Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/958

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INDEX. 2 1 1 9 Rutledge, mllakzm B., Page. Saginaw, MWL, p,g,_ R!B1‘;?$;gW1;°’ eased ·---·---· - ·-------.. . . . . 1222 S apprgpéiationgor pgllgic building , 263 » _ _ , am rewa ay, . R;;;:“*B;v;;c5%8€d· ····~----. . . . .. 1593 approphrisgog for irlrglprézegrient rg; chggmgl 397 v . . ·» palac co ver .,... P°“’“’“ Wcrmed ---···—-··· · --~·-·-·-·-· 1271 Saint An*rg’s_In ant Asylum, D. C., Ryan, Marlin W, approprratron for care of children in. . . 709,1037 pensron . z ... . 1369 Samt Augustine, Fla., Ryan, A- (widow), appropriation for public building .,,., , , , 268 Rpewgl--.6..(..; ) 1 332 powder blouse lot donated to, for public

  • 1***% . ***1/ · ******l*’*** par .·-------··------····-----·-·. 926

pensron - ... 3. . ; 1380 Saint Clair, Mash., Rlgggjggaw E· (d*¤*0h¢¢¤‘). 1530 S qor;¢g2$<§1_cann1<;n Igranted to . 834 .. . ... am wer, me ., RZ/6, _ appropriation for improvement of, channel officral standards of quality and condition _ at Port Huron .. 400 _ to be establrslredu-: .. 483 Samt Croib; Island (see also West Indian interstate and foreign slupments to con- Islands Ac%;u·ed from Denmark), form to . . . . 483 convention with nmark for ceaion of. . . 1706 Saint Crotch: River, Mz., S. appropriation for light station at Dog Island _ entrance to 317 S<¤1>vw~Ne¢*¤eg Caml, _T¢¤., ams mm, at nnneyvsrio and emo appropriation for improvement of, from Fans, comgnmd to _____ y __________ 534 Neches Rtver to Port Arthur Ship approval of Boundary Waters Commis- _ Canal ···—·-··-·----······-······- - 399 sion, necessary 534 Sabine Pa,rs,_ Tex., _ conditions, etc ...·.-- · ·-··· 534 appropriation for improvement of. ... 398 Smht Crm}: Water Power Company, Sabine Ruger, La. ajnd ez., operation, etc., of dams across Saint Croix appropfrr1g.t.1o§for1mp>;·ov;z·R,'1r1entt¢;twaterway 397 River, Me., by, authorized; condim glmgn u [ver ___, ,,,,,, tigng ____________ _________ ____ _____ 534 Sac and .Fo<c_Ind·12m. Agency, Iowa, _ Saint Elizabeths Hospital, D. C., appropsrgluop for land for Mesquakre Day gn nppfogriation for general expenses. .. 309 00 ·---·~····------···----.-···- r uildi d ds, pau·s` tc. . 309 Sac and Fon: Indian Lands, Okla., forenlargiingg . .? 309 dramagicamesemenls allowed cn agency, - for amount dg; :t!ll3_iI1€!€0f mg e ... charges m funds ... Sac and 1{ox_Indn2m Sqnotovium, Iowa, for ofindigent inane, District of S appnrgpigauggdizr ma}ntenance, etc., of-. 125,970 { umbia, Ei?. . 710, 1088 ac a ox ns, owa, name o Govemmen ospi name approphrilggon for beneit of, from tribal gn S chgngad in ...,. 309 ...,... aint F‘mncns` , r ., Sam, Me., _ _ _ time extended for bridging Saint Francis S appropriatzilcip for public building .. 268 S Riverért .. 1 acr ment aint Francis` incr, reelnicignsksftris purchases, etc., of, in 905 appmptrlixion _ for improvement of, and 399 as ,,,,.,,. . . .. utanes .. . .. S in District ;%loluml;?ia . .. . . . 1125 bridge bputhorined acres, Browns Ferry, 7 nto ther ivers, a ., 0 ... aaigpwrzprialliydn fdr? imgovernent of 404 Butler and Dunklin Counties, Mo ... 7 amount for Fea _ er River subject to Craighssd County, Ark 920 local contribution ..,. : .. 404 Pnflgn, Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..·. 920, 947 special engineer board for, abolrshed . . 404 preliminary examination, etc., to be made. for improvement of, in accordance ol of "sunk Indy", _  : . 409 rep<;)rt of Dgbrés Commimion ... m time eritepded for bridging at Sant Francis, I contri ution y tate . r .. . . ’“€"'“"‘?· , 122 8“;L'.‘.€£‘...""',*"Z:.'.“.'£z.i€£`.£‘;::,.. ... tam, 9171180 C0 B.·.• • -1 Sacramento River (see also Flood Control, of waterway connecting 'hmp• Bay Mississippi and Sacramento Rivem), _ and ... z.: .. z .. 408 provisions for controlling tloods, removing Sam! 1%lqm_Naval Troming Stetson, 'Vm, S dla Jdglgrxs, and improving .. 949 Smtpcrrlaftron for garnterprnce . 562, 1174 apqnéiog inmiggged ________ _ ____ , __________ 1501 gippmprlgtjon for ele., of. 459, 1148 Sadler, Sarah Jam (widow), Sam: [og River, Idaho, _ S ponmghrggcrirsed 1375 mw examination, etc., of, in bs 410 e,- .,,..,_,., . .. . . °,,°QZS;0,,__?__jj _____________,,,,,,,_,,.,, me sm John mma (see also was mans S“f"” *‘”,§’,fi;".‘;“Ai*,;‘§ *"‘“"“’ 8****** "* m.m¤’§‘§§“$o.*°E"°d m.»»."°§}°°m.“*"?.?."§}t.. 1:*06 Safety ofxI§ailwayfOpqrutian, _ etc Saint Johéns Clnmzh, Bamberg County, appmptzamgdg glugte .. { Z,. 280 payment oi lfonrt of Claims Endings to 1496 Saggr, $1 JOh’{lS._O7'€%, l _ _ pension increased 1312 appropriation r public burlding . . . . 268