highlanding, Minn., Hermg, Ruth E. (willow), may bridge Red Lake River . . · 512 pension; . 1224 Hight, Lizzie S. (widow), Herndon, Joseph, Hpension increased. . . . 1572 peusmn increased 1431 zghway Bralge, D. C., Hcmdoya, Sarah A. (widow), appropriation for operating expenses. . - 689, 1017 pension increased 1365 or repairs, etc .. 689, 1017 Herrzmgm, Duval W, Highways, Extensive, pension increased . . .. 1448 investigations, etc., for coordination of rail- Herrmgton, James C., roads with, for military, industrial, penmon .. . ... 1576 and commercial urposes. .. - . . . 650 Hershberger, William C., Highways System, D. C., gennanent, Hpenswn increased ... - 1337 new plan authorized for Barry Farm subertslet, Henry T., division, southeast . - .. 1014 pension increased 1449 opemng’ , extendmg` streets, etc . 1014 Hervey, George H., Higley, Henry W, granted right of way for electric line acrom pension increased 1441 Forts Barrancas and McRee, Fla 27 Hlkes, Sarah C', (widow), Hesler, Joseph A. , Hggrnsion increased . ... 1423 gension increased ,.,,__.,,... 1422 1 eth, Harriet W (widow), " esperos, “Steamship, Hpension increased. ... . ... 1281 claim for damages to, submitted to district wllcer, Lena (daughter), court . 1261 pension .. 1533 Hesser, Caleb A., Hill, Frank E., pension increased 1566 pension increased .. . .. . .. 1380 Hessian Fly, Hzll, Captain Frank Kinsey, U. S. Navy, reappropriation for investigating, etc 465, 1154 tired, Heater, James W, to be captain on active list; place 602 pension increased .,.,,... 1541 examinations recpuired; to e additional Hesternum, Mathilda, number; no ack pay, etc. .. . . . 603 payment to, for death of husband 1350 Hill, Gwfgé W, Hetherlirz, John T., pension increased 1209 pension increased 1323 Hall, Grace T., Hwa: y Reyes Gavilan, Carlos, of Cuba, payment to, for dispossessed homestead, may be admitted to Naval Academy for Sherman County, Oreg 1354 instruction; conditions 10 IBN, Hannah A. (zmklow), Hewett. Sewell W, pension increased. . .. 1291 pension increased ..,. 1265 Hzll, Harry, _ Hey, MarionA.(w1}1ow), payment to, for dispossessed homestead, ension .,,,. . ,...,,.,_,.,_.,. 1439 Sherman County, Oreg 1354 Hgywood, Caroline eéwidow), Hill, James, pension increas .,.,.._., , ,.,,,, 1359 pension increased 1509 Hzawalha, Kam., Hill, Jonah E., appropriation for public building ., 265 pension .. 1379 de ciency appropriation for public build- Hall, Joseph W., ing .. . , 17 nsion .. . .,.. . .. 1385 Hibbard, James A., Hill}, Julza M. (widow), pension increased 1568 pension .. . . . . 1377 Hzclcerson. Charles M., Hill, King S ., ' homestead entry of, confirmed .. 155 pension increased 1504 Hickey, Michael, Hall, Lewis W., pension increased ..,...,, 1257 pension. .. .. .. .. . 1590 Hzckman, James, Hill, Luther B., _ pension increased ..,. 1434 payment to, for dispossessed homestead, Hleks, John P., Sherman County, Oreg 1354 pension increased . . . . 1498 Hill, Margaret (widow), fiveks, Joseph WY, pension increased. .. . 1271 pension. .. - .. 1449 Hell, Mary C. (widow), Hicks, Mary .4. (widow). pension increased. . . . 1502 pension increased 1420 Hell, Sarah (widow), Hacks, §am`uel W., nsion increased . ... 1367 penslcn increased . ... 1220 H$ Theron S ., Hmckwille, Ohio, payment to, for dispossessed homestead, condemned cannon granted to .. . . . 837, 840 Sherman County, Oreg 1354