Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/555

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For translations, and for expenses of passports and sea letters, three hundred dollars.

For stating and printing the public accounts for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, one thousand four hundred dollars.

For compensation of superintendent and watchmen of the south-east executive building, eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said building, including two thousand dollars for repairs of building, and also the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars, applied out of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, for clerk hire in the general land office, in relation to revolutionary land scrip, six thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.

For defraying the expenses of enclosing the grounds attached to the Treasury Department, one thousand five hundred dollars.

War Department.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of War, twenty-two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of War, three thousand dollars.

For books, maps, and plans for the War Department, one thousand dollars.

Paymaster general’s office.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the paymaster general, four thousand and six hundred dollars.

Commissary general’s office.For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the commissary general of purchases, four thousand two hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars.

Commissary general’s office.For compensation to the clerks in the office of the commissary general of subsistence, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Chief engineer’s office.For compensation to the clerks in the office of the chief engineer, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.

Topographical bureau.For contingencies of the topographical bureau, including the purchase of books and maps, and the repairs of instruments, one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand dollars.

Lithographer.For the services of a lithographer, and the expenses of the lithographic press, of the War Department, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Ordnance office.For compensation to the clerks in the ordnance office, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars.

Surgeon general’s office.For compensation to the clerk in the office of the surgeon general, eleven hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, four hundred and twenty dollars.

Quartermaster general’s office.For compensation to the clerks in the office of the quartermaster general, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, six hundred dollars.

N. W. executive building.For the salary of the superintendent and watchmen of the north-west executive building, eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labour, oil, furniture, repairs of building, and improvement of adjoining ground, three thousand six hundred dollars.

Navy Department.For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dollars.