Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/921

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INDEX. 2083 Plant Lulustry Bureau, Department of Agri- Prize- ¥ Playgrounds, D, 0,, Page. r1lllzlre—Cont1nue . _ appropriation for equipment. etc .. 691, 1019 appr0pr1ation for tcsting commercial seeds. or salaries ,,__ _ ____ _ _______________ (gg], 1019 etc . ., . . . , .»... . . .. 453,1142 for swimming pools, etc ...,,,_,__, , _ _ 691,1019 preventing importing of adulterated, for two additional swimming pools . 691 _ _€t¢·~ g{=¤5¤6¤ ---··· · --··-·----·· 453,1142 volunteer service permitted; restricmr improving cereal, tobacco, etc., pm- tion ,_,,,,.,_, . , ,,,,,.,,.,_..,___,, 1019 duction. . : Z ... 454, 1142 for new site in square 555 ... . ... 1020 flax cult1vat10u, diseases, etc .. 454, 1142 Pleasant Springs, Ala., Cumberland Presbyte- ' corn improvement and production. 454, 1142 Mkm Church. investigating black and stripe rust. 454, 1142 yment of Court of Claims lindings to 1496 _ for tobacco production, etc 454, 1142 Pgzrure Clubs, tor breeding fibrous plants for paper exempt from income tax .. 767 making ...-... 454, 1142 Pleuropneumemoz, etc., Animal, for drought resistant, etc., crops .. 454,1142 appropriation for preventi spread of, iorsugar plant, etc., investigations. . . 454, 1142 from one State to anoltger ... 450,1138 developing beet-seed industry . 454. 1142 for emergenc use in eradicating. etc- 492.1167 mvestigating cane and sorghum sirup payment zor animals destroyed; approduction, by—pr0duct.s, etc . 454, 1142 raisal of .. 492,1167 for economic botany, improving grazing Plumas Rlalional Forest, Cal., lands, etc .. _ 4§>4, 1142 appropriation for maintenance. etc.. of. 459. 1148 for dry land, etc., farming experi- Plumb, Flora C'. (willow), ments- 454, 1142 nsiou . ...,...,. 1365 free distribution of trees restricted . 454, 1142 Plzemb, Samuel, for utilizing reclaimed lands in connec- nsion increased ,,,,,,_____,_______ _ ____ 1544 tion with western irrigation agricul— Plgfnbing Inspection, D. C., ture ... 454, 1143 , appropriation for salaries, division of 677, 1004 for pomological investigations, harvest- or motor cycles; . . . 677, 1004 ing, etc.; pecans 454, 1143 I Plummer, George W, iorexperimental gardens and grounds. 454, 1143 nsion increased .. . . 1564 for investigating, producing, marketing, Pglemmer, Harvey D., alias Harvey D. Picketc., truck cropsvpotatoes, etc. . . 454, 1143 mall, for farm, a .. 455, 1143 nsion increased ... . 1294 for foreign and plant introduction, Plgemwwr, Idaho, experiments, etc .. . @,1143 subdivision of tracts in town site; sale, for lan for plant breeding station, Chico, etc .. . 435 f Cali; H: . xiii. 1143 grant of lands toéfor pubpp goes .. 435 or purc ase, etc., new , an mv - ymentrr useo porhen r ui}d1ngs` ,etc. 435 gation of forage crops; cactzi, etc- . 455, 1143 Plsitnmawilk Ark., for administrative exgenses . $55, 1143 condemned cannon granted to . 836 for seed purchase an Congrusional dis- Pneumatic Tubes, tribution .. 455, 1143 appropriation for maintenance. etc., apdeticiency appropriation for investigating, praisers’ stores and customhouse, etc., citrus canker . . . , 24 ’ew York City .. . . 271. for investigating, etc., white-pine blister for connecting Navy Department with rust. ... . . 24 Annex . . . . 607 for general expenses . . . 31. 826, 829 Pneumatic Tubes, elc., Postal Scrz>i¢e, for seeds, distribution, etc. . ... 32 appropriation for mail transmission by . 418. 1063 for purchase. etc., valuable seeds . . 826 contracts extended to March 4. 1917. . -118 Plants, etc., Agricultural, extension of existing contracts for one appropriation in investigating diseases year; restriction on use of approof ... . .. 452.1141 priation .,. . 1063 pathological COUBCGODS. . . . ... . 452. 114]. Cpugmgiougl cgmmigjgn (·mg{(·d lm ju, plant diqcggq survey, ,,,.. . . 1 H1 vestjgnte service with a View to for nutrition, etc., investigations . _453. 1141 · purchase . _ . 1 064 testing, etc., cultures for inoculating ‘ steam to operate. furmshed trom approlegumes ,.,.,. . . . ... 453. 1141 g priauons for public buildings: pay- Platt. Albrrt. _ : ment for . .. 274 ension increased ... . 1o33 ‘ Pocomoke River, Md.. Plgiu. Elsie A. xwaklow). appropriation for impmvement of .. . . . 394 [pension increased, .. . - --·· · -·--·· 1291 € Poe, — P att Naflomzl Park. Okla. ¥ penmonincreased ... . 13:9 appropriation for maintenance. etc. . . . . 308 · point Bqnngufn, P, R:} _ _ _ deficiency appropriation for repmring f rem0va1_0 hght station. etc., authorized. . 031 bridges, roads, etc - -···----·-- 42 E Point Judith. R. 1.. _ _ Platt. William J., preliminary examination. etc.. to be made ension increased 1546 I formm0val0fsboals.harb0rofrefuge 406 Plieitls, Samuel, Point Lookout, Hd., _ pgngion jucyggsgd _______ _ _,,_.,, . ... . 1444 I appropriation {Of COI1f6d€!'B.{9 C€m8t8f§°. . . QS! Plaltsburg, N, K, A POM! Vi'*·{·'”{’€» OGL _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of h3¥b0l'· - 392 appropr;1ationfor_estabhshing light and fog- Playa dnl Reyhzlez and Basin, Vmiw, Cal., _ _ Signal s;g*u°n ‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ gm preliminary examination, etc., Of, to be P°*"'<"'; -Y‘}""‘°l ·· 1--9 made ___________ _ ________ _ ________ 410 pension increased . ..---------·· - - M