Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1039

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 201. 1918. 1021 "Whenever any such property shall consist of shares of sto k °<>¤>°¤¤¤¤¤S *0 CM- other beneficial interest in any corporation, association, or compaiiy gi gfuhkfgtzin Y-°wn°d trust, it shall be the duty of the corrgoration, association, or company or trustee or trustees issuing such s ares or any certificates or other instruments representing the same or any other beneficial interest to cancel upon its, his, or their- books all shares of stock or other beneficial interest standing upon its, his, or their books in the name of any person or persons, or held for, on account of or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any person or persons who shalzl have been determined by the President, after investigation, to be an enemy or ally of enemy, and which shall have been required to be conveyed, transferred, assigned, or delivered to the Alien Property Custodian or seized by him, and rn lieu thereof to issue certificates or other instruments for 0,f,§’g,°éf1;Q*g§g’,§“*° such shares or other beneficial interest to the Alien Property Custo- ` dian or otherwise, as the Alien Property Custodian shall require. . . " The sole relief and remedy of any person having any claim to any j¤c(iii$i!i;ri»i1s°ZitX¤il1b` moqeiy or other property heretofore or hereafter conveyed, transferr , assigned, elivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, or required so to be, or seized by him shall be that provided by the terms of this Act, and in the event of sale or other disposition 1,,,,,,,,,] ,0 ,,6, pn, o such property by the Alien Property Custodian, shall be limited ¤¤·¤i¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤»•¤¤- to and enforced against the net proceeds received therefrom and held gy the’Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United mt6S' Ca ‘talIssues C0 - CAPITAL ISSUES COMMITTEE. “‘i“g‘ m For carrying out the provisions of Title II of the "War Finance H¢¢,pI.siii' Coéporation Act," approved April 5, 1918, includindg personal services an rent of quarters in the District of Columbia an e sewhere, traveling expensm, furniture, equipment, supplies, printing and binding, law books, books of reference, periodicals, and miscellaneous expenses, $200,000. crvn. snnvron coMM1ss1oN. °°“" For temlporauiéy e%p1oyees for the Civil Service Commission, tgmwmy °mp1°y` $150,000: rm` ed, at not more than four persons shall be em- {j;¤¤>¤·{m U n ployed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,400 per Y '°° ° ° ` annum. For rent of quarters in the District of Columbia, $15,000. R°°f

    UMBIA• Districtoffoluruhia.

SALARIES· Salaries, The increases in statutory salaries, contained in the District of 1¤i]ici?ii¤i§?dai°fm Columbia appropriation Act for the Hscal year 1919, shall be allowed P°"· P· “m· and paid from uly 1, 1918, if the employees otherwise are entitled Pmim to receive them; Provided, That this paragraph shall not be applicable Restriction. to any employee who left the service prior to September 1, 1918, Mmmm me law For carrying out the provisions of the "District of Columbia expenses. _ minimum-wage law," approved September 19, 1918, $3,750. ‘m°’p' gw coxrrxenxr asn mscnnramnous nxrrmsns. °"““°‘°“*°"’°“’°" Forrepair of buildings owned and used by the District of Columbia, Fi’°mjm°s’r°p°im when injured by iire, $51,000. COURTS. Police court. Police court: For compensation of jurors, fiscal year 1918, $1,478. mm