Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1042

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1024 SIXTY-FIFTH conennss. Sess. II. Ch. 201. 1918. mg‘_$g·¤=¤ °·v·**» TREASURY DEPARTMENT. °’*’°‘°‘°'*’¤ °'”°°· orrrcfor cnnax am: surnnmmnnnm. _ _,_{f*“¤¤°°¤ B““°i¤¢· Arlington Building and annex Vermont Avenue and Street: Emglqyw for we For the following employyees for the operation of the buildmgs from °"’ November 1, 1918, to une 30, 1919, inclusive, at annual rates of ” compensation, as follows: Assistant superintendent of building, $1,800; chief engineer, $1,400; two assistant engineers, at $1,200 each; four elevator conductors, at $720 each; mo oilers, at $900 each; electrician, $1,400; two wiremen, at $1,200 each; plumber, $1,200; p1umber’s helper, $1,000; painter, $1,200; two carpenters, at $1,200 each; janitor, $1,200; assistantjanitor, $1,000; eighteen male laborers, at $600each (fourrof whom toattend toilets and two to relieve elevator conductors); captain of the watch, $1,400; three lieutenants of the watch, at $900 each ; twenty—i·ive watchman, at $720 each; head of char force, $840; three assistant heads of char force, at $7%_0 each; one hunélhred l?i35L1'W¥)!110I1*, tit $240-eaeg; in all, $55,373.33. F¤¤**¤¤» •*·=· on uipping et u` dmga' wi rugs an carpets, awnings, windoweshiades and carriers, windowiventilators, and bottle water _ 0o<i‘lers,$20,000;‘- - · held 01>¤¤¤¤s¤¤¤¤¤•- oropera' expensesow e ' , ectric current, ice,ta‘i¥removal, repairs, and miscellaueousnteuns, $30,000; In all, Arlington Building and annex, $105,37333.

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wnnszzmnmee nunmu or wan nrsx msunxncn. iianrtinenntuxnunsasi Ferifulrniture· equipment, and supplies; travelingexpenses; telegraph and service4;statibne1i;* and mbcellaneous expenses; printiago and mdmg; and rental 0 quarters; fiscal year 1918, $100, . MMM. ¤¤m>¤•¤» For salaries of officers and employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $6,000,000; stationery and minor office supplies, $300,000; furniture, ecpuipment, and supplies, including existing deficiency of $313,874 or addressogrzx equipment, file cabinets, typewriters, and so forth, for imm ’ te needs, $750,000; field investigation and branch offices, $500,000;. miscellaneous expenses, including telephones, telegns, {I6. ht, express, car tickets in the District of Co umbia, law ks, boolis of reference, and periodicals, $30,000; in all, $7,580,000. — t - · 1·‘¤¤=¤y •1¤¤*•¤¤¤~ For the payment of military and naval family allowances as Immun M d au{,'_horitied by aw, §73,000,000. f * b th Bd ,,,,,,,,_, ,,,,,,·,,,,,,··,,, or epurposeo epa ente allotmentsm e e `t wml? W 61 men or the payment of familéglallewances under Article¥[I of the Act m, ’ °°° °’ of October 6, 1917, as amen ed, an enlisted man reported as missing in action shall be considered as oecupyinégapay statue until his actu mm. status has been determinedgy propero lauthorit of the depart- L““*"“°"· mentm which theman serv oris Provided, fhat payments authorized hereumder shall not continue or more than one year. none annum;. rusuc BUILDINGS. Chiuev. IH- Chicago, Illinois post office, courthouse, and so forth: For repairing damage done to the Adams Street entrance, $22,000. R°""·°*°· Rent of quarters: For additional for rent of temporary quarters for_tl1e accommodation of Government officials and moving expenses _ incident thereto, in amounts and at places, respectively, as follows: Em Sam L°‘”·m· East Saint Louis, Illinois, $4,000. » gnnnggme, Ilnd. gvanswgille, Iéidianai $3,000. ¤'¥· * arris urg, ennsy vania., $2,000. §;?;;pm*‘¤¤°°¤,,;‘,f·V* Huntington went Virgin' ‘ ln, :4,000. ' Newport, Rhode Islan , $3,000.