Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1005

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 178. 1918, 987 Lolo National Forest,, $11,939; Loiamtm. Lumguillo National Forest, Porto Rico, $1,700; Luquino, P. R. Ma ison National Forest, Montana, $3,930; Maureen, Mont. Malheur National Forest, Oregon, $6,091; Mal1ieur,Oreg. Manti National Forest, Utah, $5,090; nsuavtsu. Manzano National Forest, New Mexico, $5,860; nmm.,n.u¤. Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, $6,450; Medicine Bow, Wyo. Michigan National Forest, Michigan, $1,981; ~ manages, umn. Minam National Forest, Oregon, $6,476; M*¤**m»°"S· Minidoka National Forest, Idaho and Utah, $4,709; U,ghi“i°°ka* 1******** °“d Minnesota National Forest, Minnesota, $2,970; iniiutsmrmat. Missoula National Forest, Montana, $9,380; ~ Mimoula,Mont. Modoc National Forest, Califomia, $7,388; s utacacai. Mono National Forest, Nevada and California, $1,647; Mem, mv. me cn. Monterey National Forest, California, $3,547; mummy, car. Montezuma National Forest, Colorado, $4,670; . ummm, com. Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska, $1,165; md t()'gx{;5_ud the §¤b¤q¤¤,N¤i¤. work to the Niobrara division thereof, $5,000: Provided, That from Yyéuaees to me the nurseries on said forest the Secretargeof Agriculture, under such '“'{;‘{,, ;,3°‘;"§;7 rules and regulations as he ma prescri , ma furnish young trees ° ° _ gee, gay? they may bielspareai te; rlesidents gg the territory covered y " c increasing e area 0 omestea in a portion of Ne. braska," approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and fom-; Promkied further, That the cost of any building erected at the nurs- °°’°°"’°°'““"‘ eries on the Nebraska National Forest may amount to butshall not exceed $1,000, $6,165; Nevada National Forest, Nevada; $2,249; nevada, mv. Nez Perce National Forest, Idaho; $12,620; na rm¤,1au». Ochooo National Forest, Or%0 ~ $6,451; _ o¢m¤»,0¤»g. Okanogan National Forest, aliiliington, $8;964; omtgan, wan. Olympic National Forest, Washington, $16,598; " oiympa, wm. Oregon National Forest, Oregon, $16,009; omgm, omg. Ozark National Forest, Arkansas; $9A)30; o¤k,ar1¤. Payette National Forest, Idaho, $8,537 ; r»y¤m,1anr¤. Pend Oreille National Forest, Idaho; $12,020; r¤¤aomme,1d¤n¤. Pike National Forest, Colorado, $13,373; rirecoio. Plumas National Forest, Califomia; $19,803; riums, cn. Powell National Forest, Utah; $1,010; 1>¤w»1i,man. Prescott National Forest, Arizona, $6,255; r¤s¤¤a,.»m». Ranier National Forest, Washington, $13,035; m¤r¤»,w»¤. Rio Grande National Forest, Co orado, $7,157; me umm, core. Routt National Forest, Colorado, $6,585; nom, ono. Saint Joe National Forest, Idaho, $15,830; sam .n»,ranm. Salmon National Forest, ldaho, $5,377; Salmon,Idario. San Isabel National Forest, Colorado, $3,924; smrm»¤1,c<»¤¤. San Juan National Forest, Colorado, $5,534; san Juan, om. Santa Barbara National Forest, California, $9,774; sms an-ma, cer. Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico, $14,673; sam re, N. uu. Santiam National Forest, Ore on, $7,852; ss¤am,omg. Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho, $4,953; sswzmm, rmt. Selway National Forest, Idaho, $17,112; Selway, mano. Sequoia National Forest, California, $13,744; seqma,c¤1. Sevier National Forest, Utah, $2,110; sms, Um;. Shasta National Forest, California, $17,425; Shasta,Ca1. Sl10Sh0¤6 National Forest, Wyoming, $7,381; Shoshone, Wyo. Sierra National Forest, California, $15,750; S‘°”’· C"- Sioux National Forest, South Dakota and Montana, $2,640; ,§§{“" S' D"‘“ "‘° Slskiyml National Forest, Oregon and California, $12,660; $i=iiY¤¤· 0**8- md Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona, $8,341; c°di¤;:¤•v¤,.u·is. Smslaw National Forest, 0;- D, $6,042; Si¤slaw, oreg. Snoqualmie National Foresti%ashington, $12,366; “"°¤“*“‘*‘°·“'°“*‘·