Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/871

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INDEX. 2033 Ordnance Department, Army—Continued. Page- Orcg0n—Continued. P¤z¢- appropriationtfor purchase, etc., of ord- 643 PaulipadN:tiongl Foresg, elgminateda . . 1738 nance s ores 4 .. mc u e in rater, esc utes an rearpoupt éorbpurchases. . _. montlgxtgonal Forests ’ . . .1. 1738 sa 08 0 u S4 -... time exten or f v, etc. an s for national trophy, etc., rifle contests. . 643 under Carey . . 942 for automatic machine rifles; for Na- Whitman National Forest, area enlarged. . 1813 forailrgggédhrggltgrcars ················· 222 °'§€,”“"dff“j§f""“;E““G,Q‘g’l*F“"d* 444 _ _ _ -··---—-~ 4 —--— posal oneys eposi ui .. ..;· '°’ Fé$£Y°Ti1?T?'.T“?”T'fT‘?¥.ff’T.iI.”?“}$’T‘f“} 644 Oregon am? 9e·’66"·6* MM66 Cmnpm amount for purchases 644 6Pvr6¤¤··6;·¤ df}; Pl:2t°ctmg’t cm" lands 299 for reserve ammunition for Field Artil- 1 d mvtgzs V1 StS\é1i;?%m?]Bni£éd 218 lery, National Guard ... 644 an- Ertznf ’ 6 bg et d S' 219 amount for purchases ,,,,,,,, 644 lng} wa}? e t" ggiiep gs, ` '``' ·

  • 66 mg 66,2*6* ¤¤·¤··*~=6¤6 by P6- 6,, ° f£44h2’}.‘?.I‘?iX’ T`?. . 3. P`? .‘§’T.°}.‘? 219

V8 PBIY4 ... . · . · ¤>¤¤=!=¤66·= W¤*·6·g,g ¢6m¤;g{6¤¤—i --—-- 644 $L'§`§§§4}4‘2'§°€?a4?g§4*§4`i£`f42“$4L°§Zd5é6III I ii S}? _ f ““6°4““44E°6%°€4§:5s4f:54:§T. . . ?T¥’.‘}?’?T"f‘ 644 mi“‘;1¥§g}:;'jS°Xt9“d°d 66 666666 P9"' ,,9 or armories an arse ... 282 · ‘``'‘‘`'``'°` `'' for f<>r666¤6i6¤ 6==v¤¤¤6¤ 66666- ------ 3464 919 “'“b°’$£6°4T t?1I1;€b];i'd1‘€t;:03'1é,(;li?qtf’w.??fT)§ 219 f°’ f;¥¢i;£(???{1.?¥P??B??i.1gsEl?T.???%949 912 6i¤r·6¤6*·>*6m66¤ 6666 6* 196666 66*·· 2*9 deiiciency appropriation for .. , 29 220 . ior current expenses, etc ... 46 Games; payments _______________ _ _ _ 220 °r l;];§uf°°tu‘r°’ °t°" °f mms 66 °’rm°` 46 no commutation allowed; cultivation, for ¤w—» ·>¤1¤»~¤·=<—> ------- - ---- 49 644.{’4‘§z4"Z‘%.““4 4444""44;4;4414;z44 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Tim iii} mr aummatic m“°hi“° ’m°°’ 1917 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 811 preference to present 4·664416`4IL6`·`£444` tim; . for ammunition for machine rides, 1917- 811 berlmds ’ _ 220 consfitution 2f, under National Defense Act 274 Frim, homestééifgéé `''`' ' 221 seectiono sergeants .. 74 ""Z `'`` - " deltjms of 0mc€mwmh¤"¤£dm_·_____ 174 d for two years, descrrp- 221 'eutenants as student 0 cers· el1g1' '- · · '’' Y `'`'``` 9 ``°` bility .,4. 666444644 444444444-i .. 44-4 °°'“‘“°“°°°,.,,.,4.§*.:.’§§‘“644‘°‘44,°W‘§.§44’°°°"f?T7 ?°’ 424 9'*"""¤>6 9179* W6’D6P°""**'“· 16,441 p444¢6641i4444¤444441444444444a4444 iéiém 41416 appropriation for clerks, etc., .. 91, 1095 nihud compmy _________ _ ________ 221 dmhP“i°n· °t‘?·· t° b° Pwd {mm “PP'°' matters submitted· determination of nations for fortifications, etc.; tug due ’ _ _ _ _ 221 Emit- -~·-----··--—-·--—~--·—·—- 9r1999 IDODBY in C0l1l:a;’6é;é(i·il£ ssirés. 221 f<>r_r¤¤6 ·-········ : · ·. ·········‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 350* 1097 appropriation for accrued taxes 221 "°“"‘°i‘§% “‘?¥’fi’¥’fT?‘?f’¥i .*2*. F.’?f‘f€·. .‘?‘f·: 809 ·¤··¤·=vg,;r,¤g;,,6,=;¤6`·i°·¤6 66666 M6 · 6** ,,2 additional allowance of draftsmen in, by payment fum; ji}; ' add-m£m°u°”fs·'§$;·a}2i ·{(;r&;;;r 350 ers; escertainment gif amounts duef. 222 b fortifications Act; five-year lease: 913 m c];;1Dt__ _ _ _____ 222 °*6~·~¤· $Y¢6r<~·· Aww . . 6,2 balanca to 464444444 444466 444444 . , 222 °p§);°l{;m¥‘°“gt‘2` °mm“mu°°· °t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 643 moneys regivegftherggfdter from gands and P¤¤Y¤· ---·-·—--·-»-~-—- - ······· tim r, ter uction or taxes, f<>r_pumh¤¤e ew-,--4 ---------~·--~- , 949 .446, 444 be distributed . 222 d9H¢1¢;\;:Y ¤Pl’*°P¤9·'·*°¤ f°’ P’°°9"`"‘€· 46 to se&e;64§44ed446ib16 sclixooll fund 8 . . 222 64 4¤é¤£s4é,`6¤c i .- - ------- 46 ‘°§4Z‘}‘?'F{°f’. ff ?f’T‘TT‘T‘T‘}.°?. .‘T‘T f’i Tf?`. if 446 for lnfantry, etc., equipments . . . . . I 46 to reclamation fund ________________ _ 222 0*990764 to general fund of the Treasury ... 222 °PP*’°P*'i*ti°¤ f°’ s“""Y°" genemlv °]°’k“¤ from all other sources to State for irre- 9*6- ·‘ ·-··~··-··-- ; ··-·--·· : ···· 103* 1107 ducible school fuxid - .. 222 aids 99 ¤9Vi8“·Pi°*}¤ 99% mr ““t·h°nz°d··: · 599 · to counties for common schools, roads, cession of jurisdiction by, over Bild! 1-11 em ________________________ _ ______ 222 Crater Lake Park, accepted, etc.. 2 . 521 to general fund of the Tmamry ______ 22;; Crater géitional Forest, Cal., and, ares modi- 1735 authority fm. myuiinw; conditions _____ gg; ...·-·---------· · —---·--··· · · · - 4»eg44144 ‘ , to mad . L Deschutes N44444444441 166444446, BIl]81’g€q .. me plmjsggflr if; gm swwifjgy eu, ________ 2*23 F"°m°¤t N°ti°“$‘ F°“’“t¤ dma mgqmed 1797 appropriation for expenses of clamification . 2*23 "“’d“ °°· f°’ P“bh° PU 505 Oregangnd Washington Volunteers, pawnm1°t%°‘i) '‘ I '`‘' rg gf' of Ordencrozzymailprggxiauon for pay, etc .. 825 Rm · 441 . ° ‘ wr. .

 . T         923 fsiggdiction extended over lands in Crater _

tohci-rs of decedents_____________ _____ _ I Lake P&!k... . ...- ·· --·· · --·-· 022