Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/830

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1992 INDEX. Heat Production in Western Serndzrid and Pm- 1{ed1k:alDeparlmenl, Army-Continued. P•·s¤· Irrigated Districts, appropriation for temporary hospitals, etc. . 640 appropriation for experiments, etc., in 1imit_ of a§e for first lieutenauts raised. . 640 M establishing ... 491 for pa¥·1éi·gmJ anzagma Canal for hospital care 640 eats, 0 ne garnsons . ' tion f blishin etc. for museum; l'b ,.. 640 °""’°}’§?‘ . _ .. E}if‘?f’?1.. 4is,11c2 is maint? ..., 293 Medlanwal Ejngmeermg, _ _ for appliances for d1sab1ed soldiers .. 293 appropriation for standardizing apparatus, for trusses ... . . 293 etc., used in ... 115, 1116 for Providence Hospital, D. C ... 293 Mechanical Equipment for Public Buildings, for Garfield Hospital, D. C ... 293 appropriation for heating, hoisting, etc 271 for isolating wards .. 293 Mdleuggglcy for .. 29, 824 dggorxpnnting bulletitns, etc ,. ..., . gi;0 e ciency appropna 'on or supp 'es, etc.. , proclamation including, in copyright privi- _ _ _ , 46, 338 leges to Italy .. 1725 const1tu¤onoi,under National Defenseact. 171 in to New Zealand. - 1815 Surgeon General, Medical Corps, Medical Medal oéshonqr oll, Ani? and Navy, lieserve Corps, Dental Corps, Veterestab edinWa.rand avyDepartments. 53 mary (gy, enlisted force, Nurse persons entitled to entry cm; evidence re- 53 has miuw 2. 171 quired . m oods in certili testobe ed;specml' pensmns° designatedSouthernStat4es . 435 ct: be paid; ..,.,, 54 limit of for agpointment as gapropriation for pensioners on .,.. 242 first lieutenant, exten ed. ._. .: . Z . . 2 640 ll lr of Honor, Army, _ loan ofsupplies, etc., forrehef otM1mm1pp1 past awards to be mvestigated, etc., by _ Baveriloodsufierers . -.-._ _ .. 11 · —_ _ boardotqveretiredgenerals 2-.. 214 Mod1o¤l%e,ofo6icersbelovbngsdrer 1f1mpmperly1¤ued,namestobes¤·ick- _ sell ·.·.. z -··--·..·-··.- 171 en oB roll . , .. ·. . 214 ratao qf,_to Army enliugtedtgtrengtln .. 171 weanng,etc.,a emeanoqreturn noogmnlappoin eu twhenhmy for cancellation . 214 ucsd .. . .-.· 171 f board; t of pauses., 214 ti ns above captain restricted. . 171 ]ls&Yg¢;ah H. (uyiexuyflm gx alidi:1;)ol;n*;1l°ap§intmex]:ts in timrgéaicvggr In pens on increased 1407 w enArmy u . Medawiikanton Sioux Indiana, Minn., qualifications for original appointments, claims for restoring annuities, etc., to be promotionto captain ... 171 brought in Court of Claims . 1195 determination of relative rank . 171 distribution, etc ___,,__,_,, , ,_,,,... 1196 details for Red Cross . .: ,.,.,,. 171 procedure; attorneys’ fees, etc . 1196 enlisted force not included 1D Army encorrection in enrolling bill relat- 1608 l1g•§ed strengetli . z E.} . 172 mg ...,.,,.,,,,,_  ; appom en o mas· Media, P . ter 1tal sergeants . 172 gp ropiiiation for public building .. 266 original griiistments; transfers of men ¢£¢l8¤.A _ cy appropriation for public build- 18 . _ . . f 172 ..,.,.,.,,.. num er ; ions in e o M f Railway Employeef Dzfermces war- . 172 (eee Board of Mediation and Con- percentage of grades; horseshoers, etc-. I gilintiorgb 0 privates ... . . .1; ..,. . 172 Jl lumw . . promotions restric w en Army rea propriation ior . . . ... 7 07,1035 duced; reenlistments permitted 172 .H¢¢i)wal 00223 Navy (aée Bufeau of Medicine allowed on axppilécauon an urgery . 0 y ratings; .. Iledioal Department, km? Dental Corpsfxélppointment oi dental surappropriation for Field and Cone- geons au orized; ratio . 173 spondence School for medical etli- 620 servibcgr etc ... Z .. cers num lifteen mayors ... for pay of enlisted men; lmgevity .. 625 examinations, etc.. T: . 173 for pay of _ pnvates, iirst clam, rated as Veterinary Corps provisions .. 176 dispensary assistanu, etc .., 625 Hedwal Department, Navy (see Bureau of proportion of prxvates, class .., 825 _ Medicine and Surgery, Navy). ger pay tgt zmcers; longevity ... gg Iedwal 1(uséum eind L·ibmry,_Army, _ em or con surgeons a ro on or preserving speum for superintendent, Nurse Corps 626 Pp pg; ... . .. 640 for nursetimfemale) . 626 y, superintendent of building, !€d\\¢€d- 809 {or hospi .é..._ . . . . . 628 Reserve Corps, Armg, 01 _ for orrepairs e . o rings, . vernmentempoyeeso,v unteaing _ - pital; . , ... ii .. Z . IT 638 army service, to_be restored to-posxfor supplies, etc . , . 639 tions on termination ··---··-·----- - · 624 for mosquito destruction, Canal Zone 639 Medical Reserve Corps, Navy, selection of motor vehicles without ad- 639 Iiécugmmimom to officers IB ---... . --·--·-- 574 vertising ... 'nalt, written contracts for 639 duty on coal tar products not . . ... 793 for preventing, etc., epidemic diseases. . 640 used as .. . ... 794 icremployees, numss, etc - . 640 additional specific. 794