Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1046

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1028 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 201. 1918. qu‘;Qt§};“;j_°“°” °‘ For commutation of quarters and of heat and light to commis- ' sioned officers, members of the Nurse Corps, and enlisted men on duty at places where no public %uarters are available, including _ enlisted men of the Regular Army eserves and retired enhsted men ,i£];*g‘;%,g§;§s”,Qb{*;';:’,; when ordered to active duty, and for eyery commissioned officer of aim pi S30. the Army of the _United_States on duty rn theiield or on active duty

  • without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States who maintains a place of abode for a wife, child, or dependent parent, for whom

no pub `e quarters are available, $75,861,520. ,,,i‘°;l‘; “t h°°d‘*““" Additional clerks at headquarters of the several territorial depart- ’ ments, territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, and service schools are authorized to be employed and paid from "Pay of the Army during the Hscal year 1919 at annua rates of compensation R¤t¤¤¤f1>¤y- as follows: Fifteen at $2,000 each, seventy-five at $1,800 each, one hundred and eighty at $1,600 each, one hundred and eighty at $1,400 each, one thousand and fifty at $1,200 each.

},%'u'}g'n§*;§,d $;}",;,,,,_ The approipriation for "Pay of the Army" for the fiscal year 1919

rejgfg-p·8$ mmm- shall be ava able to pay one thousand two hundred and eighty-nine ’ field clerks at the rate of $1,200 per annum, the minimum or entrance rate fixed by the Army appropriation Act approved July 9, 1918, C mmum ion of mstead of at $1,000 per annum, the rate appropriated m the said Act. qm?ms,m. For of ckgmmutatron of quarters, and of heat and light for _ e c er $551,826. • stgm°°g° °° °m°°”’ Fo)i· mileage td commissioned officers, members of the Officers’

  • ""°· *’·8“· Reserve Corps, when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons,

expert accountant, Ins ector Genera1’s De artment, Arm field Eleriks, and field clerks of) the Quartermaster Cbrps, when authorized aw $7 000 000. asiiiy °°°°°°t° spd- yAll the rhoney hereinbefore appropriated for pay of the Army and miscellaneous, except the appropriation for mile e to commissioned officers, contract surgeons, expert accountant, hgnspector General's Department, Army field clerks, and held clerks of the Quartermaster Corps, when authorized by law, shall be disbursed and accounted for by officers of the Quartermaster Corps as pay of the Army, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. u.§l‘§,{’°"2§,,,,’?,‘L‘,?,L$’,{Q,§*;’; GENERAL Arrnormxrrons, ouxnrnnnxsrsrz conps. Corps. g¤ifii¤.~liLii~;`i' Subsistence of the Army: For subsistence of the Arm , including

  • ""‘rP· **55- the same objects and under the same limitations specified under this

,,,,,,,,,_,_,_ head in the Army appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, ,u§;p‘~g<;gii·{sit?¤;i¤¤r $155,302,08% Provided, ll`hat not to exceed $250,000 of this surnjs Amy imag. ° °° made available for the purposes of developing agricultural activities on lands owned, purchased, or leased for the Army, and such development, together with the sale of any produce or material arising there- ,.,0,,,,,, ,,,s,,,m,_ from, shall be made ursuant to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of [war: Provided, That all moneys received by the POS, gardens mmc_ Lnrted States as the proceeds of such sales shall be depplsited in the ¤<;,¤g,S¤;r>¢¤·{<;g- Treasury as a rmscellaneous receipt; Provided further, at so much ` "P` ' of the Act of July 16, 1892, as rovides that no money appropriated for the support of the Army shall be expended for post gardens is Rm, ts {mm ice, suspended uring the fiscal year 1919. glvggpieucgerm into All funds hereafter derived from the sale of ice or as receipts from Ame, p. sai. the sale of electric current or laundry work under the appropriations of the fgrartermaster Corps shall be deposited in the Treasury of the 1,,,,6,,m, expmsm Lmted tates as miscellaneous receipts. Aw. r-851 Incidental expenses, Quartermaster Corps: For incidental expenséi of the Quartermaster Corps, including the same objects specified under this head in the Army appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $65,070,770