Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/860

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2022 INDEX. Navy Department—Continued. Y¤·K¤· Nebo National Forest, Utah, Page. deficiency apprqpriamipn for additional em- proclamation diminishing ,,,., , _,,,,___ _ 1733 pépyees, m designated offices, etc., Nguraska,

. .. . .. 813 raine esgmt ·11tm¢,S£0-

for Offiicielgf Iiavnl Records, etc .. . . . 814 agxuagnd Wggnglxgaigogs ifi!] llgkeiilelil xor con en ex uses ..,,..,,, , , , _ 814 istrict, a. prov ,,,.,,. . ...,,. 142 Army and_Navy M}:la.l oi Honor Roll es- payment; 1im1}g;rei.mbursement . 142 tabhshed in; conditions 53 rights of Wag for ditches allowed, etc. . 143 motor lzrggk for Naval Observatory author- 92 on restricme allogments in other dis- 11 --·-··-····. . .. - tucts, approve ...____ 143 payment tier c<;ré services rendered to, 1297 aniount unpai)dha lieenl on allotment, etc. 143 au onz . ‘ ru es, etc., authoriz . 143 vessels of, suitable for commercial uses, lands granted to University of, for dry may be transferred to Shipping land farming experiments . . 1130 Board ..---.-... 730 lands of Winnebago and Omaha Indians Digg; Depgvtérwné Anna, C.,f 94 1098 ugideér trust patents subject to taxes 865 proprm OD 01'¢¤1’6 -,0 ---·-- , 0,90 ...---.- for pnennmatxiacfrgube installation to De- 607 pot §cés;1ef•&rp1onp.;iy1r:;ant .. 865 partmen m . ax e an om ... 866 deticiency appropriation for fuel, lights, release ii no fund a,111ailu:.1bl:f-? ... 866 elif! -·-- ; --·--·--... ...---... Z . 22 Nebraska National Forest, enlarged ... 1740 for reinforcing floors of Hydrogmphic Nebraska National Form, Nebr., QIECG H1 -----·----·-- - --·-·--·--... 814 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of . 459, 1147 Navy HM? Qlcfh. _ yoiing trees from, to settlers on arid 8pp1‘0pl:l3¢1011 fo1‘ Gllhslied 11161.1, M8- _ la.nds ... , ...,,,,,_,,.,,. 459, 1147 1’11}6 6¤1gll8¤3j1_8¤ ... ..- 1188 ldd1l7l0I13.l lands for nursery site ,. . 1147 service wi expediucnary ore reclamation en1ugmg' . ,,.. ., 1740 forces . 1188 N;:h¢s River, Tu;. claims for losses by, to be adjusted by preliminary , etc., of, to be N YP tl;uG€D8l’8.I . . .. 163 gx, gxrhgnat-off at Iowa end of 408 avy ar a wm or ,,,, _ _,_____,,,,,,__ aptpropriation for mainlemnce . . . . . 564, 1177 Needles and Oomuin Bnkl e Campan , for public wotriks . 2%, Nngly biéidlge Colorado giver, Neeelles, Cul . 533 or repausan preservation ., , e es a ., for repairs, etc., construction plan6t3 Nbxiidge aluthorizedidwcross Colorado River at. 533 at . 5 1185 ee op ronia (w' ow) for maclikineeiiry plants, repairs, etc., 35:7,1186 7V_p;zEé>ninc1i/eiased . ’ ... 1 361 BC1 - ee y, eor e ., for sgquipping designated yards for ’ pension igncreased ..._,,,, 1564 construction of ships for increase Neely, Henry, of tl}e Navytgl. .. 618 Vpeniioiliyincreased .., , .,.. 1341 yards or capi s 618 ’ eena , is. for eguipping, for building new vessels, A appropriation for public building .. . . 267 ' speedy construction by private deficiency appropriation for public build- lg connects not secured ... 1194 ing . . · deficiency appropriation for repair and Nef, Anna(w1210w), preservation . 815, 816 pension .. . .. . H48 for maintenance .. . 825 Ney, John A., commission of five line officers to inves- pension increased ... . I534 ggate and report on desirability of Ney System Sub1mzr·ine Torpedo Boat, dition2l,_0n Pacific coast 571 construction of one, authorized; cost .. 616 South Atlantic coust_ . 571 by owners; requirements . .. 616 coast of Gnlf of Mexico ... 571 tests, etc.; payment on acceptance . . 616 in the Caribbean Sea . 571 Negro Emancipation, Expomkwn to Celebrate submarine and aviation bases on Fytieth Ann·iversa1—y of, coasts ... . .. 571 proclamation commending, to the active investgigsaueuxd report on advisability V hb intberest ogfhe nation. . 1734 o a. 0 ng existin .. 571 . cig ors, amea ., construction of new vessei at, if bidders pension . ... . . 1580 combine to prevent. fair competi- Neil, Johanna, tion 617, 1194 pension increased ... . 1239 leaves of absence for 30 days allowed all Neligh, Clinton, _ employees, annually .. . 617 pension increased 1260 Now Kzarbook, 1915, Nelligan, Damll A., apprgpriation for compiling 68 pension ... . .,...~ 1372 Navy earbook, 1916, Nelson, Carl J., appro riation for compiling ,... 1072 pension .. . ..--·... · ». 1594 52 M12 ug;) gliucr _ 1537 Nelson, Chgrles W., 1209 Nsylor, Eziwznm S. (wu1£»§i?>`, `"````'` `"'` wed ‘‘````‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘``‘‘‘`’'‘’` “' ygsnglgggi '‘`'` F ‘``'`‘`‘‘‘‘‘ 1596 pension increased": . . ... 1378 Qsicn ______ ______ _ ____________________ 159] Nelson, Gewylh B. (widow). jmgiken Aquila, pgugion increased-: . . 1248 exchange of lands with, for addition to Nelson, Jennie E. (widow), Cache National Forest. . 922 pension increased .. . . 1217