Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/875

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INDEX. 2037 Prvacrewi, Pm- Parka, Severn L. Pmd¤¢ge·;¤; ¤¤i¤i¤¤e¤¤ purity ---··-.-... 794 pension ... I .. 1481 °“ mt? manmum Purity -·------»--- 793 Parkston, S. Dak., P¤T¤90uW» Ark-. condemned cannon granted to 841 condemned CKDDOD D0. . .. . ..._ 833 Parlianwnt, George P GTGQW1/y pension .. . ., ,, , , 1586 appropriation for minister to .., 252, 1048 Parrrwr, James, ¥11'€8ty with, for Bdvancemeut of general pension increased ____________ _ ___________ 1324 P€3¢€ -·---···---··-·-- - -----.- 1615 Parmer, Martin I/C, Pmcel P°·$t» _ _ _ military record corrected . 1475 appropnauon for experiments 111 extend- Parr, Wi lahm A., _ mg, for farm P1‘0d11¢¥8 ·--·----·· 424 pension increased 1213 deficiency appropriation for insurance 827 Paweu, Anna C., allowance to milrcads for increased weight payment w, ic; loss of son _____ _ _,____ ; _ _ 1473 _ lunit, since January 1, 1914 425 Pamah, Samuel A., m gyecniied zones, since August 15, 1913. 425 pension increased ___________ _ _______,____ 1224 Pfmyel v8! Cqnvcnticm, _ Paraonages, etc., D. C., Church, ·

 gllilgévfilllé Republic ... . .   exempted from real estate taxes; condi-

W1 113- -········.---.---.·.»..- tions .. 515 Pardeeville, W13., Paramw, George W,, Cvndémned CSBDOD granted to. . - 835 pension increased ... . 1265 Pqris Eognagny Pact, _ _ _ Parsons, Maw O. (widow), 1nvest1§·at1ou of, by Tariff Commission pension ,,,,,,,,._,,__,_,_______,,,, , ..,,, 1386 _ irected ... 798 Partnerships, Paris Greens (see Insecticide Act). cxcem-profits tax levied on incomes of 1000 Pag·w,_ Tex., exemptions allowed; extended to agrilumt of cost for public building at ... 1196 culture and ersomal services .. 1001 loam of tents, etc., to sufferers by tire at 50 Parmilge, Fredemkk Ag, Parivh, Ambrose, pensnon increased . . .. 1504 pension increased 1241 Pasadena, Cal., Building and Loan Associa- Parish, Sarah C'. (widow), hbn, pension increased . . ... - .. 1214 refund of excise corporation tax .. 149 2 Pansh, Sarah E. (widow), Pascagoula, Misa., pension increased ... . 1221 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 397 Pm-k, William H., ‘ bndgc authorized across West Pascagoula pension increased 1442 River at .. 236 Parke, lWlliam R., Pascagoula River Miss., pension increased 1521 appropriation ic: mamteusncc of channel Parker, James R., _ thr0ugh ... - ..-.-·-·--· $97 pension increased ,... . ... 1226 for improvement of . 397 Parker, John, Passaic Rwcr, N. .[., pension increased ,,,,,.,... . . 1526 appropriation for improvement of 393 Parker, John N., P¢¤·¤m9¤‘ Ad, 1882 _ _ pension ______, _ _,______,, - 1 377 not altered, etc., By Immigration Act- - . 897 Parker, Julia A. (wzkiow), P¢5-¤my¢r_ V¤¤¢l¤._ pension _______ , ,,,,.. . .,... 1455 1l\Bp9CI10!1 CGTIILEGBDQ to ENDS I1\Hllb0l' 0( Parker, Sarah A. (waklaw), geugers allowed, other than ferry- pgugi0uinc;·gg59d_ _____, , ,... . ... 1444 B.  :..-..- ··-·----- 918 Parker, Thomas J., penalty for carrying znore passengers than pension increased _______ , ,.., 1516 _ allowed by certmcato. 1 . , . 918 Pa,-ker, Tykr W_, pumshment for master permitting excess peugignincyggggd _________ , ..,.. . ... . · of pBSB?D8€fB..:•••··-_ ··---- 918 Parka, William, specml permns for allowing excursxon, no pension increased . ... 1528 csnjg excess pqnpengern, ew ·------- 918 Pqrkgrgburg, W_ Vq_, 8ppl.’0V of 1D8p%t0l’ ... condemned cannon granted to -.-··· · ···-·- 842 P¤§·¥m9¢"'$» _ _ , Pm-kin, A_rk_’ _ _ hats, etc., geqmred from vessels bnngmg bridge authorized across Saint F 1‘9·¤¢1¤ 1{1 8h€¤· ·; ·······-····~··---·-·-- 882 River ______ _ ___________ , ,.. 920, 947 carrying out ahem, etc .. : .. 883 _ Parking Ceymmismkm, D. C., citizens intending to resxde permaappropriation fur expenses. -· . -·-- 691, 1019 _ ¤9]1uY $·bfo§d ···········• - ·-—·-··· 883 Pmnmw., uugh M., lm of alrqn, emma, w be g;g¤p<¤i· ew- - 884 pension increased 1328 ndenuiicauon certgiicates tp given . 884 pnrkc, Chmkc WW ceruiicane from 8h1P,B g$cer . . ... $84 ncncicn increased ____________ , ,__.. 1286 of med1cu.l exammxguon ...-.--- 884 pm-k,_ D, C1 for nondelnveryq 2 . 884 appropriation for care, etc., Rock Creek and exammsitxou by immigration officxals 0 Piney Bmlch ______ _ _______ , _,, 693, 1021 _ alien ou arrujal ... . ...·---- 885 connections with District BGWGKB and at 1¤}m1g¤mt Etatwm -·····-··· · ··‘·‘·‘ 885 Mnrygnnd ncwcmga gygtgpm to pre- mBd1C&li special experts for mental de- 88_ vent lluticu of streams ID ..-·· - · · 717 f6€¤V€¤, Bic--; --·--- ; -··· _ -·-·-- ; - - 0 pmb, D_ gw gonna, nd _ land f power axéglmauthnnty of xmmxgmut in- 885 ' ‘ of SPEC .--·· --··· “""’°*Z,'§‘,‘§§‘§ LZQ, ‘E£’mi.2'“”‘“g _____ wiz, mz punishment fo; ¤r;¤=¤¤p¤¤g, ew ------- 886 Parka, Namyml (au National Parks). by b°“'d °‘ BP°°m1 mquuy ···· · ······· 886