Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1017

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cr:. 178. 1918. 999 six (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page sixty-three), known as the Adams Act, and all amendments to said Acts, in accordance with the act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved December twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-efht, establishing the Georgia Experiment Station, and the act of ugust eighteenth, nineteen hundred and six, accepsing the benefits of the Adams Act (Georgia laws, nineteen hun ed and six, p e eleven hundred and sixty-one): Provided further, That nothing¥erein shall be construed as limiting m;*y“,§}*,*;§;;l5Lu§Q1r§°°*°· the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture over and respecting the ' supervision of the operation of the said Georgia Experiment Station as set forth in said cts of Congress. _ To enable the Secretag of Agriculture to enforce the provisions of m,°§{’.}§°{§,l§l§¤€,,*€Zi§{‘L the above Acts and the ct approved Ma eighth, ninteen hundred V°*·‘*8· P- 37* and fourteen, entitled "An Act to provide ger cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States De artment of Agriculture," relative to their administration and for &e administration of agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii Porto Rico, the island of t Guam, and the Virén Islands of the lzlnited States, including the w' °t°" °x` employment of cler , assistants, and other persons in the cit of Washington and elsewhere, freight and express chaages, oflilcial traveling expenses, office fixtures, supplies, a(ppartus, te egraph and telephone service, gas, electric current, an rent outsi e of the m District of Columbia, $68,500; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall Amul °°°°°°°°’ prescribe the form of the annual Hnancial statement required under the above Acts, ascertain whether the expenditures are in accordance with their provisions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agriculture with that of the State agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the lines authorized in said Acts, and make report thereon to Congress; D mma k For farmers’ cooperative demonstration work outside of the cotton ausiiiii or eoctiiii iigie. belt, including the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, and a.ll other necessary expenses, $554,800· cw tm domw For farmers' copperative demonstrations and for the study and stratiddd? comm-mir demonstration of e best methods of meeting the ravagles of the "°°"“’““"‘· cotton-boll weevil, including the employment 0 labor in e city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, ana all other necessary expenses hom $650,140: Provided, That the expense of such service shall e defrayed vumnzéry mumbafrom this appropriation and suc cooperative funds as may be volun- §{§’,§,l’,,,§",,{““ “’° S"“‘° tarily contrilliuted by State, county, and municipal agencies, associations of farmers, and individual farmers, universities, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, other local associations of business men, business organizations, and individuals within the State; y _ To enable the Secret of Agriculture to investigate and report ,;,“,,§'§$",,§, i“§$,‘f,“,,§°,§; upon the organization ah? rogress of farmers' institutes and agricul- ¤°°mmuwm pmt tural schools in the several) States and Territories, and upon similar msc:. organizations in foreign countries, with special suggestions of plans and methods for making such organizations more effective for the dissemination of the results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations, and of im roved methods of °cultural practice, including the em loyment oil labor in the city l:§nWashington and elsewhere, and ad other necessary expenses, $20,600; t I _o enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain ;,,!l{§`{TTi¤ ima agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the P°“°“‘°“’· island of Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, including the erection of build` , the preparation, illustration, and distribution of reports andmésulletins, and all other necessary expenses,