Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/791

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INDEX. 1953 Indian Departn1ent—C0ntiuued. P¤£¤~ I1Ld'iil‘TL Department—C0ntinued. I’¤g¤- appropr1ati0uforinspectA>rs of irrigation. 124, 969 restriction on use of pr0 rata share of employment of superintendents of irri-2 noucompetent Indians of tribal fuzds 128 gation . . . 1 4, 969 appropriation for reimbursiug Indians or for suppression of liquor traiiic ... 124, 970 cattle destroyed to prevent spread of

, evidence of unlawful in— 4 C0lll§8%l0l18d]B0&S$,Bl'£ ... 128,973

uction . . ... 12 amount or revious losses ... ..-. 973 b autoxlriobileeédetc., used for violations 0 fo1i)Cd};a1}lee J. xl{x§1p1er ... . L 129 to oseiz ... 97 i or sup es, etc. to e accomfor relievingddistress, prevention of con- panied wilgh checké, bonds, etc., tagious iseases, etc .. 124, 970 as security .. . ., 129 for erection of hospitals, maintenance, sale of lands no lon er needed for treatment etc limit 124 970 schools r nc`es g 973 , ·.; ... . o age 1 . . ... limit of cost of authorized hospitals infn titles to riglijts of wa); for oil or gas . ,970 across In ian lan s; temporary allotment to sgeciiied hospitals, etc. 125, 970 permits allowed- .. 973 for support of sc oole . . .. 125, 970 for support, etc., of Indians, Ariz, and deaf aud dumb and blind children. 125, 970 N. Mex .,.., 129, 974 tuition in public schools 125, 970 for school, Fort Mojave, Ariz , 129, 974 education of children of less than one- Phoenix, Ariz ..., . ., . . , -- 129, 974 fourth Indian blood restricted 125, 970 Truxton Canyon, Ariz .. 129,974 not available for designated schools. 125, 970 for irrigation system, Gila River Reser- _ for cgnugguctiou. etc.. school and agencyiz 970 f yation, Amz . i ... 129, 974 ings 5. or Lrngation pumping p ant, Colorado water supply Sisseton Agency, S. Dak., River Reservation, Ariz .. . - . . 129, 974 buildings .. 971 for water supply, Papago Indian vilschool site Sac and Fox, Iowa 971 lages, Auz. . . ... 130, 974 heat and lightto employees ... 125, 971 for school facilities, Navajo Indians, sewer. Pala Reservation, Cal .. 125 Ariz 130,974 for collecting and transporting pnfgils. 125, 971 for water supply, Navajo Indians, employment, etc., Alaska pup` . - . 125, 971 Ariz ,..,.,..._,.,... 130, 974 for timber culture, etc ... 371 for water diverting works, Gila River or matrous .. , 71 tion Ariz 130 974 for school, etc., farms;farmexs and stock- for water rights, for Salt River Indian ’ men; field matrous .. 126, 971 allotments, Ariz . 130, 975 timber provisions not applicable to for dam, etc., Gila River, above Flon- Menommee Reservation, Wh Z 126,971 ence, Anz., for Indian farmers to have competency cemfi- lands, etc . . ; 130,975 caves; exceptions . . . 126, 971 for 1l`l'lg8tl0l1, Navajo Reservation, for agricultural experiments, etc . 126, 972 Anz. ; extending Ganado §;·oject.. 131, 974 for supplies; purchase, etc 126,972 for examination, etc., G River, warehouses limited to two ... 126 Graham County, Ariz., to presmall purchases without advertising. . 126 vent erosion, enc ... 131 warehouses limited to three ... 972 for brid¥e, Little Colorado River, for telegraphing and telephoning .. 126, 972 Wins ow, Ariz . 131 for costs, fetc., Indian suits; no attor- 9 2 for aéldxtéonlw bridge over Gila River, ueye’ ees ... 126, 7 an ar os rvation, ... 132 {or ginger: corfmmission ... 137, 373 for bpresegdrigg ruins, ctc., Navajo or n ian poice ... .. 1 7 7.. stio onument, Ariz .. 132 for judges, Indian courts .. . ... 127; 972 for brigiinaa, Little Colorado and Canyon prohibited for Pueblo Indians . 972 Dm lo Rivers, Ariz . . 975 for contingencies; special ugeuts,2 9 ) for support, etc., of Indians in Califoretc . 1 7,. 7: ma . . 132,975 for Indian Service inspectors .. 127, 972 for lands for homeless Indians, Cal 132, 975 for Eictermining heirs of deceasedz 9 ) for s{:§00% lSherman Institute, Rivera lotteee . 7, 71. S1 e, `zn 132, 975 rlerksinllmlifm Office 127, 972 for il:l`lg2.%0il charges, Yuma Reservanot app ical; e to Oeages an ve mon, ‘a .; re ayment. ... 132, 9'5 ('ivilized ;[`ribes...i; %27, 972 foxschooluforfl Iglllwell, Cal ... 132, 9:75 payment o costs om estates 0 reenvi e, `a . . . 132, 975 decedenta . _ 1 27 for roads, etc., Yuma Reservation, Cal. 132, 976 partition of allotments ..- l27 exbenemn of trust period, Mimion for encouraging self support among Indtans, allotments . .. 976 Indians ..., . ... lgg, use of pécilceeds from Klamath lands repayment; limitation T . , exten .. 976 “m‘{'mt {OY P3¤¤€¤S*J' c9·YYYm8 Ve" for relief of distress among Seminoles I- .. . . . ._ 973 in }'•'[0l·jda_ _ ____________________ 132, 976 QH °’1,°° °° H mm assing for support, etc., of Fort Hall Reserva- T‘ "“*’¤ F°P'*“*"d ······-············· 128 tiou Indians mehr, .. 122, sms leaees of ungable allotments to aged, . . . ’ may Imums _______________________ 128 l for ujngation, etc., Fort Hall Reserva-_ _ for payment to heirs of Farmer John 128 I HOW ldahv ·-—--··· · - ; · ·--··--··· UZ 9* 6 use of Grand J uncmion School by g for fulfilling treaties with Bannocks, Coloraclo modified .,.., 128 P Idaho . . . 133, 976