Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/851

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INDEX. 2013 National Parks-Continued. P¤z¤· Naugat1u:k, Conn., P¤8¢· approgption for Rocky Mountain -· · - 308 apgropriation for public building 267 §or Pluai Cave .. . ..,... de ciency appropriation for public build- 18 or a . --·-- . ... . . for national monuments ... . ... 309 Naugatugkng River, Conn., deficiency approprigtion for Platt, 0kla..- 42 preliminary examination, etc., of, 1:0 be for Mount Raamer, salary of commis- made, Derby and Waterbmy ... 406 sioner 3.. 818 Nauslar, James W'., for Crater Lake, salary of Commissioner. . 818 pension increased 1285 creationof National Fark Service for super- 534 Nautical Almawugc and American 1 00 VIBIOH, etc., 0 . ... . ... appro riation or pre 'ug . , 1 employment of snxperinvendeut, etc., for Nautical) Almanac Ojiccljan administration of . 309 apzxmpriation for assistants, etc . 96, 1100 established, Guilford Courthouse, N. C . . . 996 or grepariug Nautical Almanac .. 96, 1100 Hawaii, on islands of Hawaii and Maui- . 432 Navajo ndiem Reservation, Ariz., Lassen Volcanic, Cal . . 442 appmpriation for water supply for In- Mount McKinley, Alaska .. 988 dians 011 130, 974 Glacierk Mont. lang; added to by ex- 1122 for Ganad? ir£gati¢;;11(£;:iojectfon. . $31, 974 c ange o tim ... entries on an wi wu cr, 0 jurisdigtion over inOCra.ter Lake, 521 N _ f>”ia1teut.;é etc. .t._ ji ... 504 reg., accep rom regon avayo um eaerva mn, . ez., Mouw Rainier, Wash., accepted from 243 appmpliiatgotxgfgr gighway fmm Mesa Verd;14 981 1.1 ..._, , ar 8. up, OH ... , lands added to Rocky Mountain, C010 . 916 use of Indian labor in construction. . 144, 981 management, etc., glaccd under direction Navajo Ingiiain Sanatorqum, N. Mez., of superinteu ent, etc ... _. . Z . . . 23 apgrogruttnon for gnamtenance, etc., of. . 125, 970 expenses to be pdd from aggropnations Navajo 11fizqns, Anz., _ _ for support of parks, 01: Sprmgs appmprumon for schools; d.1screuonary Reservation, etc ... _ 23 use _ . 1 30, 974 punishment for violating laws, regulauons, for water suggly ou reservauou. . . 130, 974 etc., fc;} protection of Yellowstone, 238 Nigga . Meng J Bi to modig ____ _ ______,,_,,_ , ,,__,,, o u across an uam ver, Vicksburg, Mis., part of, granted t0Ambe be gepaid from funds ot 926 Chgggd Congregation ,. . 1203 Nqitqml HMWMN, Avy., National Training Schopl for Boys, D. C., appmpnsuon for pzeservauon of mins, appropriation for mamtemnce . . . . 316 _ etc: _ .. 132 dgvrcaroofinmauas } ... { 707,1035 Namgo Sgrx:i1g•BR:ndof U§ g4;l&i ecieu a `tion orcopiesore- aproprmon 31116 , ,,33.} ,,?£‘}L“g,, 1913 __,.,_,__,_,,,, 44 P md. .,f é’.?..M.,,.t.d Bm. of for care, etc., of inmates. .. 807 Utes ... 152,988 for additional land . . .: 819 NRWI A¢¤jk'f*!I» _ Natabnal Training School for Gvls, D. C., BPPIOPHBUOD. for profoaors and mstrucap;>ropria.tion for salaries .. 70*7, 1035 wl'! --·---···--··-- _ ··--· _ --···-··· 607 » H86 or contingent gxpeng_ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , , 707, Humbw.', Gmmcat of S9qr°' for additional land, bl1i1d.lJ]€B, etc .. . 707 Q-gx of Navy; $¤'I0\|m`· 1lm* ”“"“""'5’°°'°’€‘$“‘ ""£>‘*“ ’°° °g‘°“‘ *"“"· ‘ f.,;;.1a.;.;;; ;,;;e.;,...· · ‘.·..g· ‘ @1;;*.14.;; °‘" . C., ation . me . . . . Nazuml Bridges National Monument, by cnvrlnqms prwr to Jmusry 1, roclamation settin aside ... 1764 1913, forbidden . . .. 00*7,1186 NP g rdm tents tx: 607 1186 atuml Gas, _ _ for swo sster, asm , e .. 807, 1186 appropriation for invesugauons for eco- for watchmen, etc .. . . , nomic gmductiou, etc., of .. 302 for department of ordnance an gun- H86 _Nq{w-alizqgigq; urgqu, D¢z)¢t{¢7fl¢!\¢ of [labor, new ······· • ····-···· ; ······· _· · -608v appropriation for Commxmoner, asxstarith 1118 for r&1e;)1£t;si¢;; elecmcal engmeeorég H86 BUG. . ...·. · ·-.-··-·· · · ·-···•-• • r °'‘’° I ' '°' ’ fm- special examiners, interpreters, for department of sssmanslup. . Z _608, 1187 ... 326 for department of marme fgr eilglééyg gut, etc ,,.,.,... 326 and naval construction . , 1187 for additional allowance t»o_ clerks of for commmsary depstrunent. .21 .. ds608, courts. fm: clerical amistlllce 111 {01* d6P8·1'Y·m€¤$ ¤€bu¤1dms¤¤¤ Emu-n 1187 natumlizancn cases ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 326 for current uml mxscellanecus GXPQDSBS 608, 1187 payments for Jnne, 1916- ., .- 326 fvr b<>¤k¤ for m·E$;·; ··--·--··- md H8, de6cicncy approprmuon for mmccllsmecus 32 forcg; 6n etc oof 1s1t, ors;f.v§§mm , ex uses. . . · .·-·-- · · - - , » ·¤ for nanlfalization of diem ···--··-- ···· 32.827 m°‘l·‘§€d·: ········· :· ·‘'‘‘‘‘° '"'ébg gg? Natumlizuzian ojAlien.;, for conn]:-Eencges, supenmendeutzm · appropriation for examinerl, 61- 326 2; 8€t::lp° ugI” g_”· 1187 nses, etc . . ...·-- · ·--·---- · - for agigiitional clerical auisiiii-UGG @0 ¢l€1’k¤ men ·····•········•' ‘ ‘'‘‘'‘‘ 1 0,. . .··-· 1 · ·•-·- ·•·•••·""’°°°"’ ' of courts '¤ cases f 336 R"' mum 567 payments for {une, 1916 ... . . 2 3; E0! 983 defimency appmprmuon fog expenses ..·- 3 , 8 0Y \° 0 Wand · 603 declarations of mtentiongmgroperly mqnt f!'9!¤ ¤t0!'¤ _ ······ H86 in certain counties in outaua gwen fvf Gllgllleéflllg cX?¢l’¤-\1¢¤§_ gi- · - ft » Q_ rehearing, eta ______ _ _____ ; _____ _ 505 for Eubhc Works, GXUBH mg KDCYO 1178 limited to homestead, em., entrymen. . . 505 , etc ··.····--···· · -········-· ·